Researching in Ocotlan, La Barca, Jamay, Tototlan,

Does anyone have any good resources for research in the areas of Ocotlan/Tototlan/Jamay/La Barca Jalisco? Any good book recommendations, online resources, or research tips/ideas?

I am using FamilySearch, of course, as well as I have to admit that I'm not the most well-informed, expert user at FamilySearch, however. It seems to me that the Ocotlan records, for example, are not completely indexed but I'm not 100% sure because I have gotten some hints (shaky leaves) on Ancestry for records there. It's been frustrating, to say the least. Does anyone know the actual situation? Are the records fully indexed? If not, any idea when they will be? I'm considering slogging through the digitized records page by page to find my ancestors.

These are surnames I'm researching in the areas in case anyone else here is also researching any of these families in the areas mentioned. (By the way, this list has grown over the last twelve months --I've been able to learn a lot more about my family since I joined here a year ago):

Aceves, Baca, Cabeza de Baca, Carrillo, Castellanos, Cuebas (Cuevas), Franco, Gonzales, Jimenes, (de la) Mora, Navarro, Orosco, Padilla, Perez, Ruiz, Sagu, Vargas, Velasco, Zalasar

My family tree on Ancestry:

Have a great weekend!

Cynthia Barela