Gutierre de Aguila

I have run into a few ancestors who moved to the Totatiche area from Gutierre de Aguila in the early 1700s. I remember discussing with someone that the name of this town had changed to Villanueva (Zacatecas). I was looking through the films for Villanueva and it seems that the early years of that parrish are missing... the only films available appear to be informaciones matrimoniales.

Hola ~~~Que Pasa??

What happened to all the old dialog we use to have in the Yahoo Group? What is going on with the groups quietness?
Do miss hearing from you all.

In my research, I have found that I share common ancestors with El Santo Mateo Correra Magallanas. With gratitude to Kitty & Rich Cortez, I now have a copy of El Santos baptismal record, and a copy of his signature when he was a priest, and baptizing in his parish.


Did you get a chance to read my message about not having the usernames and passwords for DreamHost or the FTP login anymore because my drive crashed?

I remember that the username for FTP is lafamilia...

Nulidad de Matrimonio

1123 Cuando se convalida un matrimonio para el fuero externo, o es declarado nulo, o se disuelve legítimamente por una causa distinta de la muerte, debe comunicarse esta circunstancia al párroco del lugar donde se celebró el matrimonio, para que se haga como está mandado la anotación en los registros de matrimonio y de bautismo.

Another Gazetteer Site

This site even found the ghost town Bavicanora, Sonora, Mex where my father was raised. I have been to this ghost town 30 years ago and there was nothing living there, just a closed up mine. This privately sponsored gazetteer searches for places by nation or by letter of the alphabet.

Ana Valdes-Macias, Masias-Valades

For Ernie Alderete,

An old post of yours about Petronila MOCTEZUMA mentioned Anna VALADES Masias who married Jose Manuel ROMO DE VIVAR.
Could she be Anna MASIAS Valades, born btw 1710-1720 probably in Aguascalientes? I've come across this MASIAS-Valades or Balades combination occasionally in the records, sometimes as MASIAS-Valdez.

A History of the Mexican People (Book)

"Triumphs and Tragedy," A History of the Mexican People, by Ramon Eduardo Ruiz is an excellant publication that features "the epic history of Mexico's tumultuous origin and development - from its Olmec, Aztec and Mayan heritage to its present-day." "One long tragedy intermittently punctuated by triumph." Professor Ruiz is a professor in the history department at the University of California - San Diego at La Jolla. Copyright 1992 by Ramon Eduardo Ruiz ..ISBN 0-393-03023-7 W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.


I would like to invite all the members of the group to visit the Albums section of our site. There are very interesting and beautiful pictures in the albums. If you have not had a chance to visit this section yet, I suggest you plan to visit it the next time you find some free time (who 's got that?) to explore ALL of the albums. Consider adding your favorite pictures to the collection for the benefit and enjoyment of the group.

New Photos uploaded

Hi, primos y primas. I've loaded a few new photos to my photo album if you want to take a peek. I'm particularly upload challenged...I've tried uploading stuff before and I'm sure it's whirling around in the stratosphere somewhere and destined never to alight anywhere.

La Frontera: La linea que nos divida. The Border: The line that divides us.

I hope our Mexican relations know that most of us Pochos do NOT share the hostility displayed by our elected officials, and vigilante posses towards undocumented immigrants. If it was up to me, I would grant a full and complete blanket amnesty.

DNA testing

Has anyone on the NuestrosRanchos list had a Y-DNA or mtDNA test with
FamilyTreeDNA or other testing facility?

I've had my Y-DNA results for the Romero Surname and they are
unusual. I am interested if anyone whose ancestors are from the