Montejano book-request

Our library has the Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, antiguo Obispado de la Nueva
Galicia book by Montejano not available until August.

Could someone lookup the following marriage for me, they are my 6th great

Sagrario Metropolitano, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Luis Villasenor married Juana de Aguilar Solorzano

7 Sep 1692

The family eventually moved to Cocula, Jalisco, MX. Their daughter married
into the Rueda family and my line continues from there


In reply to by Nuestros Ranchos

The New Berlin, WI public library said they could get the book by
Sept. Now they informed me that they can't get the book at all. I
am awaiting forms from Salt Lake to order copies of marriage
listings. In the meantime, could someone please look up the marriage
of my GG Grandfather Jose Serapio to Petra Pena. The marriage took
place in Tepatitlan de Morelos, Jalisco around 1843-1844. Their
first child, Jose Manuel, was born in 1845. I am looking for their
parents names, their ages, and other related information. I believe
both Serapio and Petra were born around 1823-24. Thank you for your
Linda Romero

Hi Gloria--

I looked up your couple, but they were not listed in the index. Sorry!
