middle or last names?

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if "del Refugio" or"de Jesus" etc are last names or middle names. For eg. Maria del Refugio Pena Lopez and Jose del Refugio Jimenez. I'm not sure then that I have Jose's mother's last name. The same thing with de Jesus. I have a Jose de Jesus Hernandez and a Maria de Jesus Hernandez. In this case, am I missing both their mothers' last names? or are they related?

change to Digest First: ---Unsubcribe from Nuestros Ranchos Group

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Unsubcribe from Nuestros Ranchos Group
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:09:04 -0400 (EDT)
To: makas@nc.rr.com

Please unsubscribe me from your very busy list. Thank you.

To Joseph regarding Maldonado and Tafoya in Juarez, Chihuahua


My cousin Dave is related to you thru Roman Maldonado and Maria Tranquilina Rios. His direct line is Maria Salome Rafaela Maldonado the sister to your Antonia Maldonado. I was viewing your tree, do you have Maria Higinia Rios? I traced Dave's Maldonado's to Sevastian Maldonado and Maria Ygnacia Delfin.

Facial Recognition Technology

Has anyone else tried facial recognition technology?

I just gave it a try, and was very impressed. I uploaded one of my best, most youthful pictures, and the program instantly scanned the image, broke it down and compared it to its celebrity data bank. Within two seconds my match came up. Cat Stevens! I have always thought I looked like him, on a VERY GOOD day! Finally, someone agreed with me.

[Fwd: File - Introduce Yourself Please]

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: File - Introduce Yourself Please
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 13:12:55 -0800 (PST)
From: y b <ybinsouthsac@yahoo.com>
To: ranchos Moderator <ranchos-owner@yahoogroups.com>

I was not sure now to send in my introduction, so I
am sending it to you in a word doc.

id="img3" ondragstart="event.dataTransfer.setData("Text","")"
title="Tree 2" ondragend="insertSmiley("16/16_4_17","Tree%202")"
src="/cid:part1.08090606.05020005@nc.rr.com" align="middle" border="0"> face="verdana">  style="font-size: 26pt; color: rgb(102, 153, 0); font-family: 'CAC Champagne';"> size="4">Family Genealogist

Genealogy Conferences


I just wanted to let everyone know, that I will be teaching a class at the Northern Utah Family History Conference & Symposium, in Ogden, Utah on Oct. 7th, the Saturday before the Legado Latino Conference. And I also been asked to be a speaker at the St. George, Ut 2007 Genealogy & Family Heritage Jamboree, in St. George, Utah on Feb 9-10. Both conferences are being sponsored by www.myancestorsfound.com . Both classes with be on Mexican Research. So if anyone will be in the area, please come and enjoy the conferences.


Ceniceros is a name in our family that is virtually interchangeable with Lucifer himself. El diablo.

My mother turned 88 last week, on July 10. She's bedridden. She's always had flat feet, and has diabetic neuropathy, so her tiny feet can't support her weight anymore. And she has alzheimer's, so her memory is very weak.