Does anyone know the full name of the abbreviation?

Does anyone know the full name of the abbreviated last name Stos.(Rosalia De Stos. Y Bustos)?

“Stos.”. Is an abbreviation of “Santos”.

m Mexico Baptisms
Name Maria Franca. Alonso Stos.
Gender Female
Christening Date 21 Dec 1762
Father's Name Sntiago. Alonso ( De los hinojos)
Mother's Name Theresa “Rosalia” De Stos. Y Bustos
Citing this Record
"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Rosalia De Stos. Y Bustos in entry for Maria Franca. Alonso Stos., 21 Dec 1762; citing EL SAGRARIO,AGUASCALIENTES,AGUASCALIENTES,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 299,533

Here are some examples:

Name Santiago Alonso De Los Ynojos
Spouse's Name Theresa Rosalia Santos Bustos
Event Date 15 May 1760
Event Place El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico
Citing this Record
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Santiago Alonso De Los Ynojos and Theresa Rosalia Santos Bustos, 15 May 1760; citing El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 299,828

Name Maria Dolores Juliana de Santos Y Bustos
Event Type Baptism
Event Date 16 Mar 1732
Event Place Asunción de María, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Gender Female
Father's Name Juan Antt'O de Santos Y Bustos
Mother's Name Maria Magdalena de Villalobos
Citing this Record
México, Aguascalientes, registros parroquiales, 1620-1962, database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 March 2018), Maria Dolores Juliana de Santos Y Bustos, 16 Mar 1732; citing Baptism, Asunción de María, Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico, parroquias Católicas, Aguascalientes (Catholic church parishes, Aguascalientes).

Name Juan De Dios Santos De Bustos
Spouse's Name Maria Hernandez Gamino
Event Date 17 May 1733
Event Place San Agustin,Ayo El Chico,Jalisco,Mexico
Father's Name Nicolas Santos De Bustos
Mother's Name Magdalena De Chabes
Spouse's Father's Name Christobal Hernandes Gamino
Spouse's Mother's Name Nicolasa De Aiala
Citing this Record
"México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Juan De Dios Santos De Bustos and Maria Hernandez Gamino, 17 May 1733; citing San Agustin,Ayo El Chico,Jalisco,Mexico, reference ; FHL microfilm 280,786.

Good luck,
Rick A. Ricci

En respuesta a por R.A.Ricci

Amazing!!!! Thank you so much for the help. How did you do find this information so quickly? I had a few of these already but took me forever to find them hehehe.