Batha surname Liborio Batha in Jalisco around 1890 help

I need some help,I don't have any information

Hi Welester,

There was a Liborio Batta in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco in the late 1800s. He was famous for starting a band there and continued playing after his death. He wrote many banda songs that are still played during the carnaval bullfights.

I have an old picture of the band from 1907, unfortunately he's not in it but there's a Jose Batta in the picture. Maybe it's his son or brother. If you're interested I can email it to you.

Sergio Gutierrez

Hi there Sergio ,

Yes, thank you I would love to see the pic . Maria Schroeder is the lady that I am helping out with this last name . This tuesday in Monterrey , Mexico we are having a meeting to start a family tree of all the last names in common here .

I have mentioned to the group that many if not all of the last names had origins in the states of Jalisco , Aguascaliente and Zacatecas .

Thanks again,

> Hi Welester,
> There was a Liborio Batta in Jalostotitlan, Jalisco in the late 1800s. He was famous for starting a band there and continued playing after his death. He wrote many banda songs that are still played during the carnaval bullfights.
> I have an old picture of the band from 1907, unfortunately he's not in it but there's a Jose Batta in the picture. Maybe it's his son or brother. If you're interested I can email it to you.
> Sergio Gutierrez