Pedro Triana, 1800-1882 Juan Aldama, Zacatecas

Me llamo Victor Eduardo Hernandez Triana​ de Colonia Hidalgo, Sombrerete, Zacatecas, y estoy formando el árbol genealógico de
mis familias. Me estoy enfocando en el apellido Triana, y los apellidos de el lado de mi madre.

Los apellidos por las que me he estado enfocando son:
Triana, Vitela, Vidaña, Fraire, Rueda, Bueno, Magallanes
La mayoría de mis descendientes vienen de:
San Miguel del Mezquita​l(Juan Aldama)
Miguel Auza
Sain Alto
en el estado de Zacatecas​.

Algunas pistas que tengo sobre la familia Triana de la segunda generación, dos hermanos, el
padre de el General Martin Triana Guzman, Exiquio Triana, y el padre de el Coronel Emiliano
Triana Gomez, Gregorio Triana, fueron parientes de mi abuelo Quirino Triana. Se rumora que
eran primos hermanos. Martin Triana Guzman, Emiliano Triana Gomez, y Cipriano Triana
fueron primos hermanos, tal vez primos segundos de mi abuelo Félix Triana Vidaña por alguna
manera. No sabran como es que son parientes?

Tambien quiero averiguar es si alguno de ustedes tiene mas informacion sobre quien fue Pedro Triana, esposo de Maria Rudecinda Vitela. Sus hijos fueron Quirino Triana Vitela, y Maria del Refugio Triana Vitela.

Si son parientes de las familias Rueda, Bueno, o Magallanes de Sain Alto y Juan Aldama/Miguel Auza Zacatecas, cual quier informacion seria muy agradecida. Si quieren informacion sobre mis investigaciones de estas familias, preguntenme de cual familia y se las dare.

Aqui esta la lista de mis decendientes por la Familia Triana.

There is a Martin Triana Perez with a picture of a soldier not sure if his is your family of brothers you are looking for.

These records can be located in
278T-3VR this number is to instantly locate the martin or you can type the name birth around 1867 in Auza, Zacatecas married 14 FEB 1885 with first wife. The record has 6 wifes total not sure if they are or how accurate the records are.

There is a Felix Triana KHMN-DJC born abt 1813 married to Encarnacion Estrada. Nothing else in the record started in 2012.

My name is Victor Eduardo Hernandez Triana Hidalgo Colonia, Sombrerete, Zacatecas, and I am forming the family tree of my families. I'm focusing on the surname Triana, and my maternal surnames.

Surnames I've been focusing on are:
San Miguel del Mezquita​l(Juan Aldama)
Miguel Auza
Sain Alto
in the state of Zacatecas.

Some clues that I have about the Triana second generation family, two brothers, the
father of the General Martin Guzman Triana, Exiquio Triana, and the father of Colonel Emiliano Gomez Triana, Gregorio Triana were relatives of my grandfather Quirino Triana. It is rumored that they were first cousins. Martin Guzman Triana, Emiliano Gomez Triana, and Cipriano Triana were first cousins, perhaps second cousins to my grandfather Felix Triana Vidaña in someway. Does anyone else know how they are relatives?

I also want to find out is if any of you have more information about who was Pedro Triana, husband of Maria Rudecinda Vitela. Their children were Quirino Triana Vitela, and Maria del Refugio Triana Vitela.

If you are a relative of the Rueda, Bueno, or Magallanes families of Sain Alto, Juan Aldama / Miguel Auza Zacatecas, any information would be appreciated. If you want information about my research of these families, let me know which family and I will provide it.

Here is the list of my descendants in the Triana Family.


I looked on family search and there doesn't seem to really be anything related to this family. maybe they're not indexed in this area yet. you may have to guess when they were born and married and then start to look for their marriage and birth records page by page.

Danny C. Alonso