British/Irish nochistlan?


1. Has anyone with Ramirez surname from Nochistlan done a DNA test and found British/Irish dna?
2. Does anyone have info about parents for Antonio Ramirez (b. ~1733. d 27 Jun 1809 in Las Animas) or his wife Maria Gertrudis Rodriguez?
3. Any other thoughts based on below?

I ask this because dna test came back with some British/Irish dna. I filtered my dna matches by surname. All the common surnames for that area came back 0.0%, except for people who listed Ramirez. The Ramirez surname is only on one side of my family, which was expected based on the maternal vs paternal dna.

Based on the dna%, that they are great x5 grandparents, and how many children of theirs I descend from, I am guessing one of them is 25 or 50% British/Irish.

Take a look at your DNA results on Ancestry, they may have been revised with the recent increase in the number of reference samples.

My wife originally had about 10% Irish, her ancestors for the last couple of hundred years are all from Mexico, now has gone away.

Hi Don,

I agree with George, Ancestry DNA has recently revised their results so it's possible the results are gone. My DNA was revised giving me much more Spanish and Italian and much less Irish and British Isles. But I do still have Irish and British on my Ancestry DNA, although, much less now. And, I don't have any Irish or British ancestors in Mexico. My guess, and it is just a guess, is that since Spain, particularly Galicia and the Basque country were originally one of the nations of the Celts, along with Cornwall in England, and parts of Scotland and Wales, is that AncestryDNA's process is misreading Celtic DNA from Spain with Celtic DNA in Ireland, but like I said it is just a guess. But my tree all all sides goes back much farther than 5 generations and I have no British or Irish ancestors in Mexico.


Hola Don Ánimas:

Uno de mis tíos Ramírez que tiene el nickname Otto Demongin en Ancestry obtuvo un 12% británico.
