I think I made a Connection

I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3 hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino

Hola Primo, I need to compare notes and correct some ,tell me if I'm wrong .
Juana Alcala (married to Miguel Vasquez de Lara in 1659):
Parents-Lucas or Juan lucas Alcala y Rojas Or Orosco and Juana Mendoza y Garibay(married in 1620)
I have no knowledge of Juan Lucas Alcala Parents.
Parents of Juana Mendoza Mendoza y Garibay:-Julio or Juan de La Mora y Mendoza and Francisca Garibay.
I need correction and trying to fit what you mentioned below.
Also how does the jewish line fit in ?
Ronnie> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org> From: mormonboy74@hotmail.com> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:28:12 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection> > > I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3 hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org

Hello Ronnie, all info is correct Ill send you what ive discovered about the nobility and jewish of this family in another email. for noe heres some history and their family and lucas' parents and genealogy. Hope it will extend a lot! -Daniel

The maternal ancestry of José Vásquez de Lara (ONMF: 306) is the only New Mexico lineage that extends as far back as the early 1400s in Spain. This lineage is based on the work of Mexican genealogists Mariano González Leal, José Ignacio Dávila Garibi, and Jesús Amaya. However, it was the research of Ophelia Márquez that provided the critical information to link the family of José Vásquez de Lara with the genealogical research of González Leal, Dávila Garibi, and Amaya.
As documented by Chávez, José Vásquez de Lara was a native of the Villa de los Lagos (aka Santa María de los Lagos) in Nueva Galicia, a son of Miguel Vásquez de Lara and Juana de Alcalá (ONMF: 306). He was married in 1694 with María Magdalena Baca. Their daughter María Vásquez Baca became the wife of Diego Padilla (ONMF: 253). This couple had eight known children and are common ancestors for many Hispano New Mexicans.
Paternal Ancestry:
Miguel Vásquez de Lara, a native of Jalostotitlán, Nueva Galicia, was married circa 1659 with Juana de Alcalá y Mendoza, native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán, Nueva España (her ancestry given below).
Miguel was a son of Cristóval Vásquez de Lara, native of the villa of Santa María de los Lagos, and María Ortiz, native of Santa María de los Lagos who died 9 January 1684 at Los Lagos.
Cristóval Vásquez de Lara was a son of Martín Vásquez Zermeno, a native of Mexico City who died at Santa María de los Lagos, and Ana García de Lara (aka Ana García de Miranda).
Martín Vásquez Zermeno was a son of Juan Vásquez and Elvira Gil de Lara, residents of Mexico City according to research by Jaime Holcombe.

Maternal Ancestry:
Juana de Alcalá y Mendoza, wife of Miguel Vásquez de Lara, was a native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán, Nueva España, and a daughter Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco and Juana Avina Hurtado de Mendoza.
Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco, a native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán who died prior to 1661, was a son of Juan Alcalá y Zamora and Leonor Orozco (see Alcalá and Orozco lineage below). He was married with Juana de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay (aka Avina Hurtado de Mendoza), bt. 28 January 1616, Zamora, Michoacán, daughter of Juan de la Mora y Mendoza and Francisca Ochoa Garibay.
Mora y Mendoza and Ochoa Garibay:
Juan de la Mora y Mendoza, Alcalde Mayor of the town of Zamora, was married at Zamora on 11 March 1613 (veiled 26 August 1613) with Francisca Ochoa Garibay (aka Garibay Samaniego & Garibay Solis), daughter of Diego Ochoa Garibay (from Castilla) and Juana Núñez. Juan and Francisca had these known children baptized at Zamora: 1) Esteban de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay, bt. 2 February 1614; 2) Juana de la Mora y Garibay, bt. 19 February 1615 (possibly died as an infant); 3) Juana de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay, bt. 28 january 1616; 4) Juan de la Mora y Garibay; 5) Francisca de la Mora y Garibay, bt. 4 October 1618; 6) Lucía de la Mora y Mendoza y Garibai, bt. 12 January 1624; 7) Francisca de la Mora y Garibai, bt. 7 June 1625.

