Nicolás de Ulloa (or Márquez de los Olivos)

Hello everybody:
I have been trying to find out if my ancestor Nicolás de Ulloa (born between 1640 and 1650), married to María Muñoz de Ávila (born 1652 in Tlaltenango, Zacatecas), and father of Candelaria de Ulloa (who married in Tlaltenango in 1713 to Pedro de Bargas Casteñeda) is the son of Nicolás de Ulloa (Márquez de los Olivos) and María Ruiz de Esparza.
I will very grateful if anyone has any information.

Hola todos:
He estado tratando de averiguar si mi antepasado Nicolás de Ulloa (nacido entre 1640 y 1650), casado con María Muñoz de Ávila (nacida en 1652 en Tlaltenango, Zacatecas), y padre de Candelaria de Ulloa (quien se casó en Tlaltenango en 1713 con Pedro de Bargas Casteñeda) es hijo de Nicolás de Ulloa (Márquez de los Olivos) y María Ruiz de Esparza.
Estaré muy agradecido si alguien tiene alguna información.

Hello Jesus. I'm afraid I can't help you, at least not yet, but I wanted to reach out to you anyway. I get very excited when I see other people researching the same people! If my research is correct, Pedro Castaneda and Maria Candelaria Ulloa are my 6th great grandparents. Unfortunately, as of right now, Maria de la Candelaria is the last Ulloa on my Castaneda tree and I have taken a bit of a break from researching the Castanedas. I wish you lots of luck on your search!
Sandra Castaneda

Hello Sandra
Thank you for your nice comment. I think that María Candelaria Ulloa is not the last Ulloa on your tree, since it is confirmed that her parents were Nicolás de Ulloa and María de Muñoz, so they are the last ones :)
Here is María Candelaria´s wedding record in case you don't have it:

En postrer día del mes de octubre de mil setecientos trece años, casé y velé en facie ecclesiae a Pedro de Vargas Castañeda, hijo legítimo de José de Vargas Castaneda y de Francisca de Vela y Rodas, de la feligresía de Teúl, con María de la Candelaria de Ulloa, hija legítima de Nicolás de Ulloa y de María Muñoz, españoles y vecinos de esta feligresía; fueron testigos Salvador López y Antonio de Castro y porque conste lo firmé.
(On the last day of the month of October of seventeen thirteen years, I married and veiled in facie ecclesiae Pedro de Vargas Castañeda, legitimate son of José de Vargas Castaneda and Francisca de Vela y Rodas, of the parish of Teúl, with María de la Candelaria de Ulloa, legitimate daughter of Nicolás de Ulloa and María Muñoz, Spaniards and residents of this parish; Salvador López and Antonio de Castro were witnesses and for the record I signed it)

The link to the record:…

Who of María Candelaria's children is your ancestor? I have four sons registered. Nicolás Alexandro, Francisco, Joseph Manuel and Buenaventura. My ancestor is Joseph Manuel. His godmother was Melchora Marqués de los Olivos, so I think that there is a probability that his great-grandfather could be Nicolás de Ulloa (Marqués de los Olivos). I hope to find more evidence.
Jesús Ibarra

If my research is correct, Manuel Castaneda is my direct ancestor as well. I have him married to Antonia de la Torre.
Then it goes to their son, Vicente Ferrer, married to Maria Lugarda de Aro (2nd marriage) but this tree has not been easy for me.

Oh yes, Joseph Manuel Castaneda was married to Antonia de la Torre, who is a direct descendant of the converted Sephardic Jew Pedro Pacho, who was one of the conquerors of Nueva Galicia. Their son Vicente Castaneda and his wife María Lugarda de Aro are also my ancestors, then it goes to their son Luis Castanedo, married to Benita Ochoa.

So would you be willing to share any more information you have beyond, Pedro Castaneda and Maria Candelaria Ulloa. I would appreciate any other information you would like to share.

Edit: I see what you are saying about Pedro Pacho!!! Thank you!

Happy to hear someone else is on this tree doing research!

I am a descendant from Francisco Ulloa. I’ve just recently started on this line- so I’m double checking my work. Thanks for the information thus far!