Teaching Moment

Dear Group,
 I've come across two new situations that have become stumbling blocks to my reseach.   I refer to them as stumbling blocks, not brick walls, because I believe it's just a matter of my inexperience that is causing the problem.   I'm sure that more experienced researchers know how to deal with them, and will be willing to share and educate.
1.  How do you research in Spain when you don't find IGI films to view?  I've studied the PARES site and have found posssibly useful information, but don't know how to access birth, baptismal, or other records or documents to verify that I'm dealing with the right person.  I'm sure I need to acquire a new mindset, different from what I've been doing up to now with online IGI and FHC films, and I'm willing to learn.   
2.  How do you access films (#1553565, batch #0760031) that can't be sent to FHC and have limited access at the FHL?    
Your help would be greatly appreciated.    Thanks so much.      Alice

“Celebration of Family History” occurring in Salt Lake City on April 29.
You can share information about this with others, in that you are out of
town then, by going to the website at support@familysearch.org

I have a friend that has two tickets, please let me know who wants them so I
can have them for you.

Sylvia H Corona Cortes

Wow, Sylvia!  It sounds great, but I know it's not possible for me to attend at this time.  I hope some other lucky person can take advantage of the tickets.  Are those films not available to FHC, only available for viewing at the Family History Library?  Maybe they could do a look up for me!   Thanks so much for your response and have a fruitful conference.   

--- On Fri, 4/9/10, Sylvia H Corona wrote:

From: Sylvia H Corona
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Teaching Moment
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 6:41 PM

“Celebration of Family History” occurring in Salt Lake City on April 29.
You can share information about this with others, in that you are out of
town then, by going to the website at support@familysearch.org

I have a friend that has two tickets, please let me know who wants them so I
can have them for you.

Sylvia H Corona Cortes

I unfortunatelly can not take opportunity of this offer, I hope someone can,
pleale let me know

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Alice Blake wrote:

> Wow, Sylvia! It sounds great, but I know it's not possible for me to
> attend at this time. I hope some other lucky person can take advantage of
> the tickets. Are those films not available to FHC, only available for
> viewing at the Family History Library? Maybe they could do a look up for
> me! Thanks so much for your response and have a fruitful conference.
> Alice
> --- On Fri, 4/9/10, Sylvia H Corona wrote:
> From: Sylvia H Corona
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Teaching Moment
> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 6:41 PM
> “Celebration of Family History” occurring in Salt Lake City on April 29.
> You can share information about this with others, in that you are out of
> town then, by going to the website at support@familysearch.org
> I have a friend that has two tickets, please let me know who wants them so
> I
> can have them for you.
> Sylvia H Corona Cortes