family tree for anniversary

Can anyone suggest a source for having a family tree done for display? My
brothers and I are organizing a 60th wedding anniversay party for our
parents in July and I want post one for each of them. I can search on the
internet, but thought some of you might have some suggestions from
experience. I'd appreciate any tips on this. Thanks.--Raquel

You might consider the program in Family Tree Maker. Put it on a flash drive and take it to Kinko's. They'll make the poster as big as you want. I've given away the 5'x5' posters to family. These posters cost about $4-$6 each. has fancier ones that might be better quality keepsakes.
Eloise Reyes

-----Original Message-----
From: Raquel Ruiz
Sent: Tue, Mar 23, 2010 5:56 pm
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] family tree for anniversary

Can anyone suggest a source for having a family tree done for display? My
rothers and I are organizing a 60th wedding anniversay party for our
arents in July and I want post one for each of them. I can search on the
nternet, but thought some of you might have some suggestions from
xperience. I'd appreciate any tips on this. Thanks.--Raquel

Definitely I'd suggest go to and order one from MyCanvas
application very good quality!

Good Luck!

From: "Raquel Ruiz"
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:56 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] family tree for anniversary

> Can anyone suggest a source for having a family tree done for display? My
> brothers and I are organizing a 60th wedding anniversay party for our
> parents in July and I want post one for each of them. I can search on the
> internet, but thought some of you might have some suggestions from
> experience. I'd appreciate any tips on this. Thanks.--Raquel

I agree. My Canvas which is a partner of does very nice work. It's very easy to use (you can upload your tree if you don't already have an tree), pick the poster you want and the hit a button and you're done. There is also editing capablity as well as printing off your computer or other place that does oversize printing. That capability is great for people other than the honorees who would like a copy. Customer service is great. I made a family history book for my aunt's 90th birthday and it came out very nice. Perfect gift for the older person who says they have everything they need. Sherri Mora