Translation Request

Could anyone in the group tell me what the word is right before "Zacatecana"? It looks like "F---ica". Is this a town where the bride was "originaria y vecina de"?

This is from a marriage record from the Sagrario in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, 1886. the groom was from Guadalupe, which I know is a town near Ciudad Zacatecas.


Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA

Hi Emily,
I think it says "La Fabrica Zacatecana" (The Zacatecan Factory). I just checked on a map online and there are two places near Guadalupe (5.6 km, 3-4 miles), one called "La Fábrica" and the other one "La Zacatecana" both with the same coordinates (latitude. 22.7333333°, longitude. -102.4833333°), so it may be just one town "La Fábrica Zacatecana", or sister towns.
In this map it only apperars as "La Zacatecana":…
But in Google maps it only says "La Fábrica"
Hope this helps,


Thank you. Arturo also read it as Fabrica, and on the old MSN Maps I found, near Ciudad Zacatecas, a town called La Fabrica and one called Zacatecana near each other, but not one called Fabrica Zacatecana. I think later it may have been split into two towns, from a former company town. I wonder what they made there.

----- Original Message -----
From: victorianonavarro
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request

Hi Emily,
I think it says "La Fabrica Zacatecana" (The Zacatecan Factory). I just checked on a map online and there are two places near Guadalupe (5.6 km, 3-4 miles), one called "La Fábrica" and the ohter one "La Zacatecana" both with the same coordinates (latitude. 22.7333333°, longitude. -102.4833333°), so it may be just one town "La Fábrica Zacatecana", or sister towns.
In this map it only apperars as "La Zacatecana":…
But in Google maps it only says "La Fábrica"
Hope this helps,

Hi Emily,
I found that in 1848 Antonio García Salinas founded the textile factory (fábrica de hilados y tejidos) "La Zacatecana” in Guadalupe, Zacatecas.
Also about 3 years ago they tried to move "rock by rock" the facade of the abandoned factory to a brand new housing complex in Zacatecas, but the National Institute of Antropology and History (INAH) prevented them from doing this.
Here are the links:…

Victoriano, (sorry I addressed you as Victoria last time),

Thank you so much for this information. My father Guadalupe Olague was born in Jerez de Garcia Salinas, and his sister was born in Guadalupe. I have never found any birth records for them, I guess they were destroyed during the Revolution.

The only way I was able to find anything about my father's ancestors was through his father's birth and marriage records in the Tepetongo church. They must have moved from Salitrillo where they lived for centuries to Guadalupe and Jerez right before my father and his sister were born in 1903 and 1899 respectively. I can't find anything about his mother's side of the family. In 1913 what remained of all of my father's immediate paternal family relocated to the US and they never returned to Mexico, not even to visit. My grandfather and his brother-in-law were soldiers that were scheduled to be executed by a firing squad, but they escaped.

So Fabrica Zacatecana was a textile factory; how interesting. I wonder if any of my ancestors worked there.

Thanks again for the links.

Port Orchard, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: victorianonavarro
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request

Hi Emily,
I found that in 1848 Antonio García Salinas founded the textile factory (fábrica de hilados y tejidos) "La Zacatecana” in Guadalupe, Zacatecas.
Also about 3 years ago they tried to move "rock by rock" the facade of the abandoned factory to a brand new housing complex in Zacatecas, but the National Institute of Antropology and History (INAH) prevented them from doing this.
Here are the links:…


I found something interesting in the Historia de Guadalupe link below.

I told you that I have never found any records for my father's mother. She was Gorgonia Garcia, and her parents were Ignacio Garcia and Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez. I see that those two surnames Garcia and Rodriguez were prominent in Guadalupe, that Jose Maria Rodriguez was a patriot who was "fusilado" as they threatened to do to my grandfather Francisco Olague and his brother-in-law Jose Garcia Davila, that in fact the town was named Villa de Guadalupe de Rodriguez, and that around the same time Antonio Garcia Salinas established his textile business there. I wonder if Gorgonia was related to them. Of course, Garcia and Rodriguez are so common as surnames. Just a thought.

Port Orchard, WA
----- Original Message -----
From: victorianonavarro
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request

Hi Emily,
I found that in 1848 Antonio García Salinas founded the textile factory (fábrica de hilados y tejidos) "La Zacatecana” in Guadalupe, Zacatecas.
Also about 3 years ago they tried to move "rock by rock" the facade of the abandoned factory to a brand new housing complex in Zacatecas, but the National Institute of Antropology and History (INAH) prevented them from doing this.
Here are the links:…

Hi Emilie,
Sorry I called you Emily before ;)
Probalby you have already tried this but... another way to find about your ancestors is going over the birth, marriage or death record books several years before and after your ancestors were born, married, etc. Sometimes you won't find them, but you will find a sibling or cousin. I found a brother of my grandfather nobody in the family knew of, probably because he died as an infant. So even if you think your father only had a sister, he might have had other siblings that died young and their birth, baptism or death records may have interesting information on your family. Also sometimes people would register their children until they were a little older (1-5 years).
Warmest regards,

That is so true. I thought my father had one brother and one sister who died as an infant, BUT...2 months ago I discovered that he had had 3 other brothers who had died very young.

Jose Carlos de Leon

I believe it is feligres or feligresia which would mean parish or parishoner.......we'll see what responses you get from the brains in the group.

----- Original Message ----
From: Emilie Garcia
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:08:10 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request

Could anyone in the group tell me what the word is right before "Zacatecana"?  It looks like "F---ica".  Is this a town where the bride was "originaria y vecina de"?

This is from a marriage record from the Sagrario in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, 1886.  the groom was from Guadalupe, which I know is a town near Ciudad Zacatecas.


Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA

I agree with Alicia Carrillo. The word is most likely 'feligresia'. The only other words which would "fit" in that slot are: "curato" or "jurisdiccion". The feminine article rules out the first one. Your word in question definitely begins with the letter 'F'.

David Delgado, Albany, CA

-----Original Message-----
>From: Emilie Garcia
>Sent: May 28, 2008 11:08 AM
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request
>Could anyone in the group tell me what the word is right before "Zacatecana"? It looks like "F---ica". Is this a town where the bride was "originaria y vecina de"?
>This is from a marriage record from the Sagrario in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, 1886. the groom was from Guadalupe, which I know is a town near Ciudad Zacatecas.
>Emilie Garcia
>Port Orchard, WA


>From what I can see it says "Fedrica".


--------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Translation Request
Date: 05/28/08 06:08

> Could anyone in the group tell me what the word is right before
"Zacatecana"? It looks like "F---ica". Is this a town
where the bride was "originaria y vecina de"?
> This is from a marriage record from the Sagrario in Zacatecas, Zacatecas,
1886. the groom was from Guadalupe, which I know is a town near Ciudad
> Thanks,
> Emilie Garcia
> Port Orchard, WA

I always have trouble figuring out the relationship when there is a
marriage "consanguinidad"
how do you figure out the "grados de consanguinidad"
how do you interpret "Civil VI, Canon 3" por instance
also: in English we have the terms "second cousin once removed" in Spanish
we refer in popular terms as relationship like "sobrino o tio"
Can some one help me to understand all of these, I been doing genealogy for
a long time and here is where I get stuck

Thank you Angie Godina for the information provided to understand the Civil
and Canon Laws.
You right a little bit more confusing but it gave me more understanding on
how the relationships are calculated.

Sylvia H Corona