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Alguien me puede ayudar localizar esta villa? Estoy buscando más información sobre la Familia Apecechea. Es un nombre muy raro. Matias y Santiago Apecechea nacieron en Villanueva, Zacatecas en los años 1700s antes de mudar a Nayarit. Encontré este rollo en el sitio familysearch.org

Anyone care to help me on finding this city? I am looking for more information on the Apecechea family. It is a odd name. Matias and Santiago Apecechea were born in Villanueva, Zacatecas en the 1700s before moving to Nayarit. I found this roll on familysearch.org.




It turns out that we do have some common ancestors.

I am related to you through Fermin A. Apecechea’s first wife, Maria Gertrudis Justa Flores y Garcia, who is the mother of Manuel Apecechea.

I descend from a third cousin of Maria Gertrudis Justa Flores y Garcia. There are also other common ancestral lines.

1)- Licenciado- Doctor Ginés de Mercado m. Ines de Vasquez

2)- Conquistador - capitán don Ginés Vázquez de Mercado an Ana Vasquez de Tapia (daughter of Bernardino Vázquez de Tapia)

3)- Ana Vázquez del Mercado y Tapia and Mateo del Rio de la Losa

4)- María del Rio y Losa and Andrés García de la Cadena

5)- *******Felipe Garcia de la Cadena

*******Felipe de Jesus (#6) is listed as a descendant of María del Rio y Losa and Andrés García de la Cadena and the Felipe Garcia de Cadena that is married to Bernardina Tello de Orozco is listed as a son of Andres Garcia de la Cadena, so it is highly likely that the two Felipe’s are the same person and he has two marriages.

- Felipe de Jesús García de la Cadena m. María Josefa López de Vargas. (Felipe de Jesus and Maria Josefa also have a son named Felipe Garcia de la Cadena, and another son named Bernardo.

6)- Antonia Victoria García de la Cadena, b. 1732 m. 1752 Manuel Flores Correa b. 1729

7)-María Gertrudis Justa Flores Correa y García de la Cadena, b. 1753 in Pánuco, Zacatecas, Mexico. m. 1782 Fermin Antonio Apecechea b. 1751.

8)- Manuel José Antonio Tomas Apezechea Flores Correa, b.14June1786. And Francisca Murillo (Morillo) (not married)

9)- Matias Apecechea b. ca 1811 m. 8/March/1833 Isidora Ruelas (daughter of Jose Ruelas and Victoriana de Ledesma

10)- Santiago de Apecechea b. ca 1840, d. 6/April/1892.


1)- Juan Martinez de Correa and Juana

2)- Juana Correa, m. 29 Aug 1708 m. 29 Aug 1708 Pedro Flores Bustos c. 17/July/1673 (son of Mathias Flores and Ana de Bustos)

3)- Manuel Flores Correa b. 1729 m.1752 Antonia Victoria García de la Cadena, b. 1732 (daughter of Felipe de Jesús García de la Cadena y doña María Josefa López de Vargas)

4)- María Gertrudis Justa Flores Correa y García de la Cadena, b. 1753 in Pánuco, Zacatecas, Mexico. m. 1782 Fermin Antonio Apecechea b. 1751.

5)- Manuel José Antonio Tomas Apezechea Flores Correa, b.14June1786. And Francisca Murillo (Morillo) (not married)

6)- Matias Apecechea b. ca 1811 m. 8/March/1833 Isidora Ruelas (daughter of Jose Ruelas and Victoriana de Ledesma

7)- Santiago de Apecechea b. ca 1840, d. 6/April/1892.


Rick A. Ricci
Source: Mygenes2000

Dear Anselmo,

I am curious as to your descent from the Apecechea family. Do you descend from Julio Apecechea and Maximiana Tamayo? They had few children as they both passed away at a relatively young age. Julio Apecechea was only forty years old when he passed away and his record identifies him as a widower.


Rick A. Ricci

I am related through Santiago Apecechea & Cirila Perez. Julio Apecechea is his son but I believe his mother was Dionosia Pineda Both La Yesca & Hostotipaquillo were known for their mines.


I am interested because the name is so unique & easily researchable. What is yours?




I do not descend from the Apecechea family, but like you, I did find the name to be an interesting one to research. You called it “easily researchable” yet I think that what made this research easier was the collaboration. You found two key pieces that uncovered two different puzzles. The first piece that you found was Matias Apecechea’s third marriage that named his father. In all the other records, only his mother is named and he is called “hijo natural”. The second important puzzle piece that you found was that Fermin had also come over to Mexico as I only had his brother coming over. Since Fermin died in Spain, I had previously assumed that he had lived there all his life. Once you found that Fermin had come to Mexico, I was able to research his family here in Mexico and discover that his son Manuel was the “Manuel”we were looking for as father of Matias Apecechea.

There are still a few unanswered questions though. We already know that Fermin and Matias had multiple marriages, but the question remains regarding how many wives/relationships did Santiago have. It seems that he may have had children with four women. Back then many women died giving birth so it was common for men to end up having multiple wives/relationships. Santiago’s death record names him as a widower, but only names his parents.

