Visiting Salt Lake City

Hello everyone,

I want to ask everyone in this group if they have visited the LDS Family
Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am planning to go this month and since
this is my first time, I need some tips and advice so I don’t feel lost

I would also like to ask anyone knows if it’s now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are

Hola a todos,

Quisiera preguntarles a todos los del grupo que si han visitado el Centro
Familiar LDS en Salt Lake City, Utah. Estoy planeando ir este mes y como es
mi primera vez, necesito tips y consejos para no sentirme perdido.

Tambien quisiera preguntar si alguien sabe si ya se pueden descargar
información a una memoria USB o algún otro formato. Toda información y
sugerencias es muy agradecida.

Su primo y servidor,

Ricardo Rodriguez

Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco

Hi Jonathan,

I'm going to SLC next week. How's the weather up there?


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de mexicanfhr
Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 9:15 AM
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


When will you be in Salt Lake?


The weather has been cold, lots of snow. But we are starting to thaw out.

If you would like, I can try and come down to the Library, and maybe give
you some help.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Hi Jonathan,

I'm going to SLC next week. How's the weather up there?


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de mexicanfhr
Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 9:15 AM
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


When will you be in Salt Lake?


Hi Jonathan,

If you're gonna be around I would definitely need your help. Thanks for
offering. Do you volunteer at the family center?


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Jonathan
Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 8:31 PM
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

The weather has been cold, lots of snow. But we are starting to thaw out.

If you would like, I can try and come down to the Library, and maybe give
you some help.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Hi Jonathan,

I'm going to SLC next week. How's the weather up there?


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de mexicanfhr
Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 9:15 AM
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


When will you be in Salt Lake?



I don't volunteer at the library. I just go down and do research. And help
out ranchos members when they ask.

Any particular day, that you would like me to come down.


--------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
Date: 03/11/08 08:23

> Hi Jonathan,
> If you're gonna be around I would definitely need your help. Thanks for
> offering. Do you volunteer at the family center?
> Rick
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de Jonathan
> Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 8:31 PM
> Para:
> Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> The weather has been cold, lots of snow. But we are starting to thaw out.
> If you would like, I can try and come down to the Library, and maybe give
> you some help.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rick
> Rodriguez
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 12:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Hi Jonathan,
> I'm going to SLC next week. How's the weather up there?
> Ricardo
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de
> Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 9:15 AM
> Para:
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Ricardo,
> When will you be in Salt Lake?
> Jonathan

I don't know what day I'll be there, but for sure I'll contact you when I'm
there. Thanks!!!


-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Jonathan
Enviado el: Martes 11 de Marzo de 2008 2:44 PM
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


I don't volunteer at the library. I just go down and do research. And help
out ranchos members when they ask.

Any particular day, that you would like me to come down.


--------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
Date: 03/11/08 08:23

> Hi Jonathan,
> If you're gonna be around I would definitely need your help. Thanks for
> offering. Do you volunteer at the family center?
> Rick
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de Jonathan
> Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 8:31 PM
> Para:
> Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> The weather has been cold, lots of snow. But we are starting to thaw out.
> If you would like, I can try and come down to the Library, and maybe give
> you some help.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rick
> Rodriguez
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 12:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Hi Jonathan,
> I'm going to SLC next week. How's the weather up there?
> Ricardo
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de
> Enviado el: Lunes 10 de Marzo de 2008 9:15 AM
> Para:
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Ricardo,
> When will you be in Salt Lake?
> Jonathan

Dear Maureen,
I saw that you might visit Salt Lake City in the spring. I too would like to go in the spring and would like to meet up with some Ranchos familia. Maybe there might be other individuals who might be interested in a spring meet-up in SLC?

Alicia in San Jose, Calif

From: Maureen Bejar

I am planning a trip to SLC possibly in the spring and it will definitely be one I will look into.

Thank you again.

Dear Alicia and Maureen, I'm also planning to visit SLC next year, maybe
during Easter week. I went last year during Easter and the very friendly
people there told me that they don't get that many visitors during this
week, and it's not that cold either. I'll probably spend a week or two

Rick Rodriguez
Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco

-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Alicia
Enviado el: Monday, December 08, 2008 11:08 PM
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Dear Maureen,
I saw that you might visit Salt Lake City in the spring. I too would like to
go in the spring and would like to meet up with some Ranchos familia. Maybe
there might be other individuals who might be interested in a spring meet-up
in SLC?

Alicia in San Jose, Calif

From: Maureen Bejar

I am planning a trip to SLC possibly in the spring and it will definitely be
one I will look into.

