Looking for some information on this Branch of the Luevano Family

I started researching my wife's Paternal side and it looks like I have hit the Brick wall already this is where I'm stuck

Felipe De Luevana y Maria Teresa Espinoza I found these names on one of his son's Marriage

Felipe De Jesus Luevana y Maria Micaela De Jesus Gonzalez married on Dec 28 1774 the record was found on The records of Maria De Asuncion Aguascalientes 1772-1777 image # 160 if anyone outhere has any clue about Felipe and Maria Teresa please let me know .


Which "Indio Tribe" are people from Mezquitic or Zacatecas area during Colonial times?

I have a question to ask? When I have been researching our ancestors in the LDS archives for the Mezquitic area of Jalisco, Mexico. And ran across people stated as "indio" which indio tribe?