Alcalá and Orozco:
Juan Alcalá y Zamora and his wife Leonor Orozco both wrote their wills in 1623 at Valladolid, Michoacán, Nueva España. They were the parents of Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco.
Juan Alcalá y Zamora was a son of Juan Alcalá and Isabel Zamora, a native of Yelamos, Spain, who came to Nueva España to join her husband. Her record of passage to the New World identified her as a daughter of Antonio Zamora and Francisca Lozana.
Leonor Orozco has an ancestry the reaches back to the early 1400s in Spain, if not back to the late 1300s. It is the only confirmed New Mexico family ancestry that can be extended to the middle ages. Her family genealogy was researched by Mariano González Leal and José Igncaio Dávila Garibi. Members of the Orozco family are among the common ancestors for people with roots in Nueva Galicia.
Leonor Orozco was a daughter of Juan Lucas Morcillo, a native of Castilla, and doña Isabel de Orozco. Doña Isabel Orozco had two sisters: 1) Doña Catalina de Orozco married with don Bartolomé Rodríguez de Aranda, with issue, and 2) Doña María de Orozco married with don Tomás de Burgos Antolines, a native of Spain, with issue. These sisters were the daughters of don Pedro Hernández de Aguilera, owner of the hacienda de Xanamuato, Michoacán, Nueva España, and doña Beatriz de Orozco Tovar, a native of the Villa de Vélez, Spain.

Doña Beatriz de Orozco Tovar was a daughter of don Diego de Orozco Tovar and doñ Ana Mexía who were married at the Villa de Vélez, Spain. Don Diego had two brothers that had came to the New World: 1) Capitán don Juan de Villaseñor y Orozco, a conquistador of Nueva España and a founder of Valladolid in Michoacán who was married with doña Catalina Cervantes de Lara, and 2) Fransico de Orozco Tovar, a conquistador of Oaxaca.

These brothers were the sons of don Diego de Villaseñor y Orozco, aka don Diego de Burgos Villaseñor, Alcalde de la Fortaleza de Vélez, and doña Guiomar de Orozco. Doña Guiomar was a daughter of don Diego de Orozco, Comendadro de Pozo Rubio en la Orden de Santiago, and doña Guiomar de Sandoval (a daughter of don Pedro de Sandoval and doña Catalina Fernández).

