Pinos Zacatecas 1680-1740: Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor - Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada - Mathias Gomez [de Sotomayor?]

Hola primos y primas,

Estoy investigando mis antepasados Francisco Sanchez de la Mejorada e
Ysabel Ruiz de Villasenor, que vivian en Pinos, Zacatecas, 1680-1740.
Francisco Sanchez nacio alrededo

Help! Caldera lineage

Arturo and everyone else in the group.

I've been trying to enter my Caldera line using the information in the files by Susan Leniski. I'm having a problem with the time line between the births of the children of Pedro Cid Caldera and Ana Maria Carrillo. My interest is in their daughters Clara Cid and Ysabel Cid, I can't find a birth date that works for them. In fact I can't figure the date of birth for their father Pedro Cid Caldera!

Thello De Orozco, to whom it may concern.

Hi! I have a connection with Tello De Orozco in one of the older branches of my tree.
Salvador Thello De Orozco married Petra Guadalupe De Leon Aguirre. Don´t have his parents and don´t know why, long time ago I extracted this data so don´t remember. Anyways, this marriage took place in Ayotlán, Jal. on february 15, 1779, batch M604478, film 0280788.