YAHUALICA, Jalisco - GONZALEZ, LISARDE, VASQUEZ, LEDESMA (Marriage films anyone?)

Hola amigos, primos and fellow geneologists.

My search this week is in Yahualica, where I am working on extending my Gonzalez line, and I am stuck. Maybe a fellow member can assist with the following...

I descend from the Gonzalez-Lisarde, Gonzalez-Vasquez, and Vasquez-Ledesma from that area. I am having difficulty finding the parents in the following marriages that took place at parroquia San Miguel in Yahualica:

DATE: 25 Apr 1836
GROOM: German Gonzalez
BRIDE: Ancelma Lisarde
no parents listed in IGI

DATE: 13 Sep 1797
GROOM: Jose Geronimo Vasquez
BRIDE: Maria del Refugio Ledesma
no parents listed in IGI

Does anyone have access to the films for Yahualica on these dates?

Hola Claudia:
Curiosamente yo tambien Deciendo de Gonzalez y de Ledezma .Y Ledezma me lleva a Yahualica .
Juan Antonio Ledezma
Chr.12 May 1795
Hijo de Jose Antonio Ledezma y Maria Patricia Flores.
Cuyo Microfilm 1152475 Bautizmos 1778-1814 resien me acaba de llegar al Family History Center de Riverside California, pero no he tenido tiempo de revisarlo,si dentro de este microfilm se encuentran tus antepasados hasmelo saber y yo con mucho gusto te mando una copia de la acta de bautizmo de cada uno de ellos.Me perecio haber visto algunos micro flms de Yahualica en ese centro.Mandame los nombres con los #'s de microfilm. Y con suerte encuentras lo que buscas.
Jose Luis Felix
Perris California.

> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org> From: claudiacasillas@gmail.com> Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:48:29 -0700> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] YAHUALICA, Jalisco - GONZALEZ, LISARDE, VASQUEZ, LEDESMA (Marriage films anyone?)> > > Hola amigos, primos and fellow geneologists.> > My search this week is in Yahualica, where I am working on extending my Gonzalez line, and I am stuck. Maybe a fellow member can assist with the following...> > I descend from the Gonzalez-Lisarde, Gonzalez-Vasquez, and Vasquez-Ledesma from that area. I am having difficulty finding the parents in the following marriages that took place at parroquia San Miguel in Yahualica:> > DATE: 25 Apr 1836> GROOM: German Gonzalez> BRIDE: Ancelma Lisarde> no parents listed in IGI> > DATE: 13 Sep 1797> GROOM: Jose Geronimo Vasquez> BRIDE: Maria del Refugio Ledesma> no parents listed in IGI> > Does anyone have access to the films for Yahualica on these dates?> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Res
earch Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
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Just a common misread when the films were being indexed for the IGI, LISARDE was misread for
LISALDE, of whom are the original family of López de Elisalde. When searching still try to look up with Lisarde since most of them are under that because of a simple mistake. -Daniel
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There are films for "información matrimonial", you should consult the familysearch site catalog. Good luck
Leticia Leon

--- El jue 21-ago-08, Claudia_Reynoso escribió:

My search this week is in Yahualica, where I am working on extending my
Gonzalez line, and I am stuck. Maybe a fellow member can assist with the

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