Eligio de Xauregui
I don't know who the Eligio in this record descends from. I am researching
my 6th great-grandparents Eligio de Xauregui and Maria de la Concepcion
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I don't know who the Eligio in this record descends from. I am researching
my 6th great-grandparents Eligio de Xauregui and Maria de la Concepcion
Tienes razon, se me olvido mencionar el otro testamento.
Hi there everyone ,
The link I've been using to access images of church records from Mexican
states is not updated to include the states recently mentioned, ie Chiapas,
I'm trying to decipher the name of the place where the child was born on an
image I found on familysearch.
Hola, D aniel,
Pues yo tengo una dispensa matrimonial con fecha 28 de Marzo de 1717 y dice:
Sorry - you wanted the city.
In a message dated 3/16/2011 8:43:54 P.M.
Estimados compañeros:
Records from another state are now available at Family Search.
Good morning Joseph,
I thought the folks from our group might like this .
Recordando al coronel Ignacio Obregòn (1808) y su esposa , ambos descendientes de los Alcocer , dueños de la hacienda de Corralejo+ donde se crio el coronel , pues era hijo
Estimados compañeros:
Mi familia estuvo viviendo en un rancho llamado La Tetilla actualmente en el municipio de Garcia de la Cadena, Zacatecas de la feligresia del Teul hablando religiosamente.
Welester Alvarado was kind enough to find the group a great resource for
the Mazapil, Zacatecas area.
Hola a todos, solamente para mencionar que en el libro de la Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, se menciona a un Diego de la Mota Padilla, hijo de Don Luis de Padilla y de Isabel de Mendoza. No.
Estimado Guillermo:
This question is for those of you (probably all of you) who are using genealogy software to keep track of your information. Specifically Family Tree Maker, since this is what I'm using.
¿Alguien tiene la rama de los Lopez Hernandez?
Has anyone else been experiencing problems with the familysearch site? Last night I couldn't get the US, Canada, Mexico to open at all. Tonight I tried three times before it worked, and now it wo
I have been researching some early 1800's with Jauregui, Pinon, and Contreras in Mexticacan and find some confusing entries with De Jauregui, De Xaurigue, Pinona, Contreras De Arse, Garcia and Gomes J
Holá, mis amigos.
My name is John Karr Wolfe, usually called Karr, and I am an American-born
son of a Mexican immigrant mother, a Romo from Guadalajara/Tepatitlán. My
father is from the American Midwest. In order to try to link my family back
I am trying to figure out the name of one person on this record. I will not say what I think it reads, as I do not want to prejudice everyone's opinion.
Estimado Daniel,
Espero no confundirte mas o mas bien espero no darte informacion erronea.
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Georgina G Garcia, I am 27 years old, from San Luis Potosi but livig at san antonio tx. I have been researching my ancestors for several years, and some of my lines came from the states of PINOS, ZACATECAS, SAN JUANICO DE ABAJO, VILLA HIDALGO, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, AGUASCALIENTES.