Thomas de la Puente circa 1665

I have been searching for Thomas de la Puente (LH8B-F6F, grandfather
​ marriage to Maria Ruis most of their children were born in venado, san luis potosi, mexico.

Just connected to his family so hoping someone has already found the parents. Thanks for the help.

I descend from two "de la Puente" lines, I am not sure how they are related, but do believe they are close relatives as both are from the same general area.

The first line is as follows:
Diego de la Puente cc. Catalina López Rodríguez
Olaya de la Puente cc: Antonio de Medina, married on 20 Jun 1697 in Venado SLP
Luis de Medina cc. María Martínez de Sotomayor, dispensados 5 Apr 1733 Jalpa, Zacatecas.
Anastasia de Medina cc. Bernardo Ramírez de Oliva (I descend from two of their daughters)
a) María de Jesús Ramírez de Oliva cc. Rafael Ruiz de Salazar, b) Bárbara Ramírez de Oliva cc. Jesús González de Rubalcaba

The Ruiz de Salazar married into the Flores-Alatorre family who married into García de Rojas who married into Camino.
The González de Rubalcaba married into Velasco who married into García de Rojas and the López Portillo who married into Camino, my mother's lines.

The second lines is as follows:
Nicolás de la Puente cc. Tomasina Pérez de Contreras y Lomelín (originarios de Venado y vecinos Pinos)
Nicolás Cayetano de la Puente cc. Teresa de Limón y Quesada Hurtado de Mendoza married 21 Sep 1716 in Jalostotitlán.
Juana Manuela de la Puente y Mendoza cc. Fulgencio Martínez de Chávez
Cayetana Martínez de Chávez cc. Bruno Martínez de Saldaña (owned Hacienda de Abarcones)
Cristina Martínez de Chávez cc. José María Gallegos Méndez de Sotomayor
Josefa Gallegos Martínez de Chávez cc. Pedro de Oviedo Fernández de Córdoba (owned Hacienda La Labor y Palacio del Vínculo
Juliana de Oviedo cc. Andrés de Camino y Trasgallo (my mother's 5th great grandparents).

Any assistance would be appreciated. I am sure all of our Puente lines are related. Thank you in advance.

Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino

It seems almost all of the de la Puente (puente) lines are related. Each time I come across a de la Puente, I add to their line or keep it to see how they fit. I have Diego de la Puente and Rodrigues your relatives but have not found more records to confirm he is Thomas is son or relative. I came acroos him when I found Nicolas their son 21 Sep 1693 • San Sebastian,Venado,San Luis Potosi,Mexico. they have 13 children so far. based on the possible births I can look for their marriage record will let you when I find more. Your other relatives I have found but there seems to be two contreras and nicolas pretty sure they are the same only thing their sons are named nicolas and both have birthdates that are different. Will look to see if they are same.

It seems almost all of the de la Puente (puente) lines are related. Each time I come across a de la Puente, I add to their line or keep it to see how they fit. I have Diego de la Puente and Rodrigues your relatives but have not found more records to confirm he is Thomas is son or relative. I came acroos him when I found Nicolas their son 21 Sep 1693 • San Sebastian,Venado,San Luis Potosi,Mexico. they have 13 children so far. based on the possible births I can look for their marriage record will let you when I find more. Your other relatives I have found but there seems to be two contreras and nicolas pretty sure they are the same only thing their sons are named nicolas and both have birthdates that are different. Will look to see if they are same.

Hola Veronica y Daniel,

Diego de la Puente y Catalina Lopez Rodríguez y sus hijos aparecen en los mismos lugares que Tomas de la Puente y María Ruiz Conde - Venado, Charcas, Pinos. Probablemente son hermanos Diego y Tomas, los dos hijos de Tomas de la Puente cc Doña Ynes de Carrión Tremiño y Mata, aunque no he podido vincularlos. Puede ser que se casaron en Sagrario SLP Diego y Catalina, entre 1674 y junio 1677, busquenlos por alla.

Nicolas de Puente sí es hijo de Tomas de la Puente cc Ynes de Carrion, y la Tomasina Perez es hija de Nicolas Perez cc Luisa Contreras. Aqui su IM, 1 Oct 1675, Villa de San Miguel:

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Es posible que se relacione DIEGO DE LA PUENTE? El caso con Catalina Rodriguez en Venado aprox. en 1770, no tengo mayores datos de ellos. Solo se que su familia vino de Burgos.

Hola Simona,

Thomas de la Puente was son of Thomas de la Puente and Dona Ynes de Carrion. He was baptized 14 Apr 1647, San Matias, Pinos; his padrino was Alonso de Contreras, teniente deste Rl.

He married Maria Ruiz Conde on 05 Sep 1672, Sagrario, SLP; they did their IM 26 Aug 1672. She was daughter of Francisco Ruiz Conde and Gertrudis de Fuentes.

Here's their children who were born in SLP:
Joseph, 21 Dec 1673, Sagrario SLP
Ynes, 11 Feb 1679, Sagrario, SLP
Patricio, 06 Apr 1681, Sagrario, SLP
Ygnacio, 25 Mar 1683, Sagario, SLP
Andrea, 21 Dec 1684, Sagrario, SLP

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Danny thank you for the help and the interesting history of this couple!

Not sure if it is the same Thomas de la Puente, but he certainly fits the bill. There is another one that is Tomas and Maria Ruis that are not them since the children of Thomas and Maria Ruis are labelled Espl and there is another record of tomas married to a sotomayor. I now have to find records of marriages.

As for this Dispensa that is not recorded in the marriage that I could read 3 generations are given because they are 2nd cousins. I do have them in my family as in-laws today, tomorrow they could be grandparents who knows. Anyway, what was more interesting was the different testigos all stating that the young couple did not know they were cousins but Esteban Munos stated he overheard they were from his wife Xsabel Nieto. In the beginning was the priest stating that they had been cleaned of their blood "the limpiesa de sangre" de toda mala vasa de judios, Moros and they stated this again and again. I had read it in books but not seen it written. Don't know what Vasa means.

Thanks again for your help here is the Dispensa. the record ID for Ysabel de Carrion is 9QTN-HK8