Genealogy Tree

I'm looking for Flores Alatorre, Hernandez, Renteria, Romero out of Jalpa, Zacatecas.

Searching for my father's family in Jalpa. Surnames: Macias, Tostado, Luna, Alvarado and Marin. Thanks!

Hi there oh mysterious one ,

My name is Welester G. Alvarado and I am trying to connect my Alvarados' backwards from Villa de Santiago , Nuevo Leon to Zacatecas , Jalisco or Aguascaliente . If you have any of yours going north to Coahuila or maybe even to Nuevo Leon that would be great .

My Great great Grandfather was Candelario Alvarado he married twice that I know of in Villa de Santiago . Once in 1833 to a Maria Concepcion Garcia and then 10 yrs. latere to my Great great Grandmother Maria Quirina Saldivar Gomez in the year 1844 .

The RUTA DE PLATA was used on a regular bases during the early years by all the miners , maybe one of your Alvarados' is one of mine , I hope , I hope , I hope !

Thanx for listening ,

> > Searching for my father's family in Jalpa. Surnames: Macias, Tostado, Luna, Alvarado and Marin. Thanks!
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Hola Amelia,I'm a newbie at this Genealogical deal, but I have enough interest to learn and to persist. I recognize that the Macías line from which you descend is from a different location than mine. However I think that in the end we must all be related, it's just a matter of how far back we want to dig. In our favor we have a common surname which means that we have a good chance of tracing common ancestors. From the description below, there are many unkowns, but this is all I have for now. I hope to get more info soon. If you don't recognize anyone, at the very least I would appreciate if you could share some of your investigation on the Macías surname as I am sure that once I gather all the bits and pieces from several families, it will just be a matter of putting them together and hopefully find my place somewhere. Please read below for a brief description of my family line.Thanks,Jose

Descendants of Macias in Jalisco,

Generation No. 1

1. ¿? Macías was born around 1886
in Tenamaxtlán Jalisco. He married my GG Grandmother ?? Lucas probably around
1900-1906. She was probably born sometime around 1886.

Children of ¿? MACIAS (GG
Grandfather) and ¿? LUCAS (GG Grandmother) are:

i. Francisco Macias Lucas b. Abt 8 Sep
1909, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.


ii. Basilio Macias Lucas b. Abt
1902-1916, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.


Notes: Given names of my GG
grandparents are unknown. It is uncertain if they had more children (most
likely they did, as is usually the case with these “Breeding Stallions” –
Abuelo el Sementa!). Based on the verbal accounts of family members, it is possible
that one of my GG grandparents had another son named Agustin which is a half
brother of the 2 previously mentioned brothers (Francisco and Basilio). Unfortunately my current information only stems from the children of my Grandparents (Francisco Macías Lucas). I don't know if Basilio has children or if he had siblings, or if these siblings had more children.

Generation No. 2

2. Great Grandfather Francisco
Macias Lucas (b. Abt 8 Sep 1909, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d. Abt unknown).
He maried Maria Gomez Sanchez (b. 3 Aug 1908) in San Luis Potosí México. The
month and day form the birth dates of my Grand Parents are accurate, but the
birth year is an approximation. From the accounts of my grand parents I know
that my Great Grandfather married when he was 16 years of age, and my Great
Grandmother at 15. Yup, they were young, so what!? And you know what else?
Apparently there was no money for TV and the tractor was probably broken down
leaving them with ample time to propagate (8 children!).

Children of my G Grandfather
Francisco Macías Lucas and my G Grandmother María Gomez Sanchez.

i. Ramon
Macias Gomez b. 25 Aug 1925, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d. Abt

1988, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí,

Agustina Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México

Lucia Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México

iv. Juana
Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.

Abt 1995

Sirenia Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México

vi. Leocadia
Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México

viii. Felícitas
Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México

Roberto Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, d. Abt 2006, San Luis Potosi,

San Luis Potosí, México

Notes: I will have more information on names and dates

> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 22:01:06 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Jalpa, Zac
> Searching for my father's family in Jalpa. Surnames: Macias, Tostado, Luna, Alvarado and Marin. Thanks!

I'm new to this site and your posting caught my attention. My grandfather's name was Francisco Macias and he was born on October 4, 1886. I cannot verify, but I was told he was born in Zacatecas, Mexico. He is the son of Gerardo or Eduardo Macias and his mother's name was Eusebia Mendoza. My grandfather, Francisco, married Consuelo Vallejo of Allende, Coahuila, Mexico. Sometime in the 1900's they settled in Texas.

