Indexing Wills/Testamentos

Estimados Miembros,

Como los Testamentos de Guadalajara acaban de ser agregados a la página web de familysearch ayer, me gustaría proponer que empezemos el proyecto de Indice como ha sido hecho con las Dispensas Matrimoniales. Sé que es un proyecto enorme, pero también estoy seguro que arrojaría mucha luz sobre nuestras líneas ancestrales.

¿Alguien está interesado en unirme en este proyecto?


Sergio Salés

Dear Members,

Since all the Wills of Guadalajara just became available on the web as was stated yesterday, I would like to propose that we index them like has been done with the Marriage Dispensas. It would be a HUGE task, but it would shed so much light on all our lines!

Is anyone interested in joining me on this task?


Sergio Salés

Hi Sergio

More testamentos!

A few years ago i tried to see testamentos of Aguascalientes through the Acervo Digital del Archivo Historico and I alway got an error message when i tried to view the docs. But yesterday i tried the link again and the "ver documento" button works. I still have a problem using the search form, so I have to use the "back door", just browse through the list which I can access through the link.

This is probably not news for anyone else, but for me it's a big break. It's a window on life in the 1600's and 1700's - dotas, selling of slaves (and freeing of slaves), selling and buying land and houses, besides testamentos.

This is the link:…

It will great if the guadalajara testamentos can be indexed too - i am still in for giving a hand with that.


good for you madera_32. but i'm still gonna pass on indexing wills since there's so many other records that still need indexing and guadalajara dispensas being #1 priority, and helping out with daniel's valladolid dispensas project, monte escobedo baptisms, silao info. mat. etc. being side/secondary projects i'm working on as well.

Hi Kathy,

What years are you working on in Monte Escobedo baptisms? I can't find the baptism of my 9th generation ancestor Blas Madera who should be baptized aroune late 1600's or early 1700's. I am curious about him because in his marriage record he was listed as a "mestizo" when his parents are listed as "espanoles - born in Mexico." But when he passed away in 1776, he was listed as a "mulatto libre."

That is odd. Which means one of his parents could not have been "espanol."

I wanted to find his baptism record to confirm. It should be at Mesquitic or Monte Escobedo.

Hi Sergio

I would give it a shot, as I am looking for the testament of Juan Sotelo anyways.
Basically, the info would be:

name of difunto and where they are from
date of testamento
film number
image number

anything else?

For example:

Blas Cordero, Zacatecas
13 nov 1656
film 007983535
image 62/583

the above came from this page:…

My Spanish is limited, but i recognize words like difunto and vecino and place names.
If someone set up the blog page, I would attempt to make contributions as i go through the records.


i'd rather focus on indexing marriage dispensations, but i looked through first few films briefly, and it seems like most of them are from guadalajara in particular(so they probably won't have anything relevant for my tree since i have no known ancestors who lived in guadalajara for most of their life), some are long, and it's kinda hard to tell when each one starts and ends.
just giving y'all a heads up

One of my distant relatives browsed and found a common ancestor for both of us that is from Mezqitic, Jalisco, Mexico. The testamento is year 1714, 50 pages long. Lots of stuff in it and our ancestor had a house in Ciudad Zacatecas on Santo Domingo street por la salida de la Ciudad Zacatecas for example.

One of my distant relatives browsed and found a common ancestor for both of us that is from Mezqitic, Jalisco, Mexico. The testamento is year 1714, 50 pages long. Lots of stuff in it and our ancestor had a house in Ciudad Zacatecas on Santo Domingo street por la salida de la Ciudad Zacatecas for example.

Well if someone ever browses through year 1709 or 1735 can you please note that for me?

1709 for Antonio Madera of Mesquitic, Jalisco, Mexico

or his wife Maria De La Candelaria (Angon) that left a testamento in 1735 at Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas, Mexico