Don Diego de Villaseñor y Orozco was a son of don Diego de Villaseñor Tovar ("El de Burgos") and doña Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor, native of the pueblo de San Miguel Esteban. Don Diego ("El de Burgos") was a son of don Juan de Villaseñor y Serones (Comendador en la Orden de Santiago and Alcalde de la Fortaleza de Zaragoza) and doña Elvira Tovar y Enriquez. José Ignacio Dávila Garibi noted that doña Elvira was a close relative of the Marqueses de Berlanga and the Duques de Frías. Research into the Tovar family of Berlanga has not been able to verify this connection, although the possibility is quite strong.
Researchers: Ophelia Márquez, Tony Campos, Jiame Holcombe, Mariano González Leal, and José Ignacio Dávila Garibi.
Sources: Ophelia Márquez, "La Familia Vasquez de Lara de Nuevo Mexico con Origen en Nueva Galicia y Michoacan," in Somos Primos (Newsletter of the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research/SHHAR), March and April 1992; Marianao González Leal, Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, Universidad de Guanajuato, 1983, Vol II: 66-67; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Marriages 1605-1622, 1638-1646," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. II, 1995:124; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Baptisma (1605-1637) and Extensive Family Genealogies of Zamora and Surrounding Areas," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. III, 1996:71-150.
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Hello Everyone,
I am new and doing research on Alcala from Tepatitlan, Jalostotitlan and Pegueros. I see you have extensive research on the Orozco family that includes Alcalas. Are we related in any way?
> From: mormonboy74@hotmail.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:21:12 -0700> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection-Orosco> > > Hello Ronnie, all info is correct Ill send you what ive discovered about the nobility and jewish of this family in another email. for noe heres some history and their family and lucas' parents and genealogy. Hope it will extend a lot! -Daniel> > VÁSQUEZ de LARA> The maternal ancestry of José Vásquez de Lara (ONMF: 306) is the only New Mexico lineage that extends as far back as the early 1400s in Spain. This lineage is based on the work of Mexican genealogists Mariano González Leal, José Ignacio Dávila Garibi, and Jesús Amaya. However, it was the research of Ophelia Márquez that provided the critical information to link the family of José Vásquez de Lara with the genealogical research of González Leal, Dávila Garibi, and Amaya.> As documented by Chávez, José Vásquez de Lara was a native of the Villa de los Lagos (aka Santa María de los Lagos) in Nueva Galicia, a son of Miguel Vásquez de Lara and Juana de Alcalá (ONMF: 306). He was married in 1694 with María Magdalena Baca. Their daughter María Vásquez Baca became the wife of Diego Padilla (ONMF: 253). This couple had eight known children and are common ancestors for many Hispano New Mexicans.> Paternal Ancestry:> Miguel Vásquez de Lara, a native of Jalostotitlán, Nueva Galicia, was married circa 1659 with Juana de Alcalá y Mendoza, native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán, Nueva España (her ancestry given below). > Miguel was a son of Cristóval Vásquez de Lara, native of the villa of Santa María de los Lagos, and María Ortiz, native of Santa María de los Lagos who died 9 January 1684 at Los Lagos.> Cristóval Vásquez de Lara was a son of Martín Vásquez Zermeno, a native of Mexico City who died at Santa María de los Lagos, and Ana García de Lara (aka Ana García de Miranda).> Martín Vásquez Zermeno was a son of Juan Vásquez and Elvira Gil de Lara, residents of Mexico City according to research by Jaime Holcombe.> > Maternal Ancestry:> Juana de Alcalá y Mendoza, wife of Miguel Vásquez de Lara, was a native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán, Nueva España, and a daughter Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco and Juana Avina Hurtado de Mendoza.> Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco, a native of Tlazazalca, Michoacán who died prior to 1661, was a son of Juan Alcalá y Zamora and Leonor Orozco (see Alcalá and Orozco lineage below). He was married with Juana de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay (aka Avina Hurtado de Mendoza), bt. 28 January 1616, Zamora, Michoacán, daughter of Juan de la Mora y Mendoza and Francisca Ochoa Garibay.> Mora y Mendoza and Ochoa Garibay:> Juan de la Mora y Mendoza, Alcalde Mayor of the town of Zamora, was married at Zamora on 11 March 1613 (veiled 26 August 1613) with Francisca Ochoa Garibay (aka Garibay Samaniego & Garibay Solis), daughter of Diego Ochoa Garibay (from Castilla) and Juana Núñez. Juan and Francisca had these known children baptized at Zamora: 1) Esteban de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay, bt. 2 February 1614; 2) Juana de la Mora y Garibay, bt. 19 February 1615 (possibly died as an infant); 3) Juana de la Mora Mendoza y Garibay, bt. 28 january 1616; 4) Juan de la Mora y Garibay; 5) Francisca de la Mora y Garibay, bt. 4 October 1618; 6) Lucía de la Mora y Mendoza y Garibai, bt. 12 January 1624; 7) Francisca de la Mora y Garibai, bt. 7 June 1625.> > Alcalá and Orozco:> Juan Alcalá y Zamora and his wife Leonor Orozco both wrote their wills in 1623 at Valladolid, Michoacán, Nueva España. They were the parents of Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco.> Juan Alcalá y Zamora was a son of Juan Alcalá and Isabel Zamora, a native of Yelamos, Spain, who came to Nueva España to join her husband. Her record of passage to the New World identified her as a daughter of Antonio Zamora and Francisca Lozana.> Leonor Orozco has an ancestry the reaches back to the early 1400s in Spain, if not back to the late 1300s. It is the only confirmed New Mexico family ancestry that can be extended to the middle ages. Her family genealogy was researched by Mariano González Leal and José Igncaio Dávila Garibi. Members of the Orozco family are among the common ancestors for people with roots in Nueva Galicia. > Leonor Orozco was a daughter of Juan Lucas Morcillo, a native of Castilla, and doña Isabel de Orozco. Doña Isabel Orozco had two sisters: 1) Doña Catalina de Orozco married with don Bartolomé Rodríguez de Aranda, with issue, and 2) Doña María de Orozco married with don Tomás de Burgos Antolines, a native of Spain, with issue. These sisters were the daughters of don Pedro Hernández de Aguilera, owner of the hacienda de Xanamuato, Michoacán, Nueva España, and doña Beatriz de Orozco Tovar, a native of the Villa de Vélez, Spain.> > Doña Beatriz de Orozco Tovar was a daughter of don Diego de Orozco Tovar and doñ Ana Mexía who were married at the Villa de Vélez, Spain. Don Diego had two brothers that had came to the New World: 1) Capitán don Juan de Villaseñor y Orozco, a conquistador of Nueva España and a founder of Valladolid in Michoacán who was married with doña Catalina Cervantes de Lara, and 2) Fransico de Orozco Tovar, a conquistador of Oaxaca.> > These brothers were the sons of don Diego de Villaseñor y Orozco, aka don Diego de Burgos Villaseñor, Alcalde de la Fortaleza de Vélez, and doña Guiomar de Orozco. Doña Guiomar was a daughter of don Diego de Orozco, Comendadro de Pozo Rubio en la Orden de Santiago, and doña Guiomar de Sandoval (a daughter of don Pedro de Sandoval and doña Catalina Fernández).> > Don Diego de Villaseñor y Orozco was a son of don Diego de Villaseñor Tovar ("El de Burgos") and doña Isabel Alfonso de Villaseñor, native of the pueblo de San Miguel Esteban. Don Diego ("El de Burgos") was a son of don Juan de Villaseñor y Serones (Comendador en la Orden de Santiago and Alcalde de la Fortaleza de Zaragoza) and doña Elvira Tovar y Enriquez. José Ignacio Dávila Garibi noted that doña Elvira was a close relative of the Marqueses de Berlanga and the Duques de Frías. Research into the Tovar family of Berlanga has not been able to verify this connection, although the possibility is quite strong.> Researchers: Ophelia Márquez, Tony Campos, Jiame Holcombe, Mariano González Leal, and José Ignacio Dávila Garibi.> Sources: Ophelia Márquez, "La Familia Vasquez de Lara de Nuevo Mexico con Origen en Nueva Galicia y Michoacan," in Somos Primos (Newsletter of the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research/SHHAR), March and April 1992; Marianao González Leal, Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, Universidad de Guanajuato, 1983, Vol II: 66-67; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Marriages 1605-1622, 1638-1646," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. II, 1995:124; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Baptisma (1605-1637) and Extensive Family Genealogies of Zamora and Surrounding Areas," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. III, 1996:71-150.> _________________________________________________________________> News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get it now!> http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
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Hello, Again!
I've been w/o my laptop for 2 weeks and am finding that you are using names that get me very excited! My great grandmother on my Dad's father's side was Maria Andrea ALCALA, but I can only find this name on my great-grandfather's baptismal certificate(?). My Dad's family came from Tamaulipas, but I can't find an Alcala anywhere at all in Tamps,.... maybe cause she wasn't from there! I've been unable to find any info on my Dad's side beyond the great-grandparents, so you've given me hope that there may be more info on Alcala in the Jalisco area! I'm happy, THANKS!!!