Thank you again.

If you go to SLC, get res in advance for the Christmas music. It is free
but you have to res. It is wonderful. It was chilly, but not cold.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Rodriguez"
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

> Dear Alicia and Maureen, I'm also planning to visit SLC next year, maybe
> during Easter week. I went last year during Easter and the very friendly
> people there told me that they don't get that many visitors during this
> week, and it's not that cold either. I'll probably spend a week or two
> there.
> Saludos,
> Rick Rodriguez
> Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de Alicia
> Carrillo
> Enviado el: Monday, December 08, 2008 11:08 PM
> Para:
> Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Dear Maureen,
> I saw that you might visit Salt Lake City in the spring. I too would like
> to
> go in the spring and would like to meet up with some Ranchos familia.
> Maybe
> there might be other individuals who might be interested in a spring
> meet-up
> in SLC?
> Saludos,
> Alicia in San Jose, Calif
> ________________________________
> From: Maureen Bejar
> I am planning a trip to SLC possibly in the spring and it will definitely
> be
> one I will look into.
> Thank you again.
> Maureen

Good morning, Rick...

I recently searched a microfilm at our local LDS Family Center and I was
able to download images onto a USB flash-drive by using one of their viewers
that was connected to a PC running windows and their software...

Most likely you should be able to do this in Salt Lake City also...


Gilbert Keas...
Researching: Rodriquez, Aguilera, Vidaurri & Yniquez in Teocaltiche,

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rick Rodriguez
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


I would also like to ask anyone knows if it’s now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are


Thanks Gilbert,

Knowing this helps a lot. Did you see many people there when you went?

-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Gilbert
Enviado el: Viernes 7 de Marzo de 2008 9:19 AM
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Good morning, Rick...

I recently searched a microfilm at our local LDS Family Center and I was
able to download images onto a USB flash-drive by using one of their viewers
that was connected to a PC running windows and their software...

Most likely you should be able to do this in Salt Lake City also...


Gilbert Keas...
Researching: Rodriquez, Aguilera, Vidaurri & Yniquez in Teocaltiche,

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rick Rodriguez
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


I would also like to ask anyone knows if it's now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are


In addition to the good advice you have received regarding ordering VAULT
films in advance, I also suggest that you make a research plan and log for
each parish or municipio in which you want to search and include the
ancestral names you expect to find there. I print out and bring the film
list pages from the FHL catalog so I can see easily what else is available
for my locations in case I don't immediately find what I am looking for. If
you have to order VAULT films while you are there, it can take two to three
days to get them.

Do not overlook the books and maps on the International Floor. You can
check the FHLC in advance and print out the listings for what you want to
look at. There are books there I have not found anywhere else. It is worth
it also to spend some time just browsing the book stacks for Mexico and

If you do not arrive at the library early in the morning, you may have to
fight for a film reader on the International Floor (Basement 1). Sometimes
large visiting groups stake out their readers and then never move their
items for hours, even if they are not at their readers. I have found that
Basement 2 film readers are more available, and they are better readers with
better desk heights for a variety of people and a bit more room around the
readers for laptops, films, papers, etc. You have to pull all your films
out of the drawers on Basement 1 and carry them with you to Basement 2, but
it is a good option instead of trying to read your film on an inferior
reader among crowds.

Even if you plan to use a flash drive, you will want to get a copy card for
book page xeroxes and for film copies when you don't want to wait for the
scanning machine. There are card machines on every floor. Keep the card as
it is rechargeable forever.

There is a snack area in the library on the main floor where you can get
junk food, fruit, drinks and sandwiches to eat in that area. I go there
when I can't tear myself away from the library.

I have stayed at the Shilo Inn, within easy walking distance. It can be a
good deal if you book it together with a plane flight through Expedia. They
offer a free breakfast and free shuttle service back and forth to the
airport. I do not recommend their lunch and dinner choices but there is a
good Olive Garden Italian restaurant right across the street and also the
Blue Iguana about a block away. The rooms are not really wonderful but they
are clean and quiet and I'm in the library as much as possible anyway.

The Radisson is also close, more expensive, but the rooms are nicer. The
restaurant is very overpriced.

The Plaza Hotel has been bought by BYU and the upper floors are now student
housing. The FHL is just down the alley and therefore easily accessible. I
ate in the restaurant this January a few times and it is adequate. Arturo's
comments were accurate.

Have fun when you go; I always feel like a kid in a candy store.

--Sheila P.


