Trying To Locate Old Cemetaries in Your Village


When I was at our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico. I went over to the current cemetary to find my grandparents and great grandparents.

But I also walked around looking at the dates to see which are the oldest. The oldest ones in the current cemetary date back to the early 1900's.

Then I thought about my ancestors that I found in the archives dating in the 1700's and wondered where could that old cemetary be located at?

So I asked family and friends in our village and other people about whether there was another cemetary where people from the 1700's were buried.

I was told that their is another place where there was another older cemetary. But they turned it into a Rodeo Arena and it is near a school.


> To:
> From:
> Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 12:39:22 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Trying To Locate Old Cemetaries in Your Village
> Hi,
> When I was at our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico. I went over to the current cemetary to find my grandparents and great grandparents.
> But I also walked around looking at the dates to see which are the oldest. The oldest ones in the current cemetary date back to the early 1900's.
> Then I thought about my ancestors that I found in the archives dating in the 1700's and wondered where could that old cemetary be located at?
> So I asked family and friends in our village and other people about whether there was another cemetary where people from the 1700's were buried.
> I was told that their is another place where there was another older cemetary. But they turned it into a Rodeo Arena and it is near a school.

En la epoca colonial era costumbre que los difuntos se sepultaran en las iglesias, dentro y en el atrio, cuanto mejor posicion economica, podian aceder a un un lugar cerca del altar principal. Los pobres eran sepultados en el atrio, y los judios, excomulgados y todo aquel considerado fuera de la religion se enterraban fuera de la "tierra sagrada" o se a en "tierra bruta"

Cuando se aplicaron leyes de reforma (expedidas en 1855-1860 principalmente por Benito Juarez, Ignacio Comonfort y Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada) se quitaron a la iglesia varias facultades, entre ellas la del control de los cementerios, y fue a partir de ahi que aparecen los cementerios a cargo de las autoridades civiles.


In the colonial period it was customary for the dead were buried in churches inside and around in the the atrium, the better economic position, they could dock to a place near the main altar. The poor were buried in the atrium, and the jews, excommunicated and anyone considered outside of the religion were buried outside of the "sacred ground" to the "raw land"

When applied the "Leyes de Reforma"(issued in 1855-1860 mainly by Benito Juarez, Ignacio Comonfort, and Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada) were removed to the church several powers, including control of cemeteries, and from there went to the cemeteries listed by the civil authorities.

Miguel Beltran

Thank you for sharing your great story. I am certain that the story you recounted has been repeated for other of our ancestor's cemeteries unfortunately.
------Original Message------
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Trying To Locate Old Cemetaries in Your Village
Sent: Oct 16, 2010 12:39 PM


When I was at our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico. I went over to the current cemetary to find my grandparents and great grandparents.

But I also walked around looking at the dates to see which are the oldest. The oldest ones in the current cemetary date back to the early 1900's.

Then I thought about my ancestors that I found in the archives dating in the 1700's and wondered where could that old cemetary be located at?

So I asked family and friends in our village and other people about whether there was another cemetary where people from the 1700's were buried.

I was told that their is another place where there was another older cemetary. But they turned it into a Rodeo Arena and it is near a school.