Ronald Reynoso chilerey@msn.com wrote:

Hola Primo, I need to compare notes and correct some ,tell me if I'm wrong .
Juana Alcala (married to Miguel Vasquez de Lara in 1659):
Parents-Lucas or Juan lucas Alcala y Rojas Or Orosco and Juana Mendoza y Garibay(married in 1620)
I have no knowledge of Juan Lucas Alcala Parents.
Parents of Juana Mendoza Mendoza y Garibay:-Julio or Juan de La Mora y Mendoza and Francisca Garibay.
I need correction and trying to fit what you mentioned below.
Also how does the jewish line fit in ?
Ronnie> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org> From: mormonboy74@hotmail.com> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:28:12 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection> > > I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3 hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are her parents but no proof.
She also has Jewish ancestry back to King David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org

I have submitted a small file with some Alcala in it. Please check and see if you can access it
> Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 14:56:02 -0700> From: igarcia628@yahoo.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection-Orosco> > Hello, Again!> I've been w/o my laptop for 2 weeks and am finding that you are using names that get me very excited! My great grandmother on my Dad's father's side was Maria Andrea ALCALA, but I can only find this name on my great-grandfather's baptismal certificate(?). My Dad's family came from Tamaulipas, but I can't find an Alcala anywhere at all in Tamps,.... maybe cause she wasn't from there! I've been unable to find any info on my Dad's side beyond the great-grandparents, so you've given me hope that there may be more info on Alcala in the Jalisco area! I'm happy, THANKS!!!> > Ronald Reynoso chilerey@msn.com wrote: > > Hola Primo, I need to compare notes and correct some ,tell me if I'm wrong .> Juana Alcala (married to Miguel Vasquez de Lara in 1659):> Parents-Lucas or Juan lucas Alcala y Rojas Or Orosco and Juana Mendoza y Garibay(married in 1620)> I have no knowledge of Juan Lucas Alcala Parents.> Parents of Juana Mendoza Mendoza y Garibay:-Julio or Juan de La Mora y Mendoza and Francisca Garibay.> I need correction and trying to fit what you mentioned below.> Also how does the jewish line fit in ?> Ronnie> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org> From: mormonboy74@hotmail.com> Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:28:12 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection> > > I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3 hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are her parents but no proof.> She also has Jewish ancestry back to King David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org> > > > XOXMOMXOX Nena> > > > __________________________________________________> Do You Yahoo!?> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > http://mail.yahoo.com > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
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My name is Adela Nuanes and my maiden name is Tovar. I've been waiting for
my surname to come up in these discussions and I was hoping you might have
some more information on the Tovar family. The Tovar's are from my father's
side of the family and are originally from Tepechitlan, Zacatecas. Any
information is gratefuly welcome.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "mormonboy74"
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection

