Registros de los Archivos Parroquiales de San Matías de Sierra de Pinos 1613-1647

Hola prim@s,

I’ve finally finished indexing the early San Matias Sierra de Pinos parish archives and formatted them into a PDF, that can be downloaded here:

Manny Diez Hermosillo


Was this register microfilmed? If so, what is the film number.


Hi George,

No, these 2 books aren’t microfilmed, as far as I know. The indexes are extracted from photocopies of the books themselves, that Mary Lou Montagna took, during her visits to Pinos back in the 1990’s. An employee at San Matias was kind enough to photocopy each page, front & back, and back before iphones or zipdrives, so Mary Lou has a stack of pages. Though she doesn’t have permission to publish the images, she still wants to make the information available to family researchers, and asked me to index & upload them. I also descend from several of these families, and these early books aren’t available online. So it was like Christmas for me!

Manny Diez Hermosillo