In an earlier post I mistakenly wrote that I was surprised that Santiago married so soon after his wife’s passing. That was an error. The person that I was surprised about was Matias, Santiago’s father. I believe that Santiago may only have been married once and that was to Saturnina Gonzalez. It seems that all the other children that Santiago had are “hijos naturales”. The children that Santiago procreated with Dionicia Pineda and Severiana Miramontes are “hijos naturales”.

Pascual Apecechea is the legitimate son of Santiago Apecechea and Saturnina González. ( There are two records regarding Pascual’s marriage to Mariana Hernández. In one record his mother is named as what looks to be be Agustina Gonzalez. In the other record it is clear that his mother’s name is given as Saturnina Gonzalez ( daughter of Jose Deciderio Gonzales López and Maria Bernardina Nuñez Bañuelos. I was able to build a family tree up to Saturnina’s great grandparents, with leads that show promise to go even further back.)

Pascual Apecechea González m. 17/Aug/1887 Mariana Hernández

Ramona Apecechea is the daughter of Santiago Apecechea and Severiana Miramontes.

Ramona Apecechea Miramontes m. José Refugio López González and they are the parents of Maria Eleuterio López Apecechea c. 24/Feb/1889 in La Yesca, Nayarit.

Julio Apecechea is “hijo natural” of Santiago Apecechea and Dionicia Pineda.

Julio had at least two wives, Maximiana Tamayo, and Elena Avalos and had a third relationship where he had a child out of wedlock “hija adulterina” named Marciana Apecechea with Hemenegilda Ledesma.

I would like to see the record that names Cirila Perez in order to add her to the other women that had children with Santiago Apecechea. Santiago Apecechea did have a grandchild named Sirila, through his son Julio. Santiago also had a son named Cirilo Apecechea.

Rick A. Ricci

Sure. Once i get back from holiday i will post the links i have. I am hoping to get to hostotipaquillo & la yesca.



I found Fermin Antonio Apecechea’s will.

I have never been to hostotipaquillo & la yesca. Are they still mining towns?

Have fun exploring, and thanks,

Rick A. Ricci

Hello Rick,

I am back. I went to Hosto & La Yesca. i asked around for the Apecechea family, but no one had heard that name in Hosto. There was a Chinese company doing some mining a couple of years ago but I have not heard of any recent minings. I know there was talk of mining in La Yesca but nothing has come of it.
Here is my connection to the Apecechea family:


This would make Santiago my 3x great grandfather. He had various wives. Including Cirila Perez, he also married Severiana Miramontes, Gertrudes Ledesma & Dionicia Pineda. For Matias, i have records for (A)polonia Gonzalez, Isidora Ruelas, Maria Isidora Ledesma (same as Ruelas?), & Josefa Haro.
Matias had other children including Justo Apecechea Gonzalez & Dominga Apecechea Ruelas. There was one other but she died 5 days later.

Would it be possible to send the link confirming Manuel is Fermin's son. I would like to add it to my records. I wonder if Fermin mentioned Manuel is his will?


Fermin Antonio Apecechea returned to Spain in 1822. He passed away on 17/June/1834 in Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain. There is a street named after him, “Calle Fermin Antonio Apecechea” in Goizueta.

Fermin Antonio Apecechea returned to his beloved Spain. He was famous for many reasons, his work in mines, his government posts, the honors bestowed on him and his philanthropy for the provision of music education to children.

Rick A. Ricci

Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea and Fermin Antonio Apecechea have a sister named “María Feliciana Romana Apecechea Flores Correa”.

María Feliciana Romana Apecechea Flores Correa is an ancestor of:

María del Rosario Jiménez Ruiz,VI Marquesa de Santa Rosa De Lima. She was born in 1989 in Madrid. Maria del Rosario was named after her maternal grandmother who was married to a “ Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo Español.” María del Rosario’s parents were first cousins, both of them descendants of Maria Feliciana Romana Apecechea Flores Correa.

I believe that Santiago Apecechea was born in Nayarit, and not in Zacatecas. His parents lived in Nayarit at the time of his birth. It is possible that his father may have been born in Zacatecas, The “Apecechea” had arrived from Spain the century before from Spain. The Apecechea first arrived in Mexico City in the 1700’s. From Mexico City, the family branched out to Guanajuato and other areas, like Nayarit.
Santiago Apecechea married almost immediately after his first wife’s death, which I found surprising.

Rick A. Ricci

Saludos Andelmo,

I forgot to add that Matias Apecechea’s wife, Isidora Ruelas, is the daughter of Jose Ruelas and Victoriana Ledesma.

Rick A. Ricci

I appreciate the info. You know your stuff.



En respuesta a por apozolco



Here is some more information on the roots of the Apecechea family.

Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea was baptized on 2/July/1751 in Goizueta Navarra Spain.

His parents are Ygnacio Apecechea and María Josepha de Arrieta

His paternal grandparents are Pedro Apecechea and Ana María de Echenique.

His maternal grandparents are Pedro de Arrieta and Emerenciana Juantorena.

Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea crossed the Atlantic Ocean and brought the Apecechea surname to Mexico. Since this surname came over after mid eighteenth century, the surname is not as common in Mexico as are other surnames.

You will find that the names Ygnacio, Pedro, and Pascual are common names in the Apecechea family tree in Mexico.

Because of the time frame, Matias Apecechea is a close descendant of Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea de Arrieta. Matias could be his grandson or great-grandson. Son would be a tight fit, possible, but unlikely. Since Matias is a “hijo natural” we may not find records identifying exactly how he descends from Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea.

Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea Was married twice, to Ma. Ygnacia Itsurria. They had many children and they were baptized in Mexico City. Some of his children went to Nuevo León and married there. From there they most likely spread to Zacatecas and Nayarit.

Rick A. Ricci


i don't know if you have an interest in the Apecechea family. I found this UNAM paper on Pascual, and I found out his brother, Fermín, also settled in Zacatecas, México.

Los orígenes
Pascual Ignacio Eugenio Apezechea Arrieta nació en la montañosa y pequeña villa de Goizueta, en Navarra, en 1751; fue el tercero de ocho hermanos. Su biografía ha sido en cierto sentido eclipsada por la de su más notorio hermano menor, Fermín, quien pasó a la Nueva España en 1777 y logró insertarse muy exitosamente en la ciudad de Zacatecas, por entonces un importante reducto de la colonización vizcaína. Con una combinación de nexos de paisanaje, un buen matrimonio y habilidades personales invirtió en la minería (en La Quebradilla, una empresa que llegó a ser muy próspera). Fue alcalde ordinario de primer voto del ayuntamiento de Zacatecas, representante o “diputado” de los mineros y consultor del Tribunal de Minería, además de dueño de varias haciendas.

Just FYI,


Great work Anselmo,

I had not known that Fermin had also come to Mexico. That was the missing piece in this puzzle.

Manuel Apecechea is the son of Fermin Jose Apecechea, and nephew of Pascual Ignacio Eugenio Apecechea.

“ Manuel José Antonio Tomas Apecechea Flores Correa, nacido en México el 14 de Junio de 1786.”


1)- Juan de Apecechea b. ca 1570 m. Maria de Espolosin b. ca 1570 , d. 8/Feb/1635

2)- Pedro de Apecechea c. 29/Jun/1603 m. 6/March/1628 Graciana Alzuri c. 31/Jan/1610,

3)- Jóanes Apecechea Alzuri c. 18/Mar/1629 m. 3/Aug/1663 Juana Onsari

4)- Pedro Apecechea c. 28/Mar/1677m. Ana María de Echenique.

5)- Francisco Ygnacio Apecechea m. 30/Nov/1745 María Josepha de Arrieta

6)- Fermin Antonio Apecechea Arrieta b. 24/July/1755 immigrated in 1777. Fermin married as his first wife María Gertrudis Justa Flores Correa y García de la Cadena, b. 1753 in México.

7)- Manuel José Antonio Tomas Apecechea Flores Correa, b. 14/June/1786. And Francisca Murillo (Morillo) (not married)

8)- Matias Apecechea b. ca 1811 m. 8/March/1833 Isidora Ruelas (daughter of Jose Ruelas and Victoriana de Ledesma

9)- Santiago de Apecechea b. ca 1840, d. 6/April/1892.

Rick A. Ricci

Matias Apecechea and Isidora Ruelas are the parents of Santiago Apecechea. Santiago was approximately 51 years old according to his death record in 6/Apr/1892.

Matias and Isidora were married on 8/March/1833. Matias was previously married to Polonia Gonzalez. Matias Apecechea is “hijo natural” de Francisca Murillo.

There was a VillaNueva in what is now “Los Altos de Jalisco.”

Ignacio Apecechea was originally from Goizueta, Navarrra España before he came to Nueva Galicia. It will be difficult, though not impossible, to connect Matias Apecechea to Ygnacio Apecechea because Matias was a “hijo natural.”. Ygnacio is most likely his grandfather or great grandfather.

Rick A. Ricci

Great Find Anselmo! Great that you found Matias’s third marriage. In Matias’s first two marriages, his father, Manuel Apecechea, is not named.

Because of the dates involved, it does seem likely that Manuel Apecechea is the son of Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea de Arrieta. But I say likely, as Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio could have had a child as a young teenager, and that child could also have had a child as a young teenager, and then Manuel himself fathering Matias at a young age. which would make Manuel a grand child. But I am just stating a slight possibility, as it is most likely that Manuel is his son. You were very lucky to find the name of Matias’s father since only his mother was named in the records of his first two marriages where he is described as being illegitimate. Hopefully some of that luck will carry over and we find a record showing Manuel’s descent from Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea de Arrieta. I do have more information on the ancestry of Pascual Ygnacio Eugenio Apecechea de Arrieta.


Rick A. Ricci