Defunto of "Capitan Don Ignacio Martinez De Murguia" 1814 San Antonio De Padua De Huejuquilla

Found something here. It is the defunto of "Capitan Don Ignacio Martinez De Murguia" where he was 56 years old, passed away from hidropecia. Left his money to be divided up into the poor.

Relatives or Paisanos from Union de San Antonio municipality (Jalisco)

Hello... I am new to site and am starting to do some serious research on my lineage. To start I just wanted to know if there are any fellow relatives or paisanos from the Union de San Antonio area (Tlacuitapan, San Jose de los Reynoso, San Julian, San Miguel el Alto etc.,).

Defunto de 14 Cuerpos Hacienda San Antonio/Huejuquilla 1810 murieron en "La Guerra"

I have been moving along the archive of defuntos of Huejuquilla and San Antonio De Padua looking for the defunto of my great great great great grandfather Francisco Madera who is the husband of Maria

URSUA Chabes, Luiz Joseph, c. 1730

I'm hoping someone can help me find the baptismal date of: Luiz Joseph URSUA Chabes, c. 1730, español, originario y vecino de la Hacienda de San Bartolome, Aguascalientes, Ags. hijo legitimo de Juan ORSUA Chabes y Cayetana Maria CHABES Albares. [Luiz is aka Jossef Luiz de URCUA; Luiz Jossef VRSUA, VRZUA, HORZUA, etc.]

Defunto of Antonia De Los Santos 1778 (Sister of Juan Benancio Madera my great great great GF)

Found the defunto of Antonia De Los Santos in 1778. Who is the sister of Juan Benancio Madera.

Antonia De Los Santos is hija de Francisco Madera and Maria Guizar: