MARTINEZ/MARTIN/ MARTIN DEL CAMPO help Meson de Los sauces/Lagos de Moreno

Hello, so my paternal side is from Meson de Los sauces it seems. As far as I can get any info as most of the recent generations of family was born in Los Angeles, California.
I could find info that my paternal great grand father was actually born in Mexico.
My grandfather is:
Francisco Martinez Hernandez: Born; 7 OCT 1923 Pomona, Los Angeles, California D: 16 FEB 2014 Meson de Los sauces, Encarnacion de diaz, JAL
Celso Martin(ez) Franco: Born ABT: 1901 in Encarnacion de diaz, JAL
He married Maria De Jesus Hernandez: Born ABT: 1903

Celso Martin(ez) Franco’s parents MAY BE:
Francisco Martinez & ildefonsa FRANCO

Maria de Jesus Hernandez parents:
Jose Hernandez: Born ABT: 1875
Gerarda Huerta: Born ABT: 1866 D: 2 September 1949 Encarnacion de diaz, JAL
Marriage was in November 6, 1901 in Encarnacion de diaz JAL.

Any leads will greatly help. I’ve been stuck on this branch for 3 months since I started.

Celso Martinez is the son of Toribio Martinez and Maria Dolores Gonzalez

Toribio is the son of Avelino Martinez and Martina Cabrera

Ma. Dolores Gonzalez is the daughter of Francisco Gonzalez and Maria López

Ildefonsa Franco is the daughter of Cecilio Franco and Maria de Jesus Viramontes

Here is the marriage record of Cecilio Franco and Maria de Jesus Viramontes

Rick A. Ricci

This checks out, but somehow can’t link it back to Celso Martinez Franco when viewing this document.

On here it has him as Celso Martin with the correct date of birth. 15 APR 1901
Celso’s parents on here are:
Francisco Martin
Ildefonza Franco

Paternal grandparents:
Toribio Martinez
Dolores Guiroz(not sure if it’s shortened)

maternal grandparents:
Feliciano Franco
(Can’t decipher) YLNES

Toribio Martin
Juana Geronima

There are two Celso Martin (Martinez) that have parents with same names The paternal grandfathers have the same first name and surname but the paternal grandmother’s only share the first and middle name. The big difference is that one paternal grandmother is named Maria Dolores Gonzalez and the other paternal grandmother is named Maria Dolores Quirós.

The first thing you need to do is find out the birthdate of your Celso Martin to make sure that you are following the right ancestors. You can’t go by the parents names since both Celsos have parents with the same name and with similar names for grand parents to confuse the matter even more. The key difference is the surnames of the two different Maria Dolores.

I found a death record for Ildefonsa Franco but there is even a problem there as her mother in the record has the surname Gómez. In some records Ildefonsa’s mother is listed as Marcelina while in others she is listed as Martina.

Rick A. Ricci

Thank you for the info, yes I have ran into this problem multiple times on this branch. I’ll have to just contact living sons of my grand uncles who have posted pictures of my paternal great grandfather and his wife. They seem to have a lot of old family photos. Hoping for the best and they provide info to clear this up.


We have common ancestors in the 1700’s in our Romo de Vivar, Martin del Campo, Franco de Paredes, and other ancestral lines.

Birth record of Guadalupe Martin Franco, daughter of Francisco Martin and Ildefonza Franco

Abuelos paternos Toribio Martin and Dolores Quirós

Abuelos maternos Feliciano Franco and Marcelina Flores…

A name issue still comes up because when Ildefonsa Franco dies, her parents are listed as Feliciano Franco and Marcelina Gómez.…

Rick A. Ricci

Thank you for the info, I seem to have the Romo de vivar in every single branch along with the Villasenor’s. I have noticed that in a document as well with Flores/Gomez being exchanged. By any chance can you email me that document in the link you posted ?
Is not working for me, says: “access denied”
The second link works fine
- Adrian

Hi Adrian,

The one that opened was the death record, and it names her surname as Gómez. The Flores comes up in Celso Martin Franco’s civil birth record

Hopefully you can get one of these three links to work. All three of them are links to Celso Martin Franco’s civil birth record .……

Rick A. Ricci