Arizmendi (Jalisco/Zacatecas/Aguascalientes/San Luis Potosi)

Juan del Muro and his wife Maria de Arizmendi were married in Aguascalientes 8 January 1668. Many descendants of this couple spread throughout Aguascalientes, Jalisco, and Zacatecas. Maria de Arizmendi’s parents are not named in her marriage record and only a Lorenzo de Arizmendi is mentioned as a testigo for the marriage of her daughter Maria del Muro to Pedro Rincon de Ortega 1 May 1697 in Aguascalientes. As many of the early families of Aguascalientes also had relations in San Luis Potosi, I am guessing that she may descend from the large complicated Arizmendi Gogorron family of San Luis Potosi. However, as of yet I have not seen a Maria or Lorenzo de Arizmendi appear among them.

Does anyone know more about the Maria de Arizmendi and Lorenzo de Arizmendi of Aguascalientes?... Do they appear as padrinos or testigos in other researchers’ files out there?