Joseph Vidaurre/Petra Medina
What is the date of this record? All I can make out is "en dicho mes y a~no".
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What is the date of this record? All I can make out is "en dicho mes y a~no".
Thank you all for your help and insights concerning the marriage record for Jose de la Torre and Maria Elena Romero. I agree the record must be in error regarding Dionicio Martin and Paula Saldana.
Is there anybody that has relatives from this area in this research group. My line is a marriage between Mariano Esparza and Josefa Sanchez in August of 1875. If anybody has any lines related to this
Me he puesto a pensar si mis descendientes sabrán que existí.
Me di cuenta de que todo este tiempo he estado rescatando del olvido a
antepasados que murieron hace muchos años, pero que no he he
Hi all:
I was hoping someone could take a look at the informacion matrimonial for my great grandfather's marriage to his first wife. Specifically, there's one word that I can't make out under the "Consentimento" part. I'm hoping someone on this listserve has come across similar language.
The line says: "En el curato de Tlaltenango a los cinco dias del mes de Febrero de mil noveicientos tres ante mi el Presbitero Don Jose de Jesus Robles, Cura de esta parroquia comparecieron Pedro Pinedo y Maria Natividad Godoy madre de la _______________ y ambos dijeron que sus expresados hijos..."
Has the time and date for the local So.Cal.
Nuestros Ranchos meeting been posted yet?
I have searched many previous postings looking for
this info and haven't found it.Maybe I missed it.
Hola a todos,
Ya he subido algunos de los resultados de ADN de las muestras que se tomaron aquí en Los Altos de Jalisco.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Jaime Alvarado. I had been searching various records for that baptism for some time. How were you able to find it so easily? Very greatful.
I checking Talpa de Allende baptism records and found most likely the last entry I will find for this family but on the name it will either say Espanol(a) or Yndio de tabla.
I am thoroughly confused by the marriage record of my ggrandfather Jose de la Torre to my ggrandmother Maria Elena Romero. They were married Feb.
I don't recall reading an after-conference report. I was looking forward to reading about it and maybe seeing pictures, especially since I was unable to attend.
Always be inquisitive when told, "No son los mismos." I heard this when I began researching my three Gutierrez lines in Jalostotitlan & San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco.
Hi, I'm new to this forum. I am trying to find out more about my ancestors.
In my family there are various stories of how ancestors had much land and cattle, and my grandfathers talk about their ancestors' land deeds on property (los papeles de los terrenos), or even sometime
I read with such amusement the remarks made by fellow researchers on surprises, bewilderment, encouragement coming from their search.
Nicolas GARSIA y Maria de San Juan VILLALPANDO had another daughter, Rosalia, who was married 17 Jun 1761 to Francisco Xavier GUSMAN y PRADO.
I am very disappointed that Lorraine Artinger
was able to post 3 unidentified entries which
are actually advertising and not related to
Is Nuestros Ranchos aware that their FILMS are not available to us members for viewing ???
Jose Carlos de Leon
Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on October 5, 1791 (image 142).
I think it s
I need information about the ascendence of my great-grandfather Ruben Eudave Lopez, born in Sta. Maria Mecatabasco, Villa del Refugio Zacatecas about 1891.
Hopefully, some of you have heard of Victor Villasenor, the writer who was
nominated for a Pulitzer two times. He wrote Rain of Gold, Burro Genius, and
many other critically acclaimed books.
You have to know the name of the church to find a record. Open the file and then go directly to the Church as they are listed. Some have records going back to the 1500's.
Since I'm relatively new at genealogy, I'm willing to take the risk of sounding totally ignorant...Are dispensas the same as informacion matrimonial? With the group's help, the knowledge I gain wil