(NuestrosRanchos) Huizar

Hi AG,
I am looking for a Maria Huizar... She would have
Been born in the late 1850's to the early 1860's...
I am finding out that Huizar is not a very common
surname... she married a Cristobal Hernandez, and
they had at least 2 children that I know of.... Zenona
Hernandez and a sister whose name I do not know.

It is very possible that lived in Colotlan andTotatiche
In Jalisco.

Thank you for contacting me and letting me know.


-------Original Message-------

From: A G
Date: 12/12/06 16:13:45
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org; marty@vvm.com
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Researching Huizar

Hey Marty,

Welcome to the group. I am researching Huizar also.
Except that my Huizar family are from Colotlan and
Totatiche in Jalisco. It's not that far from
Fresnillo, I think...

Do you have any specific names? I can look them up
and see if I have any relatives with those names.

Take a look at my files if you are interested.

Angie Godina

--- Marty wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> my name is Marty and I am researching for my
> ancestry in the vicinity of the city/town of
> Fresillo in Zacatecas, Mexico... I am very intrested
> in the Sur-names of:
> Arroyo
> Villasana
> Hernandez
> Huizar
> If anyone has any of these Sur-names in their
> ancestry I would like to hear from you.
> Marty

I have seen this surname in the Mezquitic records.

Good luck,

Hello Marty and all the intrested in Huizar !! I have relation to the Huizar family, there is not much information on them and also is a uncommon surname and very tricky to write for indexers, sometimes it is missed spelled from writers on the original forms and on the indexing. The Huizar from Valparaiso is where I have the latest info for my family but it results that from 1834- 1865 there are missing records I am going to contact the church to ask if they do not have them or they are just not online available. There is why it is very little information on this surname. Hope everyone finds their roots and if you have more information please share. The last I have from my genealogy are these people: Crisanto Guisar married to Gertrudis Castañon born about 1850-60 they have as a child Marto Huizar born about 1880, who is my great grandfather but I have no records of any of them.

I am searching for marto huizar he was a cowboy in zacatecas worked for the Amaro family was married and on a trip his wife died and married an Amaro woman who he was traveling with because the Amaro family was getting away from the constitutionalist army !! Stablished on durango and had his family there!!
barbara melendez

Busco informacion de Marto Huizar era un arriero en zacatecas y trabajopara la familia amaro el era casado y en un viaje su esposa murio asi que se caso con una mujer de las Amaro a quien llevaba huyendo del ejercito Constitucionalista.
Se establecieron en Durango y ahi tuvieron a su familia.

andrew martell
hello my great grandpa was huizar and married to alvina gaeta


Sorry, I didn't find any information on your Maria Huizar.

Here is my 2nd great grandparents:
Jose Roman Huizar and Maria Leonarda Cardenas -

I still have family in the Rancho Agua Gorda, which is where Roman indicates his birth location.

For those of you who have the book:
Los Valdes de Totatiche, Leonarda Cardenas' picture is on the back cover. It is also found within the book on her family's page. Leonarda was the great granddaughter of Jose Leandro Valdes for whom the book is based on.

Marty when you are searching for Huizar relatives in the IGI or VRI index, be sure to spell it both Huizar and Huisar to get accurate records. Also occasionally I have seen it spelled Guizar and Guisar.
And once I even seen it spelled Quisar but when I ordered the film, the person who extracted the record mistook a G for a Q.

Many of the Huizar names in the IGI/VRI in the Totatiche and Colotlan area are related to me. Some can also be found in Momax and Tlaltenango, Zacatecas. I haven't seen any yet in Fresnillo but I will keep a look out for you. If you ever find out any additional names let me know and I will take a look again.

Good Luck on your search,
Angie Godina

Hi Angie,
My name is Amelia Macias and my family surnames are Huizar, Gutierrez, Del Real, Carrillo. They were from Colotlan, Bonquilla, Cuculiten and Totatiche, Momax, El Zapote

Some names:
Victor Nunez Huizar1847, Bonquilla
Ygnacio Carrillo Huizar1821, Bonquilla
Jose Antonio Del Real 1819, Momax
Maria Gaeta, 1846, Totatiche

My brother Felipe Huizar Gutierrez still lives in Colotlan

In a marriage record (1767 Aguascalientes), the parents of the groom
are left blank. In another recording of the same marriage, it says
"Expuesto Domingo García" in the space for the groom's parents. Can
anyone tell me what this means?

Stuart Armstrong

In reply to by Stuart Armstrong

Expuestos son los niños que eran abandonados en las puertas de las iglesias, claustros, conventos y en casas de vecinos del pueblo o ciudad. Cuando se abandonaban en las Iglesias y sus propiedades se les llamaba "Hijos de la Iglesia".
Lic. Rodolfo Sinaí Gómez
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:33:53 -0600> From: stuartarms@gmail.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] expuesto> > In a marriage record (1767 Aguascalientes), the parents of the groom> are left blank. In another recording of the same marriage, it says> "Expuesto Domingo García" in the space for the groom's parents. Can> anyone tell me what this means?> > Stuart Armstrong> mailto:stuartarms@gmail.com> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
P.D. Live Search tiene una sorpresa buenísima, chécala aquí.

In reply to by rodolfosinai

Rudolfo is correct and I was also told that sometimes these children called expuestos were the child of the man of the house and someone other than his wife.  It takes going further in the records to see if the child stayed with this family or not.
In checking records I found one family where the male child when by the surname of the home he was left (De la Cueva) at and then at least 30 years later he is using a different surname (Hurtado) which I think means he found who his actual parent (male or female) was.  This made for some interesting records since some of his children started using the new suname and others continued to use his old surname.  Finding lineage is sometimes very challening.
Linda no longer in B.C., now in Everett Wa.

--- On Tue, 9/30/08, Rodolfo Sinai Gomez wrote:

From: Rodolfo Sinai Gomez
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] expuesto
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:42 AM

Expuestos son los niños que eran abandonados en las puertas de las iglesias,
claustros, conventos y en casas de vecinos del pueblo o ciudad. Cuando se
abandonaban en las Iglesias y sus propiedades se les llamaba "Hijos de la
Lic. Rodolfo Sinaí Gómez
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:33:53 -0600> From:
stuartarms@gmail.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: [Nuestros
Ranchos] expuesto> > In a marriage record (1767 Aguascalientes), the
parents of the groom> are left blank. In another recording of the same
marriage, it says> "Expuesto Domingo García" in the space for the
groom's parents. Can> anyone tell me what this means?> > Stuart
Armstrong> mailto:stuartarms@gmail.com> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

In reply to by longsjourney

Erlinda, no siempre el niño expuesto en las puertas de alguna casa era hijo de los que allí habitaban. Es un tanto difícil comprobarlo, podemos sacar concluciones de ese hecho cuando la raza del expuesto corresponde a la de los habitantes o a la mezcla resultante según la raza de la madre, o a que el expuesto sea adoptado y apadrinado por los señores de la casa, o a los expedientes matrimoniales si es que llegó a la edad adulta y contrajo nupcias, pero la verdad es muy difícil asegurar eso. En ocasiones los expuestos ni siquiera son apadrinados por los dueños de la casa.
El uso de los apellidos era un tanto libre, los esclavos, hijos bastardos, hijos adoptados, y hasta ahijados podían sin ningún problema tomar los apellidos del amo, padre biológico o adoptivo, o del padrino. O los hijos de un mismo matrimonio podían tomar apellidos distintos, los de la madre o de algún abuelo.

Lo importante es no contemplar la historia con los prejuicios de nuestro tiempo, ni tratar de interpretarla según nuestra visión del mundo. Cada tiempo y sociedad se regía por distintas leyes, credos, dogmas, formas de pensar que tal vez sean ilógicas para nosotros.

