I'm Confused

Hi Bill, I have a Pablo Vasquez on IGI who married Martina Esparsa on 18 Feb 1835 and my 4th grt grandmother should be Matiana Esparsa but then I found a child who I do recall named Petra Vasquez Esparsa on IGI born Feb 1845 in Calvillo. And I found my 3rd grt grandfather just now on IGI Leandro Vasquez was baptized on Mar 1848 in Calvillo so now I have solid proof that the Vasquez came from Calvillo. Do you think Matiana and this Martina could be the same person? I think they should of married before 1845 I was totally off. I had Leandro born on 1857 which is 9 years Off!


The best way to resolve this problem is by ordering film No. 0635887 at your LDS Family History Center, and checking Pablo Vasquez and Martina Esparza's marriage record. This microfilm includes marriages that took place between 1813-1854 at the Catholic Church of Nuestro Señor San Jose. By checking this microfilm you will be able to check 1) if the name was transcribed correctly and 2) verify the names of their parents. I find errors in IGI sheets every day, therefore I try to verify each and every one of them by checking the original records. I've been doing this for nearly three years. You can also check the baptismal records for Leandro and Petra on microfilms No. 0635767 and No. 0635767 to verify that the names of their parents are correct on the IGI sheets.
