I have found some charts of the descendants of Moctezuma in the Archive of the Indies in Portal Archivos de Espanoles (PARES) that may be of interest to Nuestros Ranchos members:
This is a one page chart created after 1594 (exact date unknown). The page is partially damaged on the sides (thus some information is missing), and is headed with Moctezuma, then daughter Dona Ysabel with her three legitimate marriages (Alonso de Grado, Pedro Gallegos Andrade, and Juan Cano).
Her illegitmate daughter by Cortes is not shown.
These two documents show the same chart (211 is more legible than 245), but 245 has a narrative of several pages (which is not easy to read; however, the chart is easy to read). This document was made about 1574. This has somewhat less information than the previous chart, but does have additionally children of three of Moctezuma's wives, including Dona Leonore, daughter of wife Acatlan, and her daughter, Dona Lenore alias Dona Marina, who married Cristobal de Valderrama (who is also named in the chart).
These are the earliest documents I've seen that actually name some of Moctezuma's descendants.
There are other documents that provide more detail on the descendants of Pedro Moctezuma, whose descendants moved into the Spanish nobility.
The images are high quality and can be expanded without much lost of detail.
PARES is at http://pares.mcu.es/
To search for these documents go the Busqueda Avanzada. Under Filtro por Archivo choose Archivo General de Indias; then use Filtro por Signatura and Seleccionar to select the specific document (Signatura; for example MP-ESCUDOS and 211). Clicking on a document page gives the enlarged image; right click on the enlarged image with the mouse allows you to save the image on your computer.
Denise Fastrup
I found this post yesterday and out of curiousity decided to try it. Got to the image but when I click on the + to enlarge, the image disappears and I get a little x up in the corner.I hope someone else will take a minute to try to enlarge the image and let me know if it worked. Here is the direct link to the pagewhich gives access to the image - click on VER IMAGINES.
Thanks (in advance!)
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I have recently finished reading the book "Moctezuma's Children, Aztec Royalty Under Spanish Rule, 1520-1700" by Donald E. Chipman. What an excellent book! And it's in English which makes it easier for me to truly understand! It has genealogy charts for Moctezuma, his children and grandchildren. Donald Chipman is professor Emeritus of History at the University of North Texas in Denton. In 2003, King Juan Carlos I of Spain knighted him as a Caballero of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, the highest honor that can be accorded to a non-Spaniard. In this book he discusses the politics and cultures of Mexico, Spain and the Caribbean Islands which really help make our ancestors come to life. He and his assistants have spent years of research in both Mexico and Spain and everything is thoroughly documented. For those of you who may be interested, I purchased this book at BarnesandNoble.com and paid $24.95 US. However, after I purchased it, I found that it was cheaper ($16.75 US) bought directly through The University of Texas Press at www.utexaspress.com.
One of the problems I have encountered as I document my ancestors on Ancestry.com is that so many of my contacts have wrong information. I am sure the errors are because the same first names are used over and over again through the various generations! Many of these trees show that Leonor Cortes Moctezuma, the child of Isabel Moctezuma and Fernando Cortes as being married to Cristobal Valderrama. This is NOT the case. Leonor Cortes Moctezuma was married to Juan de Tolosa and he and Leonor had three children: Isabel de Tolosa Cortes Moctezuma (Isabel married Juan de Onate, the future adelantado of New Mexico and son of Cristobal de Onate), Leonor de Tolosa Cortes Moctezuma, and their brother, Juan de Tolosa Cortes Moctezuma, who was a vicar.
Mariana Leonor Moctezuma was the one who married Cristobal de Valderrama. They had only one child, Leonor de Valderrama y Moctezuma who married Diego Arias Sotelo. They had three children: 1) Fernando Sotelo de Moctezuma (who had four children: Diego Sotelo de Moctezuma-cleric, Leonor Sotelo de Moctezuma-spinster, Ana Sotelo de Moctezuma-became nun, and Juan Sotelo de Moctezuma-bachelor) 2) Ana Sotelo de Moctezuma (who became a nun) and, 3) Cristobal Sotelo de Moctezuma who married Juana de Heredia Patino. In these charts there is no mention of Petronila Sotelo de Moctezuma as a fourth child. In my family linage it shows her to be a daughter of Leonor Valderrama Moctezuma and Diego Arias Sotelo. It also shows her husband as being Martin Navarro de Gabay. Does anyone know if this is actually correct??? I have been unable to find anything relating them. I have tried many different variations on FamilySearch.org, but I know that in my years of research, some records seem to hide out, only to pop out later! I sure would appreciate any information.
