Someone had mentioned they were researching the Amaya's in Autlan--but I can't locate the post. In case anyone is interest: I have Bernarda Amaya (also spelled Amaia or Amalla) married to Juan Rosales-Mexia 14 oct, 1728 in Autlan. He died 24 Aug, 1737 in Ejutla and the entry mentions he was the owner of the Hacienda de El Limon. Their children were:
Maria Gertrudis who married Juan Francisco Garcia de Alba on 19 Feb., 1746 in Ejutla.Juan Francisco's parents were Manuel Garcia de Alba and Nicolasa Santa Ana.
Juan Antonio who married Anna Frafaela Comenares on 17 June, 1762 in Autlan
Juan Vicente who married Maria Josefa Cardenas on 7 Jan, 1767 in Ejutla.
Bernarda Amaya married Pedro Castill on 7 July, 1738 in Ejutla
Bernarda died 14 Jan. 1749 in Ejutla; aparently the result of an accident.
I suspect the parents of Bernarda Amaya may have been either:
Agustin Amaya and Nicolasa Caceres or Miguel Amaya and Elvira Caceres; but I haven't been able to prove anything and my hunch is based on the names of the padrinos of baptisms of the children. Deedra Corona
For Esther, Enrique, Leon, and all NR members who may find this helpful.
Again, I was searching through the Matrimonial Information records during an increasingly frustrating search for the Rosales family line. I found this:…
Seems like another piece of our puzzle. Any Ideas, please let me know. To me Manuel and Antonia Maldonado may be parents of Juan Rosales-Mexia. Also I'm sure you have seen the Matrimonial Dispensation for Elvira Amaya--who I personally believe is the sister of Bernarda Amaya (no absolute proof). This Manuel Rosales gives testament in the Dispensa.…
The odd thing is that Elvira is listed as 16 y/o, which means she would have been born about 1717, but Elvira Casares died 30 Nov. 1713.
Deedra Corona
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Hello Deedra and León:
Firstly, Deedra I've been trying to connect your Juan Rosales Mejía with my ancestors and here is what I have, hope this helps you. I looked at your ancestors marriage certificate in Ejutla in 26 Feb 1726, the record only states that they were "velados" but it doesn't mention they were "casados", I see you have another date for Autlán, some months before and I imagine that certificate doesn't mention too the names of their parents. I see the padrinos were Agustín Rosales Mejía and Gertrudis de las Ruelas, I imagine this could be the Agustín that was the son of Manuel Rosales Mejía and María de Contreras y Vízcaino. If that, Juan could be maybe the brother of Agustín that was baptized on 1677 but by the date he married in 1728 he should have had 52 years and he would be really old by that time. Well, by now that is what I have. I'll be searching for other possibilities and also for your Amayas', I haven't also succeeded with mine.
León, as a first thought I imagined your Manuel Rosales married with Antonia Romero, could be the son of Manuel Rosales and María de Contreras y Vizcaíno baptized in 1674, but when I saw he had one son with Antonia Romero in 1686, it came up to my mind that in fact he could me the same Antonio Rosales married to María de Contreras, the only way of knowing that it would be by checking the death records, so we could see if María de Contreras had died before, so it will be understandable that Manuel married again with Antonia Romero. Have you already checked the baptism godparents of Antonia Romero's children? I will be also interested in checking the death date of María, with that information will have an answer to your question.
In general, I also think it would be interesting to know the origin of these surname, probably it was by the union of to important lineages, like another cases. Hope someone could tell us or ourselves can solve that.
Enrique Agraz
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Dear Enrique,
Thank you so much for your interesting comments. I will take a look and search for those records regarding the Captain Manuel Rosales y Mejía.
I only have another data to add: The marriage record of Gertrudis Rosales y Mejía/Miguel Hurtado de Mendoza mentions that both parents of Gertrudis were deceased (1712). Gertrudis was baptised on August 8th 1694 -Tonalá- but I do not remember the name of her godparents. Although it is another theme but have you heard of other Romero Maldonado in the area? I have been trying to find the parents of Antonia Romero Maldonado but without success. I think that perhaps she is related to Captain Leonardo Romero Maldonado
Best regards,
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I've noticed that in some of the records she is referred to as Antonia Maldonado Saavedra.…
I'm still searching--but no breakthrough.
Deedra Corona
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Great discovery, Deedra! Perhaps she is related to:
1671-02-15 Madrid
Real Cédula al presidente y oidores de la Audiencia de Guadalajara, en relación a una carta de José Romero Maldonado en la que informaba del nombramiento por la Audiencia de Juan Maldonado de Saavedra, su padre, como fiscal interino de la Audiencia, vacante por promoción del licenciado Juan Cesati a una plaza de oidor, con un salario de 1.000 ducados de plata anuales, que debía restituir si consiguiese la confirmación de él en tres años, oficio que no pudo terminar de servir ya que fue comisionado por el virrey marqués de Mancera para ocuparse en asuntos en la provincia de Campeche, donde falleció, procediendo entonces la Audiencia contra José Romero Maldonado, su hijo, para que restituyese 472 pesos que su padre había cobrado, concediéndole dos años mas de prórroga para solicitar dicha confirmación, informándoles por la presente Cédula que dicha confirmación se ha denegado y ordenándoles que informen con qué autoridad señalaron este salario a Juan Maldonado, no habiéndose hecho esto nunca y que no lo hagan en lo sucesivo, pues no tienen facultad para ello.
