Gertrudis Diaz de Leon

Hello to all!

Do any of you have info on Gertrudis Diaz de Leon? She was married to Juan Alvarez Tostado, son of Captian Juan Alvarez Tostado and Isabel Ramirez de Mendoza. Gertrudis is my 7th ggmother.



Saludos a todos!

Alguien de ustedes tiene alguna informacion de Gertrudis Diaz de Leon? Ella estuvo casada con Juan Alvarez Tostado, hijo del Capitan Juan Alvarez Tostado e Isabel Ramirez de Mendoza. Ella es mi 7a bisabuela.


Diego Delgadillo and isabel calderon orosco are the parents of juan delgadillo who married Maria de las Islas (o Gonzalez de Islas).
They had a son also named Juan Delgadillo who married Elvira Martinez de Alarcon, daughter of Miguel Martinez Alarcon and
Josefa Bautista Rubalcava.
Juan and Elvira were the parents of Maria antonia delgadillo (o Martienes de alarcon o Gonzalez de Islas) She used all 3 last names and different combinations.
Maria antonia married jose diaz de leon and were the parents of gertrudis Diaz de Leon

Josefa Bautista Rubalcava was the daughter of Matheo Rubalcava and Geronima Morales
I am still buiding the case for Jose de leon's parents. I have gotten away from this investigation but have solid leads that I just need time to get back and put it all together. I actually have abundant information that needs a lot of time to properly present the Diaz de Leon family.

R.A. Ricci quiero preguntar si tu sabes porque María Concepción Rentería, mujer de Juan Delgadillo a veces aparece como María de Islas o María González de Islas.

Y ahora que preguntas sobre la familia Díaz de León, sabes quienes son los padres de Juan Díaz de León, que nació aproximadamente en 1644 en Aguascalientes, el cual casó con la Jalostotitlense Juana Trujillo?

Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.

P.D. Checa las nuevas fotos de mi Space

Hola. Qué interesante saber acerca de estos datos. Gertrudiz Díaz de León forma parte de mi árbol genealógico. Ella estuvo casada con Cristóbal Chávez y entre sus hijos estuvo Doroteo Chávez Díaz de León, de quien desciendo en forma directa a través de Juan Ignacio Chávez Delgadillo, nacido el 24 de noviembre de 1824.
Yo tengo el acta de matrimonio de Doroteo Chávez y de María Delgadillo, fechada el 26 de enero de 1814 en Aguascalientes, Ags. Sin embargo, ahí establece que los padres de María Delgadillo eran José María Degadillo e Ignacia Guerra.
Aprovecho para preguntar si tienen información de los padres de Cristóbal Chávez o Christobal de Chaves, suegro de María Antonia Delgadillo Guerra, su origen y si tienen alguna fecha que me ayude para seguir investigando la genealogía de los Chávez.
Ricardo Chávez Ruiz Esparza

--- El jue 19-feb-09, Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez escribió:

De:: Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Gertrudis diaz de leon greatgrandparents
A: "Nuestros Ranchos"
Fecha: jueves, 19 febrero, 2009, 11:06 am

R.A. Ricci quiero preguntar si tu sabes porque María Concepción Rentería,
mujer de Juan Delgadillo a veces aparece como María de Islas o María González
de Islas.

Y ahora que preguntas sobre la familia Díaz de León, sabes quienes son los
padres de Juan Díaz de León, que nació aproximadamente en 1644 en
Aguascalientes, el cual casó con la Jalostotitlense Juana Trujillo?

Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.

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Yo no sabia que a veces parece como Maria Concepcion Renteria. Mis notas y trabajo no mas la ensenan como Maria Concepcion de las Islas o Maria de concepcion Gonzalez de Islas.
Me puedes dar tu informacion donde aparece como renteria
Yo no tengo a sus padres

I have some of the information you are looking for. I have her parents names and her mothers parents and grandparents for a few generations. I have lots of clues on her fathers parents that I am still working on. I put aside the diaz de leon research for a while and I will go back to it soon. For her mother's info I will have to take a lot of time which I don't have right now but I thought I would at least make your day by letting you know that it is fothcoming. I will try to find time this week to send it.


I forgot to add that I could also probably enlighten you on the tostado line. Some of the misinformation actually started in Spain and repeated in many genealogy books. I can clarify some of the information on the Tostados in Spain.


I forgot to add that I could also probably enlighten you on the tostado line. Some of the misinformation actually started in Spain and repeated in many genealogy books. I can clarify some of the information on the Tostados in Spain.


Gertrudis was the daughter of Jose Diaz de Leon and Maria Antonia Delgadillo aka ma. antonia martines, aka antonia Gonzales de islas.
I am still working on jose diaz de leon, I don't have his parents confirmed yet but I have many clues and brother that I am working on. It seems as they came from aguascalientes. I cannot tell you anything more on Jose because at this point it is pure conjecture until I confirm the data that I have.
On the mother Maria Antonia Delgadillo Martines de Alarcon y Gonzalez de Islas the information is confirmed but was a little tricky to do so because she used so many different surnames. I have antonias parents grandparents , and half of her great grandparents (4 of them)that I will send to you later.
Also I want to add that on the tostado side of the family was the smartest man of his time, an albert einstein that stood up to torquemada the inquistor and defended himself to the pope. he was much smarter than either one of them. Torquemada was frustrated because he could not debate with him. The Pope did not really understand all of the arguements but sided with tostado because it was obvious that he knew what he was talking about and that he could debate anyone. It was not that he had great rhetorical skills which he may have had. It was that he was highly knowledgeable combined with great anaylitical skills. He actually was ahead of his time in his analysis of scripture. He did not limit himself to theology though. He was knowledgeable in many areas.
Contrary to spanish folklore he did not suffer from his brain frying from so much study and writing. This is a myth that was not true that has been repeated in many genealogy books. He was brilliant until his death. He was given a title and post near the end of his life that showed that he still had it. He was named after his father. the myth probably had its root in that tostado means just that toasted, burned. when you see that amount of writing that he did it is hard to believe that one person did all that without burning out. there are a couple of sayings in spanish that refer to him. to write a lot is "escribir como el tostado" and another one that I can't remember right now I guess my brain is toast.

María Antonia Delgadillo, también conocida como Antonia Martínez de Alarcón es hija de Juan Delgadillo, según José Luis Vásquez y Rodríguez de Frías, en su estudio sobre las familias de Nochistlán, y por lo tanto nieta por la paterna de Juan Delgadillo y María Concepción Rentería.

Jorge Luis Ramírez Gómez.

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Thank you for the link but unfortunately they are "recent" and they had already removed the Diaz.

Gracias de todos modos. Am sure they will become handy as I trek through this branch.


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