I'm looking for any information regarding Juan de Salas and Getrudis de Avila. The only thing that I know is that the mother of Gertrudis de Avila was Cecilia de Arzola. I don't know anything about Juan de Salas.
Any information would be greatly appreciated
sus L
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Juan Salas and Gertrudis de Avila
I don't have anything on their parents but this records shows her married twice
marriage dispensation requested 22 April 1732 n Jerez, Zac
Juan Tadeo del Muro from Villa Gutierre de la Aguila over age 30
Luciano Marquez Espanol from Villa Gutierre de la Aguila living in Buenavista age 23
parents: Juan Diego Marques and Yssabel del Muro
with Anacleta Villaslada Espanola from Viboras age 17
parents: Juan Joseph Villaorlada and Ana Gertrudis Berumes
witness: Juan Angel Antonio Rosales Espanol from Xeres age 25
witness: Alexandro Barela Espanol age 36
witness: Nicolas del Muro Espanol from labor de Santa Gertrudis age 30 who said Luciano and Anacleta are related to him 4th degree
witness: Pedro de la Torre Espanol age 70
marriage dispensation 4th degree igual
Trunk..Juan Salas and Gertrudis de Avila
Francisca Salas.......1st degree
Gertrudis Muro........2nd degree
Juan Jph Villorlado...3rd degree
Anacleta Villorlado...4th degree
Trunk...Pedro Carlos and Gertrudis de Avila
Dorotea Carlos....1st degree
Mariana Felix.....2nd degree
Ysabel Muro...,...3rd degree
Luciano Marques..4th degree
dispensation granted 12 June 1773 in Jerez, Zac
source: 168052 sagrada mitra film
page 773 Familysearch online
Juan de Salas and Gertrudis de Avila
Thank you so much for the answer. I'm going to link this dispensa to the couple.
I found another dispensa that I haven't been able to link is on the SALAS line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The dispensa is:
juan fernandez de castro & andrea romero fernandez de salas
I know there was a Salas family in Pinos Zacatecas, the family of Pedro de Salas and Juana de Bonilla. But i don't know if Juan de Salas ( married to Gertrudis de Avila) was somehow part of the same family.
Thank you
sus L
I have that also and have not linked them together.
marriage dispensation requested from la Sagrada Mitra 1 April 1707 in Jerez, Zac
Capitan Juan Fernandes de Castro Espanol single from Saen Abajo, Durango Sombrerete
parents: Capitan Don Juan Fernandes de Castro and Dona Ysabel Burgos y Castaneda
with Dona Andrea Romero Fernandes de Salas Espanola single from Jerez age 25
parents: Capitan Blas Romero de la Cuesta and Dona Francisca Fernandes de Salas
marriage dispensation 4th degree in 3rd degree
Unknown Salas.......
Pedro Salas..............Diego Salas......1st degree
Jph Salas .................Andrea Salas.....2nd degree
Juana Salas..............Francisca Salas.3rd degree
.....................................Andrea Romero.4th degree
witness: Don Joseph Escaredo Cura de los Saynes, Sombrerete said Capitan Juan Fernandes de Castro living married Juana Salas de Bonilla now deceased but Juana had parentesco de consanguinidad with Dona Francisca de Salas 3rd degree and that means that the Capitan and Andrea are 3rd degree in 4th degree
witness: Capitan Juan Jph Llanos y Baldes Espanol from Jerez said Pedro Salas and Diego Salas were brothers
Pedro was father of Joseph Salas father of Dona Juana Salas wife of Juan Fernandes de Castro
Diego was Father of Andrea Salas parent of Dona Francisca Salas wife of Blas Romero father of Andrea Romero
witness: Gregorio Pacheco Espanol age 25 who said that Juan and Andrea were 4th degree related because el Capitan Juan Fernandes de Castro was married to Dona Juana Salas grandaughter of Pedro Salas gr-grandfather of Andrea. Pedro and Diego were brothers. He said Andrea was prima hermana of his.
witness; Miguel Alvares Quinones Espanol from Jerez age 41 who said Andrea is prima hermana of his wife.His wife was Agueda Pacheco de Salas. He said that Capitan Juan Fernandes de Castro was married to Dona Juana de Salas Granddaughter of Pedro de Salas and Andrea was the Grgranddaughter of Diego de Salas so are related 3rd in 4th degree
dispensation 14 April 17107 in Jerez, Zac
source: 168359 film
page 111 Familysearch online
I found another dispensa from this family:
Matheo de silva and catalina fernandez film# 167982
This dispensa shows some link with Diego Sanchez de Salas and Agueda Brito (but I don't know much about the couple, and don't know how they are link to Pedro de Salas and Juana de Bonilla, i'm not sure if they are link someway)
I also found this entry:
Fichero 697: 1678-10-19
Espinosa, Felipe Caja: 3 Libro: 8 Foja(s): 168-168v
222. Donación. Zacatecas, 19 de octubre 1678. Pedro de Salas, vecino de la jurisdicción de Montegrande, otorga en favor de Pacheco, su sobrino, de un sitio de estancia que tenía en términos de la Villa de Jerez, bajo el pueblo de los indios de Susticacán Fjs. (168-168v)
- Salas, Pedro
I believe this Pedro de Salas is the one mentioned in the dispensa from film 168359
Also i just reviewed my notes and Pedro de Salas (married to Juana Bonilla) said on 1663 in the marriage information of his son Jose Vicente de Salas y Bonilla with Maria de Zabala that he was "vecino de Montegrande". If this is true then maybe Pedro de Salas (married to Juana Bonilla) is the brother of Diego de Salas (maybe Diego Sanchez de Salas married to Agueda Brito)