Source: PARES, GUADALAJARA,230,L.3,F.354R-355R
Best regards,
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Thank you Leon,
Looks like a good chance for a possible connection. I had been pursuing Antonia's
parents as: Juan Maldonado y Saavedra and Magdalena de Vera (I believe this is the same Juan in this declaration). A sad bit of new, it appears Antonia died in childbirth with daughter: Antonia Nicolasa, The baptism mentions "defuncta" which makes her death Feb. 1696--unfortunately death records are not available in Sayula or Tonaya.…
Deedra Corona
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Estimado Erik, Deedra y Enrique,
Permiteme, pero tengo un dato que tal vez seria util en esta investigacion. D. Juan Maldonado y Saavedra caso Da. Magdalena de Vera el 22 de noviembre de 1636 en la parroquia de la Asuncion, Ciudad de Mexico. Este era hijo de D. Leonardo Romero Maldonado y Da. Agustina Suarez de Saavedra. En algunos registros Agustina se hace Agustina de Castilla. D. Magdalena de Vera era hija de Blas Ximenez y Da. Ana de Vera Cervantes. Seguro, Ana era pariente de los Cervantes, familia poderosa y afluente en la historia colonial de Mexico. Estas lines son de interes. Por favor, siguemos en comunicacion sobre el tema.
Un saludo,
Daniel Mendez de Torres Camino
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Estimados Daniel, Deedra y Enrique:
Daniel, muchas gracias por tu siempre interesante aporte. Solo me gustaría comentar que la esposa del Capitán Leonardo Romero Maldonado, Agustina Suárez de Saavedra fue Encomendera de Tlacalaguastla (Nueva Galicia).
Agustina -también conocida por los apellidos Saavedra de la Rosa- fue hija de Juan Suárez de la Rosa y de Francisca Saavedra (Hija del Capitán Antonio de Arroyo, conquistador de la Nueva Galicia); por el lado paterno Agustina era nieta del Conquistador Francisco Santos de la Rosa.
Respecto al apellido "Castilla", pienso que es un error de lectura. La esposa del Capitán Antonio de Arroyo se llamó Mencía Costilla de Saavedra.
De Blas Ximénez existe información sobre sus antepasados como descendiente de conquistadores hijodalgos en su confirmación de oficio como Escribano en la Ciudad de Méjico)
Lo anterior puede verificarse en:
- Archivo General de Indias: MEXICO,223,N.11 "Informaciones: Leonardo Romero Maldonado" 1600.
- Andariegos y pobladores: Nueva España y Nueva Galicia. José Miguel Romero de Solís.
Saludos cordiales,
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Estimado Erik,
Gracias por compartillar estos datos y sus fuentes con nosotros. Encontre en PARES sobre los inventorio de bienes lo siguiente:
18 de julio de 1622 - Ciudad de Mexico
Autos de inventario de bienes de capitán Leonardo Romero Maldonado, natural de Málaga, vecino de la ciudad de México, casado con descendiente de conquistadores, encomendero de los pueblos de San Francisco de Almoloya y Tlacoloastla, en la provincia de Colima; capitán de infantería y sargento mayor en Filipinas; corregidor de Ixcateopan; corregidor y juez de registrode Orizaba; alcalde mayor de la villa de Nombre de Dios. Participó en la defensa del puerto de Salagua contra los holandeses y defendió la frontera de Nombre de Dios.
Actuados ante Felipe de Samano, alcalde ordinario de la ciudad de México
Daniel Mendez Camino
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Estimado Daniel,
Respecto a la esposa del Escribano Real y Teniente de Alguacil Mayor de la Ciudad de Méjico Blas Ximénez su apellido correcto es Caravantes que fácilmente se confunde con Cervantes. Ana de Vera y Caravantes era hija de Francisco de Caravantes y Vera y de Ana Beltrán, nieta de Gabriel de Caravantes y Montoya, natural de Sevilla, Secretario de la Santa Cruzada en la Nueva España y su esposa Juana de Vera.
Gabriel era hijo de Mateo de Montoya y de Catalina de Caravantes; Juana de Vera era hija de Pedro de Vera y Soria y de Beatriz Ruiz Renfijo.
Ambos descienden de linajes de Soria; Caravantes al linaje de don Vela y Vera a Chancilleres y don Vela.
Un saludo,
Erik Reynoso.
