Ever see a child baptized twice?

Check out Lugarda on this page


Shes on the next page as well.

Also I am in the process of indexing this film. Its been a chore but be on the lookout!

I have also seen someone with two baptismal records. My maternal grandfather had his baptism recorded in both Tepatitlan and Jalostotitlán. Both records had enough detail to show that they were talking about the same person, but the record in Jalostotitlán provided even more details like the exact time of birth.

Rick A. Ricci

Juana, daughter of Juan Alonso de los Hinojos cc Beatriz Lopez del Castillo, was baptized on 7 Aug, 1613, in Zamora, Mich, “echo la agua de baptismo” Padre Jose Gomez presbitero, and her padrino was Padre Miguel de Ovalle, cura beneficiado de Tlasasalca,

Juana was baptized again on 30 Dec 1613, “pusieron los santos oleos.” Her madrina was the child’s grandmother, Juana Lopez. The partida from the Aug baptism is annotated in the margin, and says “pusieron los ss oleos en 30 de dize deste año.”

I’ve been going through the indexes for the Inquisicion in Mexico, and I’ve seen more than one priest being prosecuted for baptizing the same child twice. Maybe things loosened up in later years?

Manny Diez Hermosillo

Ive seen something like this once before. I think they're probly errors. The other one I saw was clearly an error cause the dates were the same so the record wasn't written at the moment of baptism but at a different time so they apparently didn't realize they wrote it twice. but this one has different dates which seems weird but im guessing its the same reason

Danny C. Alonso

Yes, I have seen this. I have a relative that his bautismo was writen on one day, then I found him again writen on a different day. However, the information was the same on both entries. Don't know why they did this.