Bautismo bajo condicion?
Hello Prim@s,
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Hello Prim@s,
Hola Prim@s
I was looking at the record below where a good samaritan offers information about a dispensation, where could I find the actual record? can someone guide me?
Thank you for the info
On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 1:40 PM
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Frank Duran
Hi everyone,
Hi, I’m going through baptism records, searching for ancestors and ran Into this one and have seen others with “expuesto en casa de..”, what does expuesto mean?
Hello and Thank you for accepting me into this group.
I am going through the baptism registrations looking for a great great mother and have noticed a circle with an X in the middle next to some of the names, does anyone know what it means?
Hi, Can someone please help me the spelling of the god Mother’s first and last name for Jph. Ricardo, right page first record.
I think it’s Fructuosa Girón?
Hello, my name is Cecilia Reyes and I am somewhat new to genealogy I have been researching my dads side of the family which mostly came from Chalchi
I have been researching my Osuna family lines and could use some help.
Hi everyone,
I found my GG-Grand father's marriage record. I would greatly appreciate a second opinion trying to figure out the name of place he was from.
I'm looking for any information on Nicolas Bambrila and Juana De Orosco their kids were born in Tamazula from what I read in their marriage records.
I'm thinking about purchasing this book and wondering if anyone has it and what you think of it?
Thank you,
Could someone please help me find where this Rancho is located according to the information I found.
searching for parents for maria anotonia quiros . she had married my antonio posada. children are my manuela posada and jph balbino posada.
When you find that a baptism, marriage or burial happened before the earliest record in the church where you have been finding the family records, you want to know which church in the area has earlier
Espero que alguien del grupo tenga y pueda aportar información adicional de mi octavo abuelo materno Antonio Ruiz de Ulloa.
Has anybody actually traced their ancestor back to the ships?
Listas de Pasajeros a Indias, Passenger Lists to the Indies?
Hello everyone,
I have only begun to read in Spanish since starting to trace my grandmothers decendents. I can anyone help translate this
Can anyone recommend books that are written of the history of Ranchos, Churches, people, of Zacatecas and Jalisco?
Mi bisabuelo, Jesús Merced López, nacido el 24 Sep de 1873 era natural de Tepetiltique, Jalisco, pero avecinado en Mexticacán.
Atenguillo, Tepic, Jalisco produced a Padron in 1895.