Agustin Villegas was born in Huejucar, Jalisco OR Jerez, Zac abt 1742. He married Rosalia Anriquez. Their first two children were born in Jerez, Zacatecas but the rest were born in Huejucar, Jalisco.

I would like to find Agustins Parents or decendants.

Their children
-Nicolas Saba Villegas (1762) Jerez, Zac
-Ana Ygnes Villegas (1764) Jerez, Zac
-Juan Joseph Maria Saturnino Villegas (1765) Huejucar, Jal
-Joseph Leocadio Villegas ( 1766) Huejucar, Jal
-Maria Gertrudis Feliciana Villegas ( 1770) Huejucar, Jal
-Juan Joseph Nepomuceno Romualdo Villegas ( 1772) in Huejucar, Jal

Hi Christina,

I, like both you and Katy, descend from Augustin Villegas and (Francisca)Rosalia Enrriquez (spelled many different ways, including Anrriques). I do not have the names of his parents, and I believed he married Rosalia in Jerez, during a time period that is not covered in the online records. There are gaps in the Jerez records that would help quite a few of my genealogical questions, but for whatever reason, they are missing.

I do have a note about Agustin: I have seen his last name mentioned as Villegas Moreno. I don't know if Moreno is his mother's last name, or if two two names are really one last name.

As Katy mentioned, Rosalia's parents were Antonio Enrriques and Gertrudis Quesada. There are many people in Huejucar who are descended from the Quesada family, along with the Banuelos family (my great-grandma was a Banuelos who descends from Agustin and Rosalia. My family tree contains many of the family members.

I consider Agustin a dead end for now, until I have more time to go through the Jerez records, or unless there is a dispensation that helps to identify Agustin's parents.

You may email me if you wish, so we can keep in touch on this line; just click on my username.


my files are on file name is Mexico and I do have one more child for Agustin and wife, Maria de San Pablo married to Jph Manuel is Llanos y Valdez. I have 5 children and spouse for them in my files.. hope this helps you.  I do not have the grandparents.
 marriage 18 Jan 1789 in Tepetongo, Zac
Don Jph Manuel Valdes Espanol from Troja
with Dona Maria de San Pablo Villegas Espanola from la Boca, Colotlan
godparents: Don Phelipe del Muro and Dona Maria Rosalia Reveles
source: death and marriage records Tepetongo
page 183 Family search online program
.baptism 10 May 1807 in Jerez, Zac
Juan Jose Espanol born in Santa Gertrudis 6 days old
parents: Don Jose Manuel Valdes and Dona Maria San Pablo Villegas
pat grn: Don Luis Valdes and Dona Francisca del Muro
mat grn: Don Don Agustin Villegas and Dona Rosalia Enriques
pad: Don Eucevio de la Torre and Dona Petra Montes
source: 0439849 film

From: ""
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:21 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] VILLEGAS

Agustin Villegas was born in Huejucar, Jalisco OR Jerez, Zac abt 1742. He married Rosalia Anriquez. Their first two children were born in Jerez, Zacatecas but the rest were born in Huejucar, Jalisco.

I would like to find Agustins Parents or decendants.

Their children
-Nicolas Saba Villegas (1762) Jerez, Zac
-Ana Ygnes Villegas (1764) Jerez, Zac
-Juan Joseph Maria Saturnino Villegas (1765)  Huejucar, Jal
-Joseph Leocadio Villegas ( 1766)  Huejucar, Jal
-Maria Gertrudis Feliciana Villegas ( 1770)  Huejucar, Jal
-Juan Joseph Nepomuceno Romualdo Villegas ( 1772) in  Huejucar, Jal

Thank You for the information.

I was actually trying to email but was receiving a failure message.I was noticing we have other people common from other last names. I was wondering if you can send me your direct email or if you can send me an email to
I would really appreciate it,
Thank You

Christina Villegas

i am also a descendant of augstin villegas. i don't know who his parents names aro, but i do know that his wife parents are antonio enriquez and gertrudis quezada.

i descend from him through his son joseph manuel (born in november 1773). joseph manuel villegas marries anita sanchez de nava. one of their sons is cristobal villegas(4th great grandpa). cristoval married refugio de arceo. they had many children incuding my triple great grandma bartola villegas. i'll stop there for now. if you to know more just send me an email.