I updated my GEDCOM Family Tree here at NuestrosRanchos
Thanks to my cousin Katy Brecht's outstanding research!!
Joseph de Leon
Thanks to my cousin Katy Brecht's outstanding research!!
Joseph de Leon
Hola Claudia ,how are you ? I hope well. I am stuck on a couple named Jose Geronimo Ramirez and Maria de Jesus Garcia .
My parents are both from Jalpa, Zacatecas. I have been able to trace three branches of my mother’s ancestry to Bartelomo Viramontes.
#1 https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15269-62570-58?cc=1410092&wc…
Upper left side.
Juana Maria Sanchez Herrera
13 Feb 1829
Father: Simon Sanchez
Mother: Celedonia Herrera
Hola! My names is Robert Martinez in Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico.
Some of my relatives were born in Sollatlan (frequently it is written as Soyatlan), Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco. Some come from Sollatlan de Adentro and others from Sollatlan de Afuera.
My name is Robert Martinez and I am looking for Gertrudes Ruiz de Esparza and Agustin de Marungo who married circa 1700 in the Villa de Jerez area near Zacatecas.
Hola todos,
I came across some baptismal certificates for relatives who were born in El Capulin, Tepetongo. Does anyone have any info on El Capulin?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Dear Leticia--
I was hoping you were from somewhere in Jalisco because I get to vacation there from time to time and I do have some interesting genealogy and Hispanic history books to show to whomever is interested.
Greetings fellow NR Members--
I don't know if this will help Denise, but I, too, have roots in Nadadores
that were Tlaxcaltecos, and they were identified as such in their
children's birth certificates (Lucas and Tomas), the
Hola a todos:
To all,
I've attached a link to the Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society's Facebook Page where I've uploaded photographs of our 2012 Conference held in Sacramento, California on Saturday May 12th.
Thanks to a distant cousin's research on our Durango family line, I learned
that an ancestor which was labeled as "padre no conocido" had her father
later identified as part of her marriage informat
I was wondering if anyone has visited their local LDS family search center. What's different from what you find online at familysearch.org? Is it worthwhile to go?
It's very interesting and a first for me. All I can make out are the names.
Can anyone tell what language is used in these Huichapan, Hidalgo baptism records?
Perhaps one of the many languages s
Does anybody in the group have a copy of Esteban Valdes Salazar's pamphlet on Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara's genealogy? I know that somebody in the group shared a scan of the cover with me early on... but I was wondering if someone had the content as well... particularly the Magallanes side. I have the Jara side from Esteban Valdes' Jaras de Totatiche book going pretty far back... That is available in my online database if anyone is interested:
I know a lot of people in this group have lived or traveled in Jalisco and the Los Altos region. Sadly, I am not one of them. I am curious if anybody recognized any of the locations that appeared
I contacted Family Search about a batch of Defunciones that they didn't upload.
Estoy en proceso de publicar la información de mi árbol genealógico a través de mi página personal, la cual contiene información de diversos estados como Jalisco, Zacatecas, Michoacán, y más.
I sometimes see this phrase:
What does it mean in English?
For whoever can help me with it, thanks!
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