> I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca
> (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3
> hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an
> ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They
> descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico
> Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is
> a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I
> found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of
> Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only
> would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a
> long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are
> her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King
> David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino

Hello Adela, I have Tovar lineage also but they are from District of Jerez, Zacatecas Mexico and go back to Ancelmo Tovar abt 1766 and wife Maria Petra Carrillo abt 1771. Thier granddaughter Ricarda Tovar, 1826 was my direct ancestor. I have not been able to go any farther back since there are not any records to research that I know of.
Like you I am curious about the Tovar name. I have just submitted my records again to Rootsweb.com and you may want to check the Tovar surnames in my records from the District of Jerez Zacatecas Mexico. Just put in Ancelmo and you can go to the index to see what I have submitted.
good luck in your search,
Linda Castanon-Long in Everett

Adela Nuanes wrote:

My name is Adela Nuanes and my maiden name is Tovar. I've been waiting for
my surname to come up in these discussions and I was hoping you might have
some more information on the Tovar family. The Tovar's are from my father's
side of the family and are originally from Tepechitlan, Zacatecas. Any
information is gratefuly welcome.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "mormonboy74"
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection

> I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de BAca
> (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3
> hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an
> ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They
> descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico
> Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but she is
> a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I
> found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of
> Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not only
> would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also answer a
> long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these are
> her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King
> David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino

My great-grandfather's first wife was an Eleuteria Tov/bar--daughter of
Mauricio Tov/bar and Petra Sandov/bal--born in 1849. I think she was
born in Jerez. Her siblings were born in Tepetongo (or the other close
town that starts with a "T"). Eleuteria and C/Zenobio were married in
1864 in Jerez and had about 4 or 5 children. She died and a couple of
years later he married my great-grandmother. All the surnames and
Cenobio's first name are spelt both ways in official documentation.
Remember that fact and you'll spare yourself some heartburn.:) Marge:)
On Mar 30, 2008, at 6:51 PM, Erlinda Castanon-Long wrote:

> Hello Adela, I have Tovar lineage also but they are from District of
> Jerez, Zacatecas Mexico and go back to Ancelmo Tovar abt 1766 and wife
> Maria Petra Carrillo abt 1771. Thier granddaughter Ricarda Tovar,
> 1826 was my direct ancestor. I have not been able to go any farther
> back since there are not any records to research that I know of.
> Like you I am curious about the Tovar name. I have just submitted
> my records again to Rootsweb.com and you may want to check the Tovar
> surnames in my records from the District of Jerez Zacatecas Mexico.
> Just put in Ancelmo and you can go to the index to see what I have
> submitted.
> good luck in your search,
> Linda Castanon-Long in Everett
> Adela Nuanes wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Adela Nuanes and my maiden name is Tovar. I've been waiting
> for
> my surname to come up in these discussions and I was hoping you might
> have
> some more information on the Tovar family. The Tovar's are from my
> father's
> side of the family and are originally from Tepechitlan, Zacatecas. Any
> information is gratefuly welcome.
> Thank you,
> Adela
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "mormonboy74"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 3:28 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] I think I made a Connection
>> I think I made another royal connection for you Ornelas, Vásquez de
>> BAca
>> (The New Mexico Lineage). After long research (Not really just abt 3
>> hours.) An ancestor of the Vasquez de BAca is Leonor de Orozco and an
>> ancestor of Ornelas is Petronila de Orozco are sister as we know. They
>> descend from ELvira Tovar y Enriquez, according to the New Mexico
>> Genealogical Society but they said Elvira's parents are unknown but
>> she is
>> a close relative to the Dukes of Frias and Marquesses of Berlanaga. I
>> found a Couple in the same time peiord that of Juan Tovar, Lord of
>> Berlanga and Constanza Enriquez. If these are Elvira's parents, not
>> only
>> would she be a cousin to the Dukes of Frias but this would also
>> answer a
>> long question that the society has had. Im pretty positive that these
>> are
>> her parents but no proof. She also has Jewish ancestry back to King
>> David! -Any suggestons? -Daniel Méndez del Camino