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Enrique, I've been following up on different threads and decided to work a bit on this family. Manuel Rosales and Maria de Contreras y Viscaino had 4 children that I was able to locate all born in Sayula: Manuel B. 1674; Augustin B. 8 Oct. 1675;Juan B. 25 Jul, 1677; Antonio B.4 Aug, 1679; and Maria B. 7 April, 1681. Maria Rosales married Juan de Dios Sanchez Vigil in Cocula on 8 May, 1698…
In the entry it names the parents as Manuel Rosales and Maria Viscaino (Defuncta)which would place her death prior to May, 1698. I'm not sure this is helpful in determining whether this Manuel is the same married to Antonia Romero...but I think it opens the door a little wider. What do you think? Also, could you send me the link to Manuel's birth in 1674--I couldn't locate it. Also, I have Manuel, the son as child of Antonia Romero due to the information from his marriage to Josefa Telles Rios; was the information given wrong or is there still another Manuel?
Thank you,
Deedra Corona
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Hello Deedra:
I was the one who posted the topic about the Amaya's. My ancestors were Juan José Olivera and Juana María Amaya, I have four registered sons from them going from 1772 to 1779 all from Autlán. No more info. about this couple.
I'm Rosales Mejía too, my ancestor was Antonio Rosales married with Gertrudis Caro y Rentería (I don't have her parents) and Antonio's parentes were Manuel Rosales Mejía and María de Contreras y Vízcaino, she is a descendant from Sebastián Vízcaino, possibly a natural son of the viceroy Luis de Velasco y Ruíz de Alarcón. Have you any further information about Manuel Rosales Mejía? or from the origin of the Rosales Mejía family? I don't know from where does this compound surname comes from.
Besides this, I have Arechiga also in my family tree.
I will really aprecciate if you have any of these answers.
Thanks in advance.
Enrique Agraz
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Estherraquel Rosales Schoendienst
I am new to researching my family tree, I am not sure how to find more information. I have searched through and have built a Rosales Tree back to about 1750. My Rosales's come from around your area, but you seem to be further back! My oldest Rosales is Joseph Antonio Rosales born abt 1750 in the San Nicolas area of Jalisco. Can you make a connection or advise me where I should search next.
Esther Rosales
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Hi Esther,
Well let me tell you that I have a José Antonio Rosales married with Gertrudis García de Alba in 28 January 1731, this are my ancestors too but considering the date of possible birth of your José Antonio, it wouldn't be possible to be the same. They had a son named Antonio José Rosales married with María Micaela de Villalvazo, I hope this may be useful.
I would like to know the name of your ancestor's wife, so with that information it would be easier for me to trace your line back. You said you have searched through, I recommend you to use marriage certifiFor sure you'll find there various birth certificates and possibly acate of your ancestors. Also, if you don't have a marriage record, you can use the godparentes information to see if they were the grandparents or the uncles of the child.
Follow those advices and I think you'll finf some new info. contact me in any case if you want some help.
Enrique Agraz
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Enrique and Esther,
I'm search the Burials in Ejutla, Jalisco and came upon this notice from 1760 for Joseph Antonio Rossales, married to Maria Gertudis Garcia de Alba. Image 61.…
Deedra Corona
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Hi Deedra:
Thank you so much for the info. and the link. If you need any fact about the Rosales family let me know.
Enrique Agraz
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Hello Enrique,
Can I ask you how far back have you gone with your Rosales line? Do you have an idea who are the parents of Juan Rosales Mexia? and what is the origin of the name combination of Rosales-Mexia?
I am convinced his wife Bernarda's parents were Agustin Amaya and Elvira Casares. I have not found a document that names them explicitly, however, Agustin used the name Velasco up until about 1704, he died in El Limon, Ejutla in 1746--and when I checked the census in Autlan in 1748 I found all of Bernarda's children listed with the children of Agustin's other children (cousins). Do you have any other insights?
Thank you,
Deedra Corona
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I also have a Rosales y Mexía line:
An 8th grandmother was Xaviera Hurtado de Mendoza y Rosales y Mexia, wife of Juan Francisco Noreña Guevara y Martínez de la Vega. She was daughter of Miguel Estanislao Hurtado de Mendoza y de Lubiano & Gertrudis Rufina Rosales y Mejía.
Miguel and Gertrudis married in 1712 in the S. Metropolitano, Guadalajara, Nueva Galicia. In their marriage it is specified that he is from Patzcuaro -son of Jacinto Hurtado de Mendoza and Agustina de Lubiano y Ortega- and that she -Gertrudis- is the daughter of Manuel Rosales y Mejia and Antonia Romero Maldonado.
The baptismal record of Gertrudis does not add any other information except that her father Manuel is a Captain.
Enrique, could this Manuel Rosales y Mejía that married Antonia Romero Maldonado be the same as your ancestor that married -first or second nuptials- María de Contreras y Vizcaíno?
Best Regards,
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Manuel Rosales con Juana Corona Marriage