Mexican map site - Jalisco

    Within the last 2-3 months, someone posted a message which included the address of a Mexican governmental website that has online historical maps of various parts of Mexico.  I can't find that site, and, as I recall, when I did visit it, I couldn't find the maps I was looking for.  Specifically, I'm looking for the hacienda/rancho maps of northeast Jalisco near Encarnacion de Diaz, the ranchos southwest of Jerez, Zacatecas, and the rural areas around Durango, Durango.

Can someone please direct me in the right direction?

The URL is
I was looking for ranchos not far from where you are looking, specifically Sauz de los Marquez. The search is a bit frustrating. I used specific keywords to try to find things. It really depends on what the map title words are. The map may contain a lot more than just what the title words include.
The bottom line is that I spent a lot of time and did not succeed on the ranchos. But I did find some very interesting maps of the wider area.


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2019 00:53:35 +0000 (UTC)
From: Brenda Perkins
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Mexican map site - Jalisco
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

? ? Within the last 2-3 months, someone posted a message which included the address of a Mexican governmental website that has online historical maps of various parts of Mexico.? I can't find that site, and, as I recall, when I did visit it, I couldn't find the maps I was looking for.? Specifically, I'm looking for the hacienda/rancho maps of northeast Jalisco near Encarnacion de Diaz, the ranchos southwest of Jerez, Zacatecas, and the rural areas around Durango, Durango.

Can someone please direct me in the right direction?