On Friday, I received the DNA results submitted by my brother to National Geographic. I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed.
I have been following the extraordinary PBS/National Geographic documentary on the DNA research of Spencer Wells, his theory is the world has evolved out of Africa.
As per my report:
The results were Haplogroup R1b1c
The genetic markers that define your ancestral history reach back about 60,00 years of non-African men.
Then the trail ends in Western Europe. I suppose I was hoping the end of the trail would be more specific as Western Europe is such a large area. The report also states "Today, roughly 70 percent of the men in southern England belong to haplogroup R1b. In parts of Spain and Ireland, that number exceeds 90 percent.
I was planning on having my own DNA tested by National Geographic, but now I'm not so sure, if the results are going to be the same, out of Africa, then to Western Europe.
Yesterday, on the Semos Primos site, I read a fantastic story written by Larry Garza. I was intrigued by his findings and sent him an e-mail. Below is the response from Mr. Garza. I have checked out the site he used, and it appears to me more of what I'm looking to achieve.
Dear Helyn,
Thank you for your comments. We had comprehensive DNA testing done through DNA Consultants, Dr. Donald Yates. I chose them because they give a comprehensive analysis with wonderful historical explanation, from my research the best available. You can contact Dr. Donald Yates at www.dnaconsultants.com and look at the various testings they do. Tell him I sent you.
Larry Garza
Well, at least now I have another option.
San Jose, CA
I believe you are the one that said you were a bit disappointed in your brother's dna results.
I had mine done by FamilyTree DNA, and at first I, too was a bit disappointed. I expected more specific data. As I began to "learn" more about dna in general, that was all the information my results gave. With no matches, I understand no test will give me better results. I went into the dna consultants and it sounds really good, too good, so it is tempting for me.
However, I was elated that I was in one of the haplogroups that had colonized the Americas before Columbus and dated back at least 30,000 years!!
I wanted my son to get his done, but I went into IBERIAN PENINSULA DNA and found many names that have been tested and they all give only a general geographical location.I believe that is what his results would show also. My children's blood line include ENGLISH,
It is quite interesting, though, the explanation they give as to how our ancestors got to the Iberian Peninsula. It's worth reading. Perhaps you will find your brother's dna there.
So, yes, I suppose we could all say, OUT OF AFRICA.
On Friday, I received the DNA results submitted by my brother to National Geographic. I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed.
I have been following the extraordinary PBS/National Geographic documentary on the DNA research of Spencer Wells, his theory is the world has evolved out of Africa.
As per my report:
The results were Haplogroup R1b1c
The genetic markers that define your ancestral history reach back about 60,00 years of non-African men.
Then the trail ends in Western Europe. I suppose I was hoping the end of the trail would be more specific as Western Europe is such a large area. The report also states "Today, roughly 70 percent of the men in southern England belong to haplogroup R1b. In parts of Spain and Ireland, that number exceeds 90 percent.
I was planning on having my own DNA tested by National Geographic, but now I'm not so sure, if the results are going to be the same, out of Africa, then to Western Europe.
Yesterday, on the Semos Primos site, I read a fantastic story written by Larry Garza. I was intrigued by his findings and sent him an e-mail. Below is the response from Mr. Garza. I have checked out the site he used, and it appears to me more of what I'm looking to achieve.
Dear Helyn,
Thank you for your comments. We had comprehensive DNA testing done through DNA Consultants, Dr. Donald Yates. I chose them because they give a comprehensive analysis with wonderful historical explanation, from my research the best available. You can contact Dr. Donald Yates at www.dnaconsultants.com and look at the various testings they do. Tell him I sent you.
Larry Garza
Well, at least now I have another option.
San Jose, CA
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Hi Helyn,
At the very bottom of your NatGeo page there's a link that allows you to open a familytreedna.com free account (they did the actual DNA testing), There you can submit your results to several databases where you can compare your results to those of others, such as Mexican DNA, Iberic DNA and Yserch.org and maybe get more information regarding your ancestors, I do recommend this.
If you and your brother have the same mother, instead of sending your sample, familytreedna.com can test your brother's. The results should be identical, they can also be included in the Genographic Database, and it might be a little cheaper than ordering a new kit (plus you can take advantage of a $15 or so gift certificate if you decide to include your mtDNA results in some of the familytreedna databases which offers them before purchasing the test).
You never know, your mtDNA could be also European or you may find out it is Native American or something else.
I enclose a couple of links.
Warmest regards,
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According to the Bible Adam and Eve pop around 4000 b.c. The interesting part is there isnt that much of a great migration during this time they stayed around their place of birth "Around" . Not until Abraham and Noah's time which I believe is the 8th 0r 9th Generationd descent from Adam at the time of the oTower of Babel thats where migrations start since all different languages come into affect from God. Noah's sons spread into Asia, Africa, Middle East and Europe
our European descent is
Tubal who arrived in modern day Germany whos descendants went to Spain "The VIsigoth Germanic Tribe"
Japeth arrived in the Caucus mts. in Russia (Son of Noah)
Noah who built the Ark
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It is impossible for there to be as much genetic diversity as there is today had "Adam" lived only in 4000 b.c. If you look at the Genographic Project page, they place "Adam" (the common male ancestor of all human beings) at about 60,000 years ago in Africa, probably in modern day Ethiopia, where Omo I and Omo II were found.
There are remnants of human settlement in the middle East that are at least 100,000 years old. Homo sapiens had made their way all the way to Australia via the Arabian Penninsula, India and Indonesia as early as 40,000 to 60,000 years ago.
Humans reached South America sometime between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago, so it is not possible that "Adam" lived only 4,000 years before Christ.
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i was referring to a genalogical sense about what we have from the bible. I believe the Adam and Eve story. I always support the opinion that science and religion should not be joined together because one always wants to disprove the other. -Daniel
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San Jose, CA
Hi Helyn,
At the very bottom of your NatGeo page there's a link that allows you to open a familytreedna.com free account (they did the actual DNA testing), There you can submit your results to several databases where you can compare your results to those of others, such as Mexican DNA, Iberic DNA and Yserch.org and maybe get more information regarding your ancestors, I do recommend this.
If you and your brother have the same mother, instead of sending your sample, familytreedna.com can test your brother's. The results should be identical, they can also be included in the Genographic Database, and it might be a little cheaper than ordering a new kit (plus you can take advantage of a $15 or so gift certificate if you decide to include your mtDNA results in some of the familytreedna databases which offers them before purchasing the test).
You never know, your mtDNA could be also European or you may find out it is Native American or something else.
I enclose a couple of links.
Warmest regards,
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Remember all Mexicans have some european blood at least half and others full. That would be correct since Spain conquered Mexico everyone should trace their roots to at least Spain. The Spaniards came from Germany then from their the Span-Germans came from the Causcus mountains in Russia, hence the term Caucasian. Once you reach these mtns. Its all Bible Genealogy. I can trace my lineage back to Adam and Eve. I can spmewhat map what my lineage trail. I will send a map in jpg. sometime showing what I believe is my genetic trail. Of course all Bible genelogy goes back to Mesopatamia, Israel and Egypt and the Middle East. From their I believe Adam and Eve came from Africa. Since at one point it is said Africa was the greatest rainforest filled with trees and animals but then the Ice age hit and then it dried up. Until what we know is Africa. The Garden of Eden might be the Sahara Desert?
-Daniel Méndez del Camino
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DNA Results