Looking for Book

Hello Everyone,
I would like to know if anyone knows where I could find
the book, "Filigranas,Fundaciones y Genealogias" by
Jose Leon Robles de la Torre. I believe it was published
in 2007. Any help would be appreciated.

Gustavo Carrillo

If you go to World Cat at http://www.worldcat.org/ you can find a library that has this book.

If you search for this title, there are actually two books by this author with similar titles:

Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías, Tepetongo, Zacs., published in 1999
Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías : Jerez, 1531-1992-2006, Susticacán, 1562-1981, y Monte Escobedo 1600-1700-1995, Zacatecas, published in 2007

The website allows you to put in your zip code, and it will list the libraries closest to you in order of distance.

In my case, the closest library is in Southern California.

World Cat does not necessarily include all libraries, but only those that are part of its system.

If you live near Salt Lake City, also check the FHL catalog (this is not part of World Cat).

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

The Tepetongo book is at the Los Angeles Family History Library on
Santa Monica Blvd. in West LA. I donated it to them quite a few years
ago and saw it on the shelf a couple weeks ago.

John P. Schmal

-----Original Message-----
From: gpf13
To: general
Sent: Sat, Nov 5, 2011 5:33 pm
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Locations for the Book

If you go to World Cat at http://www.worldcat.org/ you can find a
library that has this book.

If you search for this title, there are actually two books by this
author with similar titles:

Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías, Tepetongo, Zacs., published in
Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías : Jerez, 1531-1992-2006,
Susticacán, 1562-1981, y Monte Escobedo 1600-1700-1995, Zacatecas,
published in 2007

The website allows you to put in your zip code, and it will list the
libraries closest to you in order of distance.

In my case, the closest library is in Southern California.

World Cat does not necessarily include all libraries, but only those
that are part of its system.

If you live near Salt Lake City, also check the FHL catalog (this is
not part of World Cat).

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

The Tepetongo book is at the Los Angeles Family History Library on
Santa Monica Blvd. in West LA. I donated it to them quite a few years
ago and saw it on the shelf a couple weeks ago.

John P. Schmal

-----Original Message-----
From: gpf13
To: general
Sent: Sat, Nov 5, 2011 5:33 pm
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Locations for the Book

If you go to World Cat at http://www.worldcat.org/ you can find a
library that has this book.

If you search for this title, there are actually two books by this
author with similar titles:

Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías, Tepetongo, Zacs., published in
Filigranas, fundaciones y genealogías : Jerez, 1531-1992-2006,
Susticacán, 1562-1981, y Monte Escobedo 1600-1700-1995, Zacatecas,
published in 2007

The website allows you to put in your zip code, and it will list the
libraries closest to you in order of distance.

In my case, the closest library is in Southern California.

World Cat does not necessarily include all libraries, but only those
that are part of its system.

If you live near Salt Lake City, also check the FHL catalog (this is
not part of World Cat).

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA