Help reading Juan Simon Duran (Nochistlan Record)

Hi Primos,for the many descendants from this site of Juan Simon Duran and Regina de Aguayo, I came across Juan Simon Duran's defuncion record. Can someone make out his testament. I can see he died 11/12/1673 at age of 80+ and he left as executors, "su mujer y a Juan Duran y Nicolas Duran sus hijos"

Can someone make out the rest of the document?…

Also, does anyone have information on his parents or European origins?

Thank You

Ruben Rojas Delgado

I finally got a reply from familysearch library in Utah. I requested Capitulo 2 from"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."

Here is a link to the 5 pages they sent me on Juan Ximon Duran and Regina de Aguayo.……………

Alot of useful information for Duran descendants.

Ruben Rojas Delgado

The rest is mostly about the stuff related to the inheritance given to the church I think it goes like this (the double ?? symbol are for words I can't make or I am not quite sure what they are), also I add some commas. I think it is "pesos" but I am not 100 per cent sure.

"En el pueblo de Nochistlan en doce dias del mes de noviembre de mill y seisisentos y settenta y tres años aviendo resivido los santos sacramentos murio Juan Duran español vezino de esta feligrecia dueño de esta, de edad de mas de ochenta años cassado con Regina de Aguayo, otorgo testamento ?? esta en honce deste presente mes y año ante Melchor de Sandobal (theniente de) Alcalde Mayor. se manda enterrar ensta parroquia ?? le enterre Con Missa Cantada de Requien de cuerpo presente, consu vijilia, deja mandas por cosas y dies pesos? a la Capilla de el Sanctissimo Sacramento de este dhicho pueblo, y un novenario de Missa y resados por sus almas, enesta Parrochia, deja por Albaceas a ?? ?? Y a Andres Duran y Nicolas Duran sus hijos, y por sus herederos a los dichos y otros hijos que deja. y pa que conste lo firme."

hope it helps

RJ Quiralte

Thank You RJ, It helps alot.

I just have to figure out what they mean by "dueño de esta" maybe the Rancho de Duranes, a home or a hacienda??? who knows.


I would also think that's the case, many families who owned land build, along with their houses (later called haciendas) "capillas" for their own use, also with cemeteries, many events took place in this places regardless of been recorded in the parish, sometimes is mentioned, others not.

RJ Quiralte

He was the owner of an "Estancia", also could be synonymous to a Hacienda. Estancia was considered a plot of land used for raising large (Estancia de Ganado mayor for cattle) or small stock animals(Estancia de Ganado Menor for sheep. Also, the small town north of Nochistlán called Tlachichila was at one time an hacienda owned by the Duran family.

Sergio Gutierrez