Hermosa o Hermosillo
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Buenos días a todos.
Ana Petra Zermeño is the daughter of Juan Zermeño and Maria Bernarda
I am researching my 8th GG-father Juan Castaneda born 10/12/1686 in Pinos, Zac. He married Juana Carabajal on 4/5/1707 at Pinos. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V5F8-WNC
La descendencia de Malinalli “Marina” (La Malinche) hasta Iyari Amaranta Casillas Mariscal
1.) Cacique (chieftain) de Paynala m. Marta (baptized name)
Les adjunto un resumen / recopilación que hice de los Rollos 2 al 52 de la biblioteca del Lic.
Hello forum.
Catalina de Sepulveda died 10 Sep. 1644 in Guadalajara, Nueva Galicia.
I have two questions concerning the Arzola family:
Hola a todos! Hace como un año que no comparto ni escribo. Aqui estoy de nuevo trabajando en mi arbol genealogico...
Happy early New Year! primos from Jalisco Posting this in case members have clues on some deadends in my Jalisco genealogy. This is my dad's side of the house.
If anyone would like a real challenge in interpreting an old document, I should be grateful for any assistance in reading the last entry on the left-hand page of image 200 on roll 38311 (it's page 189
Apenas destrabé la ascendencia de mi antepasada Lucía Fernández de Palos, casada en Nadadores, Coahuila, el 14/Mayo/1799 con Pedro Falcón Masías.
Hello everyone,
Hello Arturo
Does anyone have any information on Villa Garcia or sources where I can find the history of it?
I have collected tidbits of information about the ancestry of Maria de Haro y Saucedo who was married to Juan de Miramontes in Tlaltenango, Zacatecas sometime in the lat 1500s (likely 1580 to 1590) bu
I tried to return information to I believe his name was Hernandez spam57@me.com about Romana Batres but it wouldn't go through. How can I eMail it to him?
Margarita Ruiz Alonzo De Fox
Also the below articles were from the latest Somos Primos newletter and
Lyman Platt wrote a great book that includes great information on the Padrones de Jalisco, Zacatecas y Aguascalientes. You can find the pages to that book on the nuestrosranchos.org website.
Hi all,
Hello Primos and Primas,
As part of my Valladolid Dispensas work, I ran across this matrimonial dispensation from Tinguindin, Michoacan:
Hola Buenos días!