Thanks for all the great info and advice. I already started to make the list
and it looks like I'm in for a great experience.
I'll probably end up staying there for more days that I first thought. I
just hope there's not that many people that week.

Best regards,



You could call the FHC in Salt Lake City to be sure there are no big conferences there the week that you go. People come from all over the world for the conferences, and it can get very crowded.

The best time to go is in January if you want to avoid crowds. You can practically have the whole library and all its equipment to yourself then. People go out to the ski-slopes in winter, but the genealogists usually come during the nicer weather when it doesn't snow.

My local genealogy society usually spends 10 days there in January every year. I usually just go when the weather is nicer, but then sometimes there is a conference going on, and it gets crowded.

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rodriguez
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


Thanks for all the great info and advice. I already started to make the list
and it looks like I'm in for a great experience.
I'll probably end up staying there for more days that I first thought. I
just hope there's not that many people that week.

Best regards,



Candy's suggestion about knowing what films you will be looking at ahead of time is a great piece of advice. If you notify them a week ahead of time of the dates of your visit and the numbers of any films that are listed as VAULT instead of FHL in the film catalog, they will get them to the library for you. Wonderful service.

You should definitely take a USB thumb drive. You can also burn CDs from the scanner computers. There are very good digital scanners on every floor and you can book them for only an hour at a time so it is good idea to mark up everything you want to scan ahead of time (put little slips of paper in the film as you view it to keep track of where your record is). You can also jump from floor to floor if you want more time on the machine.

There is a restaurant that is decent in the Plaza Hotel just next door to the library where you can get a decent lunch, but the hotel is just so so. It used to be better but the cleanliness and service was bad last time I went in March of 2007. There are a number of other hotels just down S West Temple about five blocks away on the 500 to 600 block.

Look up Pilar Manriquez, who I believe is still a volunteer at the library. She is originally from Mexicali and is very amicable. She knows many of us Rancheros. I believe there are also a number of other Ranchos members who live in or around Salt Lake City.

If you like Thai food, this is one of the better places I found to eat near the library:

Lemon Grass Thai Cuisine
327 W 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-4207
Phone: (801) 596-1778

Thank you Emily, Candis, Arturo and everyone for this VERY helpful advice. I
would have been lost without all this info. I will definitely follow up and
do as suggested. I hope this is just the first of many trips to come.

What would I do without you?

Best regards to all,

Ricardo Rodriguez Camarena
Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco

-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de arturoramos
Enviado el: Jueves 6 de Marzo de 2008 8:52 PM
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


Candy's suggestion about knowing what films you will be looking at ahead of
time is a great piece of advice. If you notify them a week ahead of time of
the dates of your visit and the numbers of any films that are listed as
VAULT instead of FHL in the film catalog, they will get them to the library
for you. Wonderful service.

You should definitely take a USB thumb drive. You can also burn CDs from
the scanner computers. There are very good digital scanners on every floor
and you can book them for only an hour at a time so it is good idea to mark
up everything you want to scan ahead of time (put little slips of paper in
the film as you view it to keep track of where your record is). You can
also jump from floor to floor if you want more time on the machine.

There is a restaurant that is decent in the Plaza Hotel just next door to
the library where you can get a decent lunch, but the hotel is just so so.
It used to be better but the cleanliness and service was bad last time I
went in March of 2007. There are a number of other hotels just down S West
Temple about five blocks away on the 500 to 600 block.

Look up Pilar Manriquez, who I believe is still a volunteer at the library.
She is originally from Mexicali and is very amicable. She knows many of us
Rancheros. I believe there are also a number of other Ranchos members who
live in or around Salt Lake City.

If you like Thai food, this is one of the better places I found to eat near
the library:

Lemon Grass Thai Cuisine
327 W 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-4207
Phone: (801) 596-1778

Sometimes the films a person wants are not located in the library. The patron has to fill out a rrequest to have them transferred. Sometime this can take 2 or 3 days.

It is best if you go through the Family History Library catalog before you leave so you can decide films you want to see. You can make a list and then fax or mail it to the library. If there is a series of films (even if you don't think that you will all of them), it's best to get them all. Give them your arrival date so the films will be there when you want to start using them.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 18:11:01 -0600
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City
> Hello everyone,
> I want to ask everyone in this group if they have visited the LDS Family
> Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am planning to go this month and since
> this is my first time, I need some tips and advice so I don’t feel lost
> there.
> I would also like to ask anyone knows if it’s now possible to download data
> to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are
> appreciated.
> Hola a todos,
> Quisiera preguntarles a todos los del grupo que si han visitado el Centro
> Familiar LDS en Salt Lake City, Utah. Estoy planeando ir este mes y como es
> mi primera vez, necesito tips y consejos para no sentirme perdido.
> Tambien quisiera preguntar si alguien sabe si ya se pueden descargar
> información a una memoria USB o algún otro formato. Toda información y
> sugerencias es muy agradecida.
> Su primo y servidor,
> Ricardo Rodriguez
> Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco


Here is a link to lots of info about visiting the FHC in Salt Lake. Hope you have at least a week. There is lots to see and do there, and they have great restaurants. Downtown in undergoing a lot of new construction.

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rodriguez
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Hello everyone,

I want to ask everyone in this group if they have visited the LDS Family
Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am planning to go this month and since
this is my first time, I need some tips and advice so I don't feel lost

I would also like to ask anyone knows if it's now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are

Hola a todos,

Quisiera preguntarles a todos los del grupo que si han visitado el Centro
Familiar LDS en Salt Lake City, Utah. Estoy planeando ir este mes y como es
mi primera vez, necesito tips y consejos para no sentirme perdido.

Tambien quisiera preguntar si alguien sabe si ya se pueden descargar
información a una memoria USB o algún otro formato. Toda información y
sugerencias es muy agradecida.

Su primo y servidor,

Ricardo Rodriguez

Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco


I don't know why the link below repeated itself. Erase from the second

----- Original Message -----
From: Emilie Garcia
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City


Here is a link to lots of info about visiting the FHC in Salt Lake. Hope you have at least a week. There is lots to see and do there, and they have great restaurants. Downtown in undergoing a lot of new construction.>

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rodriguez>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 4:11 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Visiting Salt Lake City

Hello everyone,

I want to ask everyone in this group if they have visited the LDS Family
Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am planning to go this month and since
this is my first time, I need some tips and advice so I don't feel lost

I would also like to ask anyone knows if it's now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are

Hola a todos,

Quisiera preguntarles a todos los del grupo que si han visitado el Centro
Familiar LDS en Salt Lake City, Utah. Estoy planeando ir este mes y como es
mi primera vez, necesito tips y consejos para no sentirme perdido.

Tambien quisiera preguntar si alguien sabe si ya se pueden descargar
información a una memoria USB o algún otro formato. Toda información y
sugerencias es muy agradecida.

Su primo y servidor,

Ricardo Rodriguez

Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco

I have not been there Ricky.

Rick Rodriguez wrote: Hello everyone,

I want to ask everyone in this group if they have visited the LDS Family
Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am planning to go this month and since
this is my first time, I need some tips and advice so I don’t feel lost

I would also like to ask anyone knows if it’s now possible to download data
to a USB thumb drive or to any other format. All info and suggestions are

Hola a todos,

Quisiera preguntarles a todos los del grupo que si han visitado el Centro
Familiar LDS en Salt Lake City, Utah. Estoy planeando ir este mes y como es
mi primera vez, necesito tips y consejos para no sentirme perdido.

Tambien quisiera preguntar si alguien sabe si ya se pueden descargar
información a una memoria USB o algún otro formato. Toda información y
sugerencias es muy agradecida.

Su primo y servidor,

Ricardo Rodriguez

Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco

I've been 2-3 times with a friend, spending a week each time. It's an amazing place.

First, be flexible. On our first trip, my friend was intent on finding very specific information. When she didn't find it, she continued along the same line of research and found little. At the end of the week, she had wasted much of her time. When I got stuck on a line, I switched to another line and came home with oodles of information.

Secondly, remember that their books don't circulate. Your trip is the only time you will have to look at them. While you don't want to get bogged down with the books, devote a day or so to them. Don't read and copy by hand or enter info into your computer. Copy the pages on the copier and read them at home.

Third, prior to your trip, use their website and print out the film info for the films [and fiche] that you want to look at. I always take a notebook with these sheets in it, organized by family. You don't want to waste time on the computer looking for film numbers while you're there.

Fourth, be sure to take advantage of the people who are there to help. They're very knowledgeable and won't try to convert you.

And lastly, don't expect to have a nice glass of wine or beer with your dinner unless you choose your restaurant carefully. They have strict liquor laws.

Brenda Perkins

Just adding to what Brenda has said, you need to order your films in
advance. If the film says FHL it is at the library but if it says VAULT you
need to order it in. It normally takes a couple days to get in so plan in
advance. remember that you might find your ancestor right away so dont
forget to order the films were the next generation might be also. You might
want to order the films wher several generations of ancestors might be.