Nicolas Bambrila(Brambila) and Juana De Orosco Tamazula or Cotijja

I'm looking for any information on Nicolas Bambrila and Juana De Orosco their kids were born in Tamazula from what I read in their marriage records. I can't seem to find the parents of Nicolas and Juana or any other records for them. This is the marriage record for Donato Lopes de Lara Jr and Maria Getrudis Bambrila

not sure of this Bambrila line is the same as Brambila decendents of Juan Antonio De La Brambila. Found some records as Bambrila other as Brambila for that same Family in Tamazula.

Any help would be greatly appreciate it.


Aaron Torres

I have this, My family was from Chilchota as well as Cotija. I have 9 children for Donato and Gertrudis.
marriage 5 Feb 1758 in Tamazula, Jalisco
Don Donato Lopes de Lara Espanol from valle de Cotixa living in Tamazula 4 years
parents: Dona Donato Lopes de Lara and Dona Gertrudis Valencia deceased
with Dona Maria Gertrudis Bambrila Espanola from Tamazula
parents: Don Nicolas Brambila and Dona Juana de Orosco
source: 226026 film
page 119 Family search online
Juan Antonio is brother of Donato
marriage 5 Feb 1758 in Tamazula, Jalisco
Don Juan Antonio Lopes de Lara Espanol from valle de Cotixa living in Tamazula
parents: Don Donato Lopes de Lara and Dona Gertrudis Valencia
with Dona Ygnacia Magana Espanola from valle de Mazamitla living in Tamazula
parent: Don Miguel Magana and Dona Efigenia Baldovinos
source: 226026 film
page 119 Family search online
I have 11 children for Nicolas Membrila and Juana Maria Teresa Orosco. My files are on and called Mexico, this link will take you to Nicolas Membrila and Juana Orosco…
this link will take you to what I have on Donato Lopez de Lara and Gertrudis Membrila…

Hi Linda,

I actually spoke with you on a couple months back. I got linked to your tree on ancestry was able to get alot more information. I looked into your RootsWeb tree and found alot of records for Nicolas and Juanas children, but i couldn't find anything on Nicolas Membrila and Juana parents. Thanks to Daniel Serna Valencia research I was able to get the Dispensa Matrimonial for Donato Lopes De Lara and Maria Gertrudis Valencia, I was able to go back on that Valencia line

Thank You

Aaron Torres

I'm glad my records were of value to you. Can you share link, film number or Familysearch page you found the dispensation on?
Linda Castanon-Long

thank you so much. I have not worked on any of the Michoacan sagrada mitra records..
this is wonderful! I am related through one of their descendants..

Below is the record ID for what could possibly be your family on Many people have worked on this couple since 2011 but they were not merged togehter because the name Membrila, Manbrila, Mamvrila etc. had many spellings and Juana de Orosco is also Joanna de Orosco during this early period. There is also another couple named Francisco Nicolas married to Juana de Orosco during this time period though the Francisco Nicolas does not appear with a surname on many records so may not be the same couple as it was in Tonala, Jalisco.

Nicolas Mambrila
1710–Deceased • LTG7-TWL​
Juana De Orosco
1712–Deceased • LTG7-Y5Y

Thanks for the record IDs, unfortunately, there's no record for the parents of Nicolas or Juana. In one of the marriage records for their daughter, Anna Maria Cc Juan Urbano Garcia says that she was from Valle de COtija, im assuming the parents were from cotija as well. I search for Francisco Nicolas and Juana De Orosco and i don't think they're the same couple. The earliest baptism record for them is 1697 she would atleast have to be 20 years old. Nicolas Membrila and Juana baptism record for daugter MAria Gertrudis is in Tamazula 1739 that would put her at almost 60. Their youngest Nicolas Jr was born about 1750, so i don't think it the same Couple, but i will locate the image for Francisco Nicolas and see what I can find.

Thank You very much

Aaron Torres