Alvarez, Dennis (Jalostotitlan, San Miguel, JAL; Aguascalientes, AGS)

Dear Dennis,

We are distant cousins, fourth or fifth, I haven't figured out which.

Here are a few ancestors to add to your tree.

Pablo Raphael Vallejo y Gonzalez de Hermosillo is the son of Juan Maria Vallejo Ramirez Cornejo and Gertrudis R. Gonzalez de Hermosillo.

Juan Maria is the son of Lucas Vallejo Ramirez and Tomasa Herrera y Delgadillo

Lucas is the son of Jose Pdro Vallejo Osorio Gordiva and Melchora Ramirez Cornejo

Tomasa is the daughter of Geronimo Herrera and Agustina de la Rosa Delgadillo

Gertrudis is the daughter of Juan Ignacio Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Maria Gonzalez RUBIO


Gertrudis Perez is the daughter of Jose Mateo Manuel Perez y Alvarez and Rosalia Gomez de Mendoza y De la Torre

Jose Mateo Manuel is the son of juan Jose Perez Franco y Gutierrez de Hermosillo and Anna Gertrudis M Alvarez Gonzalez
Juan Jose is the son of Pedro Manuel Perez Franco and Maria G. Gutierrez de Hermosillo

Juana Gertrudis is the daughter of Joachin Leonardo Alvarez Tostado and Maria Antonia Dolores Gonzalez de Hermosillo

Rosalia Gomez de Mendoza is the daughter of Esteban de L Gomez de Mendoza an Micaela B. De la Torre Ledesma y Cornejo

Esteban is the son of Anastacio Gomez de Mendoza and Polonia Martin de Sotomayor

Micaela is the daughter of Jph Antonio De la Torre and Dorotea (Theodora) de Jesus Cornejo


Jose Martin and Ignacia Franco may be my ancestors who were known as

Francisco Xavier A.J, "josesito" Martin del Campo and Maria Ignacia FDS Franco de Paredes

Josesito is the son of Jose Manuel Martin del Campo y Pedrosa and Leonor Samora y Mendoza

Ignacia is the daughter of Ildefonso (Aloonso) Franco de Paredes y Lomelin and Maria Catharina Valdivia Aldrete de la Mora

Ildefonso is the son of Alonso Franco de Paredes and Margarita Lomelin

Maria Catharina is the daughter of Manuel Aldrete Valdivia and Maria de la Mora

Jose Manuel Martin del Campo is the son of Lazaro Marcos Martin del Campo and Maria Francisca Pedrosa

Leonor is the daughter of Juan de la Mora y Mendoza and Leonor Hermosillo


I do have more info but I want to get back to the USC Utah state football game.

Saludos primo,

Rick A. Ricci

The two centuries following the Union of the Perez de Paredes and Franco surnames has caused some confusion in the minds of many people looking for their Paredes, Perez, and Franco ancestors

Some people flip-flopped their surnames as they were known as Perez, Perez de Paredes, Perez Franco. Franco Perez, or Franco de Paredes

That is why I believe that the mother of Merced Martin Perez, Ygnacia Perez, may be the same person known as Ygnacia Franco de Paredes.

Rick A. Ricci

Dear Dennis,

Parents of (11) Maria Antonia Reynoso are Pablo Reynoso and Maria Monica Barbara Martin Pobedano y Flores de Villavisiencio

Maria Monica Barbara is the daughter of Yldefonso Martin Pobedano and Antonia Flores de Villavisencio (in one record it clearly says Villaseñor)

As to the Jose Martin and Ignacia Perez in your family tree:
There were two couples, the first "juan Jose martin" married to a Ygnacia Perez and The second "Josesito Martin del Campo" married to a Ygnacia Perez. I need more information about Merced in order to find out which of the two couples are her parents. In the earlier post I listed Josesito and his wife as the parents. Juan Jose is the son of Josesito Martin del Campo.

I am relatively closely related to you through the Martin del Campo Perez line and Alvarez tostado Gonzalez line.

Rick A. Ricci