I am interested in learning more about the Macias surname. I hope we find common

Norma Partida


Where in Texas did your grandparents settle.


----- Original Message ----
> From: ""
> To:
> Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 9:21:39 PM
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Macias surname
> I'm new to this site and your posting caught my attention.  My
> grandfather's name was Francisco Macias and he was born on October 4, 1886. I
> cannot verify, but I was told he was born in Zacatecas, Mexico.  He is the
> son of Gerardo or Eduardo Macias and his mother's name was  Eusebia
> Mendoza.  My grandfather, Francisco, married Consuelo Vallejo of Allende,
> Coahuila, Mexico.  Sometime in the 1900's they settled in Texas.

> am interested in learning more about the Macias surname.  I hope we find
> common

Norma Partida

These might be relatives of yours. You will need to see the original
christening record on the film of this Francisco to verify if he is the
one you are looking for. Occasionally the people extracting the christenings
made mistakes (typo's). His mother might actually be a Mendoza instead of
the indicated Mendez. The date does not match; however, not all children
were christened right after birth. Additionally the information on the date
of his birth might have been passed down through several generations and
could have been modified.

I would look for the marriage record of Francisco in the town where the
bride is from to try to determine the exact name of his parents and possible
origin. Furthermore, I would also try to locate the christening records of
any of the children to see if Abuelos Paternos/Maternos are mentioned.
Moreover, make sure to look at the civil records if they exist for any of
these localities. They often yield additional information and should always
be looked at, regardless of finding the christening record. Whenever
possible, you should try to get two collaberating sources to establish a

Estos puede que sean parientes suyos. Tendrá que ver el registro de bautismo
original en la película de Francisco para verificar si él es el que usted
busca. De vez en cuando a la gente haciendo la extracción de los bautizmos
cometio errores (error tipográfico's). La madre podría ser en realidad una
Mendoza en lugar de un Méndez. La fecha no coincide, sin embargo, no todos
los niños fueron bautizados inmediatamente después del nacimiento. Además,
la información sobre la fecha de su nacimiento podría haber sido transmitida
a través de varias generaciones, y se pudo haber modificado.

Buscaria el acta de matrimonio de Francisco en la ciudad de donde la novia
es, para tratar de determinar el nombre exacto de sus padres y su posible
origen. Por otra parte, yo también trataria de localizar los registros de
bautismo de alguno de los niños de el para ver si Abuelos Paternos /
Maternos se mencionan. Además, asegúrate de buscar en el registro civil, si
es que existen, para cualquiera de estas localidades. A menudo se encuentra
información adicional, y siempre debe ser considerado, independientemente de
encontrar el registro de bautizo. Siempre que sea posible, usted debe tratar
de conseguir dos fuentes para establecer un hecho.

Andrea Macias
[image: Four Stars] 3 January 1882
La Purificación, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eucebia Mendosa
Andrea Macias Contributor FamilySearch Extraction Program Source Source
type: Other, Image number: 330, Record number: 93, Batch number: I06934-4,
Batch number: I06934-4, Location in source: v p 285, Source template:
INDEX05, Locality: Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico, Language: Spanish,
Contributor: EXTRACTION
Clemente Macias
[image: Four Stars] 6 December 1891
Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendoza
FamilySearch Extraction Program
Source type: Other, Image number: 310, Record number: 59, Batch number:
I04325-9, Batch number: I04325-9, Location in source: 260, Source template:
INDEX05, Locality: Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico, Language: Spanish,
Contributor: EXTRACTION

Juana Macias
[image: Four Stars] 19 September 1886
Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendoza

FamilySearch Extraction Program
Source type: Other, Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, Event date: , Image number: 151, Reference number: p 115, Batch
number: I043258, Contributor: EXTRACTION

Jose Ysabel Macias
[image: Four Stars]
15 July 1879
Víctor Rosales (Pinos), Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendoza
Name: Jose Ysabel Macias Contributor FamilySearch Extraction Program
Source Source type: Other, Image number: 21, Record number: 45, Batch
number: I07607-7, Batch number: I07607-7, Location in source: v 1 p 12,
Source template: INDEX05, Locality: Víctor Rosales (Pinos), Zacatecas,
Mexico, Language: Spanish, Contributor: EXTRACTION

