Salvador Cabral

Attention NuestrosRanchos primos.

Salvador Cabral would like to become a member. What process does he need to use to join our group.

He has extensive genealogy research in Zacatecas where he is from. I recommend to invite him because he would be a tremendous asset to us.

Jose Carlos de Leon


Salvador, igual que cualquier persona con ancestors de la region donde nos enfocamos, es eligible para ser miembro. Ya solicito una cuenta, ya nos envio su arbor representativo y ya es miembo. Acabo de ver que ya ha comenzado a contribuir. Gracias por invitarlo ya que es un genealogo muy reconocido y se que sera un contribuyente muy valioso para la organizacion.

My grandmother was kidnapped in Mexico during a Revolution. She was about 17.
I recently read an email from Nuestros Ranchos and someone mentioned a similar story but I must have deleted it. If anyone has any information as to the kidnapping's, please re-post.
Thank You,

Not sure if its mine but on my mother's family hacienda when the Villistas came and took control they tried to kidnap my great grandmother she is still alive at 91, Sara del Camino y Soto. She was one of the most beautiful women or (donacella) on the hacienda, my grandfather (her nephew--crazy family intermarriage) said his father (her cousin) told him once she was a beautiful blonde, blue eyed young lady which was very desirable traits for a lot of men. -Daniel Camino

> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 22:20:44 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Kidnapping's
> My grandmother was kidnapped in Mexico during a Revolution. She was about 17.
> I recently read an email from Nuestros Ranchos and someone mentioned a similar story but I must have deleted it. If anyone has any information as to the kidnapping's, please re-post.
> Thank You,
> Del