Debemos dejar abierta cualquier posibilidad y buscar la verdad en datos comprobables sin interpretar nada dentro de nuestros parámetros.
Lic. Rodolfo Sinaí Gómez
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:01:44 -0700> From: longsjourney@yahoo.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] expuesto> > Rudolfo is correct and I was also told that sometimes these children called expuestos were the child of the man of the house and someone other than his wife. It takes going further in the records to see if the child stayed with this family or not.> > In checking records I found one family where the male child when by the surname of the home he was left (De la Cueva) at and then at least 30 years later he is using a different surname (Hurtado) which I think means he found who his actual parent (male or female) was. This made for some interesting records since some of his children started using the new suname and others continued to use his old surname. Finding lineage is sometimes very challening.> > Linda no longer in B.C., now in Everett Wa.> > --- On Tue, 9/30/08, Rodolfo Sinai Gomez wrote:> > From: Rodolfo Sinai Gomez > Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] expuesto> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 6:42 AM> > Expuestos son los niños que eran abandonados en las puertas de las iglesias,> claustros, conventos y en casas de vecinos del pueblo o ciudad. Cuando se> abandonaban en las Iglesias y sus propiedades se les llamaba "Hijos de la> Iglesia".> Lic. Rodolfo Sinaí Gómez> > Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:33:53 -0600> From:> stuartarms@gmail.com> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org> Subject: [Nuestros> Ranchos] expuesto> > In a marriage record (1767 Aguascalientes), the> parents of the groom> are left blank. In another recording of the same> marriage, it says> "Expuesto Domingo García" in the space for the> groom's parents. Can> anyone tell me what this means?> > Stuart> Armstrong> mailto:stuartarms@gmail.com> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email> to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription,> log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org> _________________________________________________________________> P.D. Live Search tiene una sorpresa buenísima, chécala aquí.> http://www.ganabuscando.com/Default.aspx> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org> > > > > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Live Search premia tus búsquedas, llévate hasta ¡Un Auto!

In reply to by longsjourney


Busco parientes que me puedadn dar datos de:

Micaela Quesada Islas
Regino Quesada Caldera
Benito Santillan Rodriguez
Magdalena Lopez Quesada

Nacidos en Nochistlan y Mexticacan

Gracias de antemano
Antonio Santillan
P.D. Live Search tiene una sorpresa buenísima, chécala aquí.

In reply to by Jose Antonio S…

No tengo respuesta de parientes, donde puedo encontrar informacion????> > Compañeros> > Busco parientes que me puedadn dar datos de:> > Micaela Quesada Islas> Regino Quesada Caldera> Benito Santillan Rodriguez> Magdalena Lopez Quesada> > Nacidos en Nochistlan y Mexticacan> > Gracias de antemano> Antonio Santillan> _________________________________________________________________> P.D. Live Search tiene una sorpresa buenísima, chécala aquí.> http://www.ganabuscando.com/Default.aspx> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --> Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)nuestrosranchos.org> > To change your subscription, log on to:> http://www.nuestrosranchos.org
Live Search premia tus búsquedas, llévate hasta ¡Un Auto!


I am researching my sister -in-laws family from this area. There are Carillo
and Gaeta surnames. You can find the information in the files area under
Edgar, Eric ( Tlatenango. etc)

Eric Edgar

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:17 PM, roots wrote:

> Hi Angie, My name is Amelia Macias and my family surnames are Huizar,
> Gutierrez, Del Real, Carrillo. They were from Colotlan, Bonquilla,
> Cuculiten and Totatiche, Momax, El Zapote
> Some names: Victor Nunez Huizar1847, Bonquilla
> Ygnacio Carrillo Huizar1821, Bonquilla
> Jose Antonio Del Real 1819, Momax
> Maria Gaeta, 1846, Totatiche
> My brother Felipe Huizar Gutierrez still lives in Colotlan

In reply to by robledo (not verified)


Are any of you related to CANDELARIO HUIZAR GARCIA DE LA CADENA (1883-1970)
from Jerez, Zacatecas

-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de eric edgar
Enviado el: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:37 PM
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Huizar Surname


I am researching my sister -in-laws family from this area. There are Carillo
and Gaeta surnames. You can find the information in the files area under
Edgar, Eric ( Tlatenango. etc)

Eric Edgar

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:17 PM, roots wrote:

> Hi Angie, My name is Amelia Macias and my family surnames are Huizar,
> Gutierrez, Del Real, Carrillo. They were from Colotlan, Bonquilla,
> Cuculiten and Totatiche, Momax, El Zapote
> Some names: Victor Nunez Huizar1847, Bonquilla
> Ygnacio Carrillo Huizar1821, Bonquilla
> Jose Antonio Del Real 1819, Momax
> Maria Gaeta, 1846, Totatiche
> My brother Felipe Huizar Gutierrez still lives in Colotlan

Hi Rick, I have him in my records but I am not related.  If you go to Rootsweb.com and enter his name it will give you whatever information I have.  I do enter my source records if you click on the name.  He's in my records because of the Mireles connection, again not related but I track surnames that my families in the District of Jerez married into.
Linda in Everett Wa.

