Can You Read This from 1739?

I am trying to figure out the name of one person on this record. I will not say what I think it reads, as I do not want to prejudice everyone's opinion. The record is from Mexico, Catholic Church Records, Aguascalientes,Asientos,Nuestra Señora de Belén - Matrimonios, 1729-1740. The specific record I am looking at is the marriage of Calletano De Chabes. What is his mother in-laws name? I've put links to the images below.

"The Name"
"The Section"
"The book"

Henry Chavez

That is what I thought, but the "V" looked like an "A" to me. I decided it was Vivar after looking at other names attached to Romo. The copy was really messy. Thanks for the help.

Henry Chavez