Many thanks to all,
Judith (Gerry) Marentes
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I, too think I may be descended from Petronila Sotela de Moctezuma and have
the same tentative lineage from Moctezuma, pieced together but
unsubstantiated. I had noticed Donald Chipman makes no mention of her, and
that Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias only says that "es bien conocido
que se reconoce como nieta del Emperador Moctezuma Zocoyotzin" on page 187
of *Genealogia de Nochistlan Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia...* It looks
like she would be Moctezuma's greatgranddaughter. I have not had the time
to pursue this puzzle, but would also appreciate learning if anyone has any
additional info.
Happy Hunting--Raquel
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Many genealogist have confused and tied certain lines together that are inaccurate.
I have found several documents in the Archivos de Indias that help support the lineage
of Moctezuma. The problem is connecting and verifying it to the Ruiz de Esparza. Which
is our main line of claim. I hope to write something of my findings one life has been very
busy. The Sotelos end up in Mexico City, Aguascalientes and Morelia (Valladolid).
Daniel Méndez Camino
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Tried the search in Pares following your instructions for advanced search, but I got a message that the document could not be found. Is there another field in addition to the ones you mentioned that may be missing from your instructions.
Jaime Alvarado
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My directions weren't very clear: the search is somewhat more complicated than my posting indicated. These directions that follow will take you to a specifc record.
Select the Archivo as I described (Archivo General de Indias) from the pull down menu.
In the FILTRO POR SIGNATURA field, click on the button labeled Seleccionar. This will allow you to scroll through the lists to select the actual record to retrieve.
Scroll through the list, you'll need to click on the small down arrow at the end to get to the next page.
Click on the + next to MP-ESCUDOS. This will bring up a partial list of numbers. Type the number (for example 211) in the box next to the word "contiene," and click the check mark. Depending on the record, this will bring up another shorter list. In this case, only one number in the list, click on the link for the number 211 (this is below the box you just entered the number 211 in). This then returns you the the search screen with Signatura filled in. (In some cases with the number you will get a list such as R.1, R.2, R.3, etc., just click the specific record number)
Click on Buscar.
On the next screen, click on the link Mapas y Planos.
The next screen will bring up the title of the record. Click on the title. In this case, Arbol genealógico de los descendientes de Moctezuma.
The next screen, brings up the information about the record (call number, title, and other information). Click on the button Ver imagenes, and you will (finally!) get to the images.
The display gives you a thumbnail of the records, 8 pages at a time, and an enlarged view of one page. Click on the various thumbnails will take you to different pages.
Click on the enlarged image and you will get a full screen view. Right click on the large image with the mouse will let you save the image on your computer.
You can do general searches by putting keywords in the box labeled Buscar in the Busqueda avanzada field. Keyword + archive will narrow the search. Clicking the Registros digitalizados button will get you only those records with electronic images. Click on the various links in the lists that result will then take you to the records.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
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Thanks very much for you instructions regarding advanced searches in PARES. Also, the information about the Codex regarding Moctezuma's descendants is quite exciting as it opens new avenues of research on the topic of Petronila de Moctezuma.
Thanks again
Jaime Alvarado
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Hola Members,In www.somosprimos.com this January's issue there is a Moctezuma lineage in the mexican chapter. Maybe I missed something or blind ,who was Petrolina de Moctezuma's parents ? I might of overlooked it or dont know what I was reading.
Ronnie Reynoso
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: gpf13@aol.com
> Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 21:39:00 -0800
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Moctezuma's Descendants in the Archive of the Indies
> I have found some charts of the descendants of Moctezuma in the Archive of the Indies in Portal Archivos de Espanoles (PARES) that may be of interest to Nuestros Ranchos members:
> This is a one page chart created after 1594 (exact date unknown). The page is partially damaged on the sides (thus some information is missing), and is headed with Moctezuma, then daughter Dona Ysabel with her three legitimate marriages (Alonso de Grado, Pedro Gallegos Andrade, and Juan Cano).
> Her illegitmate daughter by Cortes is not shown.
> These two documents show the same chart (211 is more legible than 245), but 245 has a narrative of several pages (which is not easy to read; however, the chart is easy to read). This document was made about 1574. This has somewhat less information than the previous chart, but does have additionally children of three of Moctezuma's wives, including Dona Leonore, daughter of wife Acatlan, and her daughter, Dona Lenore alias Dona Marina, who married Cristobal de Valderrama (who is also named in the chart).
> These are the earliest documents I've seen that actually name some of Moctezuma's descendants.
> There are other documents that provide more detail on the descendants of Pedro Moctezuma, whose descendants moved into the Spanish nobility.
> The images are high quality and can be expanded without much lost of detail.
> PARES is at http://pares.mcu.es/
> To search for these documents go the Busqueda Avanzada. Under Filtro por Archivo choose Archivo General de Indias; then use Filtro por Signatura and Seleccionar to select the specific document (Signatura; for example MP-ESCUDOS and 211). Clicking on a document page gives the enlarged image; right click on the enlarged image with the mouse allows you to save the image on your computer.
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Moctezuma's Descendants in the Archive of the Indies