[Genealogia.org.mx] 6996 Sobre Retrato de Martin Casillas el Alarife.

Hola otra vez Jorge Luis:

Se me olvido preguntarte: cuanto cuestan los tomos 1, 2 y 3 de
la Historia de Tepa y el libro sobre Anacleto, me interesa adquirirlos
para ir preparado con dinero, a ver si de aqui a que vaya a Tepa no



You've been explaining the various government entities in Mexico: In the excerpt from the FHC Library Catalog (below) of films available for Valparaiso, Zacatecas, I see OFICIALIA designated for some of the nearby communities. What is meant by "oficialia"?

Maternal Surnames

On my mother's side I am the fourth generation to use the maternal suname.

Because my great grandfather was the product of rape.

Since 1858 our family has been proud to bear the name of the 14 year-old victim of that rape, Maria de las Nieves Porras.

Asientos, Aguascalientes Feb 1839 Church Census listing Haciendas and Ranchos

I have just upload a list of Haciendas and Ranchos from the 1839 Church Census of Asientos, Aguascalientes. There are some names that were hard to make out so I put question marks after the name.


Some spirits!

Some months ago a boy from my neighbor´s throw some rocks from his second floor terrace to my second floor roof. I yelled asking him to stop, he not even turn his head, then I manaced to tell his mom and it worked! The past weekend he did it again but with wooden blocks (tiny blocks) so I went to his door, his grandma granted me to come in, so I did. We had a little chat and she was nice listening to me and asking me question about my family and I ask about hers. Then I dropped it

Ordering Material From Archivo del Arzobispado de Guadalajara ???

Has anyone ever ordered material from the Archivo del Arzobispado de Guadalajara (AAG)? Is it possible? Is it expensive? If you have info on this can you post it to the group?

I'm interested in ordering this Padron listed in Dr. Lyman Platt's book "Census Record for Latin America. . ." for Zacatecas, Zacatecas: