I am trying to find the defunto record of my GGGG Grandfather Francisco Madera whose wife I know is Maria Leocadia De Huizar and they had a son name Juan Venancio Madera in 1762 in Rancho De Los Maderas. Then Juan had a son name Patricio Madera in Rancho Ximulco in 1792.
But now I turned my attention to try to find the matrimonio of my GGG Grandfather Juan Venancio Madera. But as I got to 1786 I ran across this document that is in the matrimonios but what is odd? Francisco Madera makes an accusation against Blas Escalante over his daughter Maria Josefa Madera. This is odd because Francisco Madera even goes so far as to demand that Blas Escalante be arrested and executed!! Here is his statement:
Then Blas Escalantes gives his statement to defend himself. I am not sure is going on and it is like a soap opera and I want to know if in the end, did Maria Josefa Madera get married with Blas Escalante?
This goes from page 30 - 33 the statements made by both sides:
Found a defunto record where the parents are Juan Venancio (Benancio) Madera and Maria Josefa Fernandez.
Year is 1803 of Maria Pantaleon Madera who passed away at age 12 which means she was born in 1793:
My Great Great Grandfather Patricio Madera was born in 1792 to Juan Venancio (Benancio) Madera/Maria Josefa (Last name left out):
But what is odd when Patricio Madera/Maria Dimas De La Paz had a son "Julian Madera" the brother of my GGF Calixto Madera (1851 - 1923), Patricio's parents are Juan Venancio (Benancio) Madera and Maria Gernonima Fernandez:
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The hacienda is named after a saint, but the name is abbreviated and hard to read. It seems to be Sn Em°, maybe Sn Ant° which would be Antonio.
Victoriano Navarro
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For what I could read, it seems that Francisco Madera is accusing Blas Escalante, son of Juan de Escalante of "deflowering" his daughter Maria Josefa Madera (violado su integridad) and getting her pregnant (ha resultado en sinta) thanks to promising to marry her (con palabra de casamiento). She knew it was hard to get married to him since they were first cousins (hijos de hermano y hermana) but he said he would get a dispensation.
He says they had sex (se mezcló carnalmente con su prima), but did not deflower her nor promised to marry her, and that she was having an affair with a married man who for that reason was expelled from the Hacienda(ella estaba mal entretenida con otro sujeto casado a quien por esa misma causa le había desterrado de la Hacienda).
I think they arrested Blas until they sorted things out (manteniendo en su --y mientras se determina esta causa-- practica en segura custodia al citado ¿Vlas?) but I don't know what happened in the end.
Victoriano Navarro
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Wow! Thanks Victoriano for intrepreting it for me. Expelled from La Hacienda? I wonder which one? The closest Hacienda is that of San Antonio De Padua. But her father Francisco Madera is from "Rancho De Los Maderas"
Blas Escalante is from "La Estancia De Los Escalantes" and this is a current picture of La Estancia De Los Escalantes:
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thank you for posting that photo of la estancia.. it gives life to the story..
Linda in Olympia, Wa
On Thursday, June 5, 2014 11:07 PM, "zacatecano020@hotmail.com"
Wow! Thanks Victoriano for intrepreting it for me. Expelled from La Hacienda? I wonder which one? The closest Hacienda is that of San Antonio De Padua. But her father Francisco Madera is from "Rancho De Los Maderas"
Blas Escalante is from "La Estancia De Los Escalantes" and this is a current picture of La Estancia De Los Escalantes:
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And here I find that in 1789,
Maria Josefa Madera, hija legitima de Francisco Madera y Maria Leocadia de Huizar:
I think in that link Maria Josefa Madera is getting married with Juan Cristobal Pinedo who is from La Hacienda de San Mateo:
And here I found this document where my ggg grandfather Juan Benancio (Venancio)Madera and Maria Josefa Madera were padrinos in a baptism in they year 1773 which would make Juan at 11 years old.
Here in 1792, My gg grandfather Patricio Madera is hijo legitima de Juan Benancio Madera and Maria Josefa (no last name given) and padrinos are Jose and Jesus Escalante:
I wonder how Geronima Fernandez came into the picture:
Then when the brothers of my great grandfather Calixto Madera where born in the 1850's and it lists the grandparents as Juan Benancio Madera y Dona Geronima Fernandez such as this one "Julian Madera" who is the brother of my great grandfather Calixto Madera in 1859:
I still don't have a copy of the baptismo of my great grandfather Calixto Madera.
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Here I find in they year 1791, my ggg grandfather Juan Benancio Madera as a testigo (witness) to a matrimonio. It mentions Juan Benancio Madera "casado" and from "puesto de Ximulco."
This tells me that my ggg grandfather Juan Benancio Madera was married sometime before 1791 so I can backtrack and try to find his matrimonio record:
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What is more interesting is that in 1791 Blas Escalante gets married with Hilaria De La Paz:
In this archive it says that "Blas Escalante" is the son of Juan Escalante and Maria Antonia Madera.
Earlier my gggg grandfather was upset about the relationship between Blas Escalante with his daughter Maria Josefa Madera and stated they are "primos hermanos."
So that would mean that my gggg grandfather Francisco Madera is related to Maria Antonia Madera the mother of Blas Escalante.
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Need Help to decipher?