Announce Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3 - Chris Pineda

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info. My Trevino paternal lineage includes Villarreal and Longoria.....have you done research on your wife's lines? BTW, here is the link for the State Conference in October:
I am looking forward to it and plan to stay additional days to do more research as well as meeting newfound primos/primas in the Valley and especially meeting the members of the new group just formed there.

Abrazos, Josie

On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:00 PM, wrote:

> Hi Josie --
> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I would be very interested in any upcoming events. I don't have roots in Brownsville or Matamoros; my wife's family does though (Cisneros, Villarreal, Longoria families). However, I am a descendant of various founding families from Mier, Tamaulipas through my ggg grandparents, Tomas Ramirez and Concepcion, who moved from Mier to Laredo, TX in the 1890s. These families had land grants in South Texas dating from the 1760s, although at least my ancestors lost or sold their portion in the 1890s for reasons that aren't yet clear.
> Please keep me posted on any upcoming events!
> Chris Pineda