Francisco Macias
[image: Four Stars] 10 February 1889
Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendez

Source type: Other, Image number: 226, Record number: 2, Batch number:
I04325-9, Batch number: I04325-9, Location in source: v 1 p 185, Source
template: INDEX05, Locality: Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico, Language: Spanish,
Contributor: EXTRACTION

Dominga Macias
[image: Four Stars] 3 March 1895
Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendoza
Source type: Other, Image number: 402, Record number: 11, Batch number:
I04325-9, Batch number: I04325-9, Location in source: 41, Source template:
INDEX05, Locality: Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico, Language: Spanish,
Contributor: EXTRACTION

Petra Macias
[image: Four Stars] 13 May 1884
Ojuelos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Gerardo Macias
Eusebia Mendoza

Source type: Other, Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Event date: , Image number: 65, Reference number: p 49, Batch number:
I043258, Contributor: EXTRACTION

Good luck! Buena suerte!

Saludos desde Lago Salado (Salt Lake City, UT)
Eduardo H Seoane

Hello Rubén! Im Daniel Camino were from Huanusco right next door to Jalpa, Did you know that Jalpa use to be part of Huanusco? (Thats what I heard) Anyway, you might have heard of us the Camino family who owns or at least use to the Hacienda La Luz all the on eastern Huanusco and extends into Aguascalientes? I might be able to help with some families you search for namely, Flores, Rentería, I wonder if your related to the same Hernández who came from Jalpa to La Luz, it's possible. As may know Huanuscans and Jalpans intermarry extensively making Los Altos seem normal, we have nephews and aunts marry, cousins and 1st cousins, 2nd, 3rd, uncle and nieces. Especially in La Luz we have a pop of abt 340 and everyone is related somehow. We started out with 7 families and for the next 200 years we would only marry into these families. They were the quote in quote "pure spanish blood", many times we have been confused and can totally pass for Anglos (i.e. from England or ancestry) I dont say pass as anglo-saxon because I also have saxon blood, I do have some English ancestors but farther back. As you do your research you might seem to trace them east to Huanusco so dont be easily discouraged if you cant find them in Jalpa. Jalpa has a rather new church built ca. 1920? Remember that Jalpa was under the jurisiction of Tabasco as well so people went to baptize their kids their most of the time, us at La Luz stopped going to Tabasco, and had our own Juris. when we built La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Luz, most of the Huanusco ranches came to our hacienda to get baptize and some Jalpa, thats how the HErnández met the Caminos. Soon after they would move to La Luz.
-Daniel Méndez del Camino
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My mom is from Los Altos, the same thing about intermarriage among a few families, same idea of the "pure Spanish blood"
Gabriela> From:> To:> Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:18:10 -0700> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Genealogy Tree> > > Hello Rubén! Im Daniel Camino were from Huanusco right next door to Jalpa, Did you know that Jalpa use to be part of Huanusco? (Thats what I heard) Anyway, you might have heard of us the Camino family who owns or at least use to the Hacienda La Luz all the on eastern Huanusco and extends into Aguascalientes? I might be able to help with some families you search for namely, Flores, Rentería, I wonder if your related to the same Hernández who came from Jalpa to La Luz, it's possible. As may know Huanuscans and Jalpans intermarry extensively making Los Altos seem normal, we have nephews and aunts marry, cousins and 1st cousins, 2nd, 3rd, uncle and nieces. Especially in La Luz we have a pop of abt 340 and everyone is related somehow. We started out with 7 families and for the next 200 years we would only marry into these families. They were the quote in quote "pure spanish blood", many times we have been confused and can totally pass for Anglos (i.e. from England or ancestry) I dont say pass as anglo-saxon because I also have saxon blood, I do have some English ancestors but farther back. As you do your research you might seem to trace them east to Huanusco so dont be easily discouraged if you cant find them in Jalpa. Jalpa has a rather new church built ca. 1920? Remember that Jalpa was under the jurisiction of Tabasco as well so people went to baptize their kids their most of the time, us at La Luz stopped going to Tabasco, and had our own Juris. when we built La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Luz, most of the Huanusco ranches came to our hacienda to get baptize and some Jalpa, thats how the HErnández met the Caminos. Soon after they would move to La Luz. > -Daniel Méndez del Camino> _________________________________________________________________> Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.>…> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> general(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>
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