--- On Tue, 9/30/08, Rick Rodriguez wrote:

From: Rick Rodriguez
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Huizar Surname
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 2:03 PM


Are any of you related to CANDELARIO HUIZAR GARCIA DE LA CADENA (1883-1970)
from Jerez, Zacatecas

Hello Amelia,

You are researching this family:

Right? Someone else just recently asked me about this family, but I can't remember who... I need to check my notes which are currently not with me.

Anyway, from what I remember, as far as a know, I am not related to this family of Huizar. I suspect if you research a generation further back we will have a link into my family of Huizar. Also, if I remember correctly this line of Del Real family married into the Cardenas family, of which I also decend from. But I could not see that marriage in the above link. So I may be mistaken. Do you have any Cardenas relatives? Also, I think we do share the Gaeta family, but again I could not see that marriage in the above link. Could you send me more information on your Gaeta family?

Angie Godina

ooh, Cuculiten! ! ! tell us exactly when and who comes from Cuculiten?
yes I have relatives: Diaz and Castaneda and Miramontes and Rodriguez
from Cuculiten but not the surnames you mention. Maybe some of my
relatives were neighbors of your relatives or possibly even their
children played together many years back.

And is it the Boquilla which is close to Colotlan? I think you have it
misspelled. I have cousins that are not in the group that have relatives
the currently live in Boquilla and that have been their for hundreds of
years. I might be able to dig up some pictures but from what I remember
it is not much to look at other than some foundations of fallen houses
and overgrown.



Joseph Puentes
http://h2opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://h2opodcast.blogspot.com/ (Blog for above)
http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)
http://nuestrosranchos.org (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes

roots wrote:
> Hi Angie, My name is Amelia Macias and my family surnames are Huizar,
> Gutierrez, Del Real, Carrillo. They were from Colotlan, Bonquilla,
> Cuculiten and Totatiche, Momax, El Zapote
> Some names: Victor Nunez Huizar1847, Bonquilla
> Ygnacio Carrillo Huizar1821, Bonquilla
> Jose Antonio Del Real 1819, Momax
> Maria Gaeta, 1846, Totatiche
> My brother Felipe Huizar Gutierrez still lives in Colotlan

Hi every one!!! it's me Michael Huizar here in Texas... Just tieing in Relatives in Michagan. Huizar Family Reunion in less than 2 Months!!! San Jose Mission is going to be jumping!!! be here!!! Huizar Family Reunion 2010!!!

In Los Angeles, one of the City Councilman is named "Huizar" and he is from Fresnillo.

Marty wrote: Hi AG,
I am looking for a Maria Huizar... She would have
Been born in the late 1850's to the early 1860's...
I am finding out that Huizar is not a very common
surname... she married a Cristobal Hernandez, and
they had at least 2 children that I know of.... Zenona
Hernandez and a sister whose name I do not know.

It is very possible that lived in Colotlan andTotatiche
In Jalisco.

Thank you for contacting me and letting me know.


-------Original Message-------

From: A G
Date: 12/12/06 16:13:45
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org; marty@vvm.com
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Researching Huizar

Hey Marty,

Welcome to the group. I am researching Huizar also.
Except that my Huizar family are from Colotlan and
Totatiche in Jalisco. It's not that far from
Fresnillo, I think...

Do you have any specific names? I can look them up
and see if I have any relatives with those names.

Take a look at my files if you are interested.

Angie Godina

--- Marty wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> my name is Marty and I am researching for my
> ancestry in the vicinity of the city/town of
> Fresillo in Zacatecas, Mexico... I am very intrested
> in the Sur-names of:
> Arroyo
> Villasana
> Hernandez
> Huizar
> If anyone has any of these Sur-names in their
> ancestry I